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The tension drained out of Owen. "You're not going to send me away."

"No, of course not," said Kadi.

"But we must be more careful. I could throttle Jord," said Rimon. "After all that, daring to touch an out-Territory Gen—"

"His sister," Kadi reminded him. "Tonight, with his family home, he was closer to normal than I've seen him in years."

"Dad, he did suggest that Uel Whelan take her donation," Zeth said, "but Mrs. Carson wanted her brother to do it."

Kadi took her husband's hand. "You know what a difference "love and trust make, Rimon."

Zeth's father's sensitive lips curved in a reluctant smile. "I also know how dangerous it can be to rely on emotion rather than knowledge. But this time it worked. What a day!"

"How's Mr. Veritt?" asked Zeth.

"If I know Abel, he'll be up tomorrow, though my prescription would be a week in bed. Speaking of bed, why are you boys still up?"

"We were hungry," Zeth explained.

"Well, finish up and get to bed," said Rimon. He started to leave, turned back, and looked puzzledly at his son. "Zeth– before Mrs. Carson came, did Abel have a chance to tell you . . . ?"

"He told me."

"Rimon," said Kadi, "Zeth's tired. Don't make him think about that now. Zeth, you get some rest, and we'll talk when you're ready."

"I don't have to talk about it," said Zeth. "I understand."

"He really does," said Owen. "I said . . . some awfully dumb things a while ago. I don't think a cha

Kadi Farris' blue eyes swam with tears. "You mean on top of everything else, you had to counsel Owen, Zeth?"

"I'm sorry," said Owen. "I was so scared you were going to send me away that I didn't even think about Zeth's problems."

"Our son is growing up," Kadi said proudly.

Zeth felt himself blushing. "Maybe I am," he said, "but I'm not sure if I like it!"

The next day the one-cha

Mrs. Carson and Marji were the center of attention, as everyone had questions about friends and relatives across the border. .As people found out who had married, who had children—and who had died or disappeared—Mrs. Carson's wagon piled up with presents, and messages.

Marji Carson, congratulated on every side for what she had always thought of as being cursed, answered politely but vaguely, one eye on her mother as if asking permission to speak to Simes. Mrs. Carson was surrounded by Companions, unobtrusively shielding her. Zeth wondered if she had any notion why his mother, or A

Children Zeth's age and younger came to stare at the strangers, but soon ran off to play games. Like Zeth, they were too young to remember anyone who had crossed the border to Gen Territory. The younger Simes and Gens went to set up the tables for the feast. Jana, Owen's sister, went along to help, but neither Owen nor Zeth wanted to join them.

Owen hung around Mrs. Carson, listening. Zeth wondered if he was trying to act like a Companion, until there was a lull in the conversation. Then Owen asked hesitantly, "Mrs. Carson ... do you know a Gen family named Lodge?"

"Lodge? Not in our village—but there's a big ranch run by a Glian Lodge."

Owen's blue eyes widened. "That's my uncle!"

"I've never met him," said Mrs. Carson,' "though I've seen him at market day. He's a big blond, like you. And rich."

Owen laughed. "I'm rich, too—or my pa is. Del Erick. We raise the best horses in the Territory."

"Erick? But you said Lodge?"

"I can hardly remember my father," Owen explained, "but his name was Owen Lodge. That's my name, too– Owen Lodge Erick. Ma married Del Erick when I was just a little boy. He's been my father all my life, it seems."

"Perhaps Mr. Erick has relatives across the border, but I don't know anyone by that name."

"No—Pa came from in-Territory. And Ma always said she was the last of her family. Bresson. Carlana Bresson."

"Oh!" exclaimed Mrs. Carson. "That's why you look so familiar. Those eyes. Just like your mother's."

"That's what everyone says. Did you know her?"

"Not very well. She had just come to Fort Freedom when I left. But I remember how beautiful she was. Your father must have come here after I left."

Other people wanted to talk with Mrs. Carson, so Owen drifted away, Zeth following, Patches at his heels. Zeth wondered if Owen was remembering his real parents.

But Owen sat down on the steps of the Veritt house, saying, "There's something fu

"Well . . . Mrs. Carson was one of the first to be sent,

wasn't she? And her daughter's just old enough for changeover now. The others' children must still be too young.

"What about other people's children? There's a whole village of Gens—not just people from Fort Freedom. Why didn't they tell people about us?"

Patches butted his head against Zeth's knee for attention. He bent and hugged the dog as support against what he had to say. "Mrs. Carson said they'd have beaten Marji to death. They don't have cha

"But still she brought her here," said Owen. "If people over there know, how can they not tell their children?"

The door opened, and Hank Steers cane out onto the porch. Both boys immediately demanded, "How's Mr. Veritt?"

"Margid's helping him dress. He insists he's going to the feast."

"Dad said he would," Zeth commented.

"Yeah—that's Abel," Hank agreed, sitting down on the top step. "I heard you boys. You've never lived in Gen Territory. You don't know the fear the very idea of a Sime evokes—or the hatred. If your child turns Sime, he's not your child."

"In-Territory people think Gens are animals," said Zeth. "Still, folks show their kids the way to the border."

"Sure," said Hank. "If you're Sime, and your child is Gen, he's turned into something fragile and helpless."

Both boys laughed, for everyone knew Gens were tougher than Simes.

"No, no," said Hank, "not the Companions. Think of the new Gens at Farris, before they learn not to fear, in danger from people who love them. And outside Fort Freedom, Gens are fair game, so if parents feel anything but disappointment, it's that their child is in danger unless he can cross the border.

"But in Gen Territory—Zeth, you .saw it yesterday. Marji would have killed her own mother. Few people who see a Sime in Gen Territory live to tell about it. The only Simes they ever see are berserkers or Freehand Raiders. Or hunting parties."

Hank did not elaborate, but Zeth knew that he had been brought in-Territory by a Sime hunting party. "I was taught," the young Companion continued, "that the only way to deal with a Sime was to murder him before he killed you. I don't

think you kids born here have any idea of Mrs. Carson's courage in loading her child on that wagon and heading for the border."

"No," said Owen, "I guess we can't imagine how they feel. But what will happen when they hear what's happened in Fort Freedom? Especially the ones who came from here?''

Zeth saw the faraway look in Owen's eyes. But before he could say anything, Abel Veritt came out onto the porch, leaning heavily on his wife. Hank jumped up and went to take his other arm. "Abel, you're really in no condition to go out."

Mr. Veritt gave him a weak smile. "Nonsense. I've just had another dose of fosebine. The worst I can do is fall asleep in the middle of the festivities." He looked toward the two boys now standing on the steps. "Zeth . . .son, I have you to thank that my daughter is alive, and my granddaughter did not kill. May God bless you for your courage ... and protect you from ever being so foolhardy again."