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But now Nayung by order of the Ulungas could not approach Afuno. If he tried, he would be going against the will of the Sky Father. His whole reputation for moderation would go up in smoke in an instant. His life would follow shortly, if, past events were any clue. And if the Ulungas were sufficiently determined to have a king of their faction, they might find ways of keeping all the other progressive candidates from approaching Afuno. They might end up leaving the field open to Chamba or some other man they supported. The Ulungas saw their power threatened, and they would do anything to hold onto it.

Blade considered Nayung's words in silence for a minute, and then for another minute. Nayung leaned against the wall and seemed to be calm. Only the twitching of a nerve above his left eye betrayed the strain. Finally Blade sighed and said, «Well, we ca


If Blade had suddenly sprouted a second head with long, flowing purple hair, Nayung could not have looked at him with more shock and surprise. The Zungan's mouth opened and shut several times like that of a dying fish before he said:

«That is sacrilege.»

Blade shook his head. «Nayung, consider. Who respects the Ulungas most? A man who bribes them to give judgments to advance his political plans? Or one who respects them in all things until they put the whole people of Zunga in danger? In fact, can the Ulungas even be respecting themselves if they play with the future of the Zungans in this way? If the Zungans are the protected and beloved of the Sky Father, is it not the greatest sacrilege of all to endanger their future? Nayung, perhaps going before Afuno without the permission of the Ulungas is sacrilege. But it is not the greatest sacrilege, nor is it the first. Sacrilege already swarms around the Zungans like carrion birds around a dead animal.»

Nayung's face had remained frozen in its first astonishment while Blade talked. When Blade fell silent, Nayung still showed no change of expression for a moment. Then with an almost imperceptible jerk of his head, he said, «Yes, I suppose you are right. The Sky Father must understand what we do, if he protects the Zungans as the Ulungas themselves say he does. But how are we to do this thing without being instantly killed? The Ulungas will not wait for the Sky Father to take vengeance for this. Their guards will attack us at once, the moment we step toward the king.»

Blade slammed a clenched fist down into his palm.. «That is exactly what I want! Do the guards ever throw their spears?»

Again Nayung looked shocked. «To throw a spear is contrary to the laws given by the Sky Father. Except for the king,» he added.

«No doubt,» said Blade. «And I suppose the Ulungas' guards have to be particularly careful to obey the laws. Besides, those spears are not very good for throwing as they are now. In a few days I could show you how to make something so much better!»

«Blade,» said Nayung. «We were talking of approaching the king. Why do you want the guards to attack us?»

«I should have said, attack me. Remember, I took six of you without a scratch there in the forest. And I wasn't using a spear.»

«Just that stick.»

«Just that stick,» said Blade, nodding. «With a spear, I think I can hold off just about any number of the Ulungas' guards until the king notices me.»

Nayung laughed. «Blade, if you start a fight in the royal circle or anywhere near it, King Afuno will notice it about one breath after it begins. He may even climb down from the throne platform and take a hand in the fight if his daughters will let him.»

«Do his daughters have that much influence over him?» asked Blade.

Nayung's smile broadened. «Ah, Blade, I see where that thought is taking you. I do not blame you. If they were not royal, all five of Afuno's daughters would have been wed years ago. Even the youngest is beautiful, and Aumara is the most beautiful of the five. Half the warriors in Zunga would take such a woman with no bride price at all. But Afuno will never consider giving Aumara to a warrior not of the Zungans, even if he does not commit 'sacrilege' before the king's very eyes. Think of some other women of the Zungans.»

«You think of your plan,» said Blade rather testily. «Even if I were interested in being King of Zunga I would still have to survive our little demonstration for Afuno.» He hoped Nayung was convinced by this. If Nayung got to suspecting that Blade was aiming at the Zungan throne, he would be much less willing to cooperate in Blade's plans. And Blade needed the Zungan's cooperation for quite a while to come.

As if he had read the last part of Blade's thoughts, Nayung asked, «Blade, while you are fighting the guards and risking your life, what am I doing? Do I simply stand about like a carved wooden image of the Sky Father in the House of the Ulungas? It will not be to my honor to let a friend risk his life for me when I am doing nothing.»

«Don't worry,» said Blade. «When I start fighting with the guards, you step forward until you can easily be seen and heard by Afuno. Then you explain to him who I am, what I am doing, and what I can do for the Zungans. Choose the most convincing words, and shout them out loud and clear so everybody can hear you.»

Nayung nodded. «I understand, Blade. It is a good idea. But why do you insist on doing this fighting with the Ulungas' guards? Why do you not just let me call out to Afuno, and hear his answer before you act?»

«You do not quite understand, Nayung. If you go up to the royal circle and shout at Afuno, the spokesmen for the Ulungas will simply point out that you are a man forbidden to approach the king. The guards may kill you on the spot for that. They will certainly seize you and rush you away before you can speak. Almost nobody will remember the incident. Those who do will be told by the Ulungas that it is against the laws of the Zungans to talk about a case of sacrilege. Afuno will never get a chance to see what I can do, nor will anybody else.

«But if I fight with the guards, I will show Afuno and his daughters and many hundreds of Zungans what I can do. What the English fighting arts can do. The Ulungas will not be able to tell that many people to ignore or forget what they have seen. If the Ulungas even try, they will show that they have more regard for the ancient laws and their own power than they do for the future of the Zungans. I think your people are not the kind to take that very well.»

Nayung shook his head.

«Besides,» Blade concluded, «there is honor among the warriors of the English also. It is much like that of the Zungans. I ca

They now decided to return to Nayung's house, break their fast, and finish working out the details of their plan. They were just turning into the lane that led to the compound of the D'bors when the roar of at least a dozen iron gongs being savagely beaten came booming over the roofs and walls. Nayung started and stopped dead.

«The assembly call to the people!»

«What does it mean?»

«Mean?» Nayung looked at Blade in astonishment, and also in more than a little fear. «It means that all the people of Brona are to assemble in the great open field. King Afuno is arriving right now!»

Blade threw up his hands in mock despair and said, «The Sky Father seems to want to play jokes on us today. Well, we know most of what we need to do: Tell me, quickly, about these assemblies.»

Nayung's words raced off his tongue. «The king, the princesses, and certain advisers stand or sit inside the royal circle. Outside that circle is a ring of the Royal Guards. Outside the Royal Guards is another circle, the Ulungas' circle, where the Speakers for the Ulungas stand. Outside the speakers are the Ulungas' guards.»