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«Never mind the impulses. What's the real situation?»

«Well, if that tub had gone over it could have been rather expensive-we'd very likely have to replace the booth and the chair. But as far as the rest is concerned, I had ninety-five out of a hundred chances of cutting all circuits before any really serious damage was done.»

«What about the odd five chances?»

«I would like an automatic monitor hooked into the circuit controls. It would be activated as soon as the return sequence is completed and Richard is safely back with us and go into action if there were any flood or fire or other anomaly. That will cost some money, but it will be rather closer to seven thousand pounds than to seven million.»

«That sounds within reason,» said J. He could not help adding, «Even if you aren't.» The response to that was another chuckle and then a click as Leighton hung up.

J sighed. As if there weren't enough problems already! Now Leighton was developing a taste for practical jokes.

Then J reminded himself to keep things in proportion. The situation could be far worse. Consider.

Richard was back safe and sound, alive, healthy, unwounded, with the commando knife (which he had put to very good use), and the great golden bathtub.

The mystery hero problem was not getting any better, but it wasn't getting any worse either.

Leighton might be developing a taste for practical joke, but he hadn't conceived any new lines of research that would have to be started at once at the cost of several million pounds.

No, when all was said and done, Lord Leighton's new vice was hardly a problem worth worrying about.

It complicated things, of course. But J knew that if he'd really wanted a simple life, he would never have decided to stay in espionage work so many years ago. He would have made a modest and secure career in the army. Or he might even have followed in his father's footsteps, living quietly on his estates, collecting Byzantine art and manuscripts and keeping bees. No, he had made his choice all those years ago, and he'd made it with his eyes open.

Nor had he ever really regretted it.

J laughed quietly to himself, drew the file back in front of him, and began to work through it again.

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