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Krinata had liked acting in school plays, but this was straining her abilities.

"Don't look so nervous," admonished Arlai. "It's out of character. Besides, I'll feed you your lines. Here's your new costume already." A scurry presented her with a new hat and a shoulder drape filled with military honors. These, over her captain's uniform turned her into a high-ranked commodore. "Now, let's try a rehearsal."

With the background noise of the ship being rebuilt around her, Krinata talked to a screen image of a young human man with an air of self-importance and a determination not to accept her orders. She outfaced this mock-up image seven times before Rndeel returned to squat at his station.

The Skhe swore luridly about having to wear such a hot protective suit because the stubborn Dushau Sentient wouldn't turn off the Dushau lighting. Krinata felt her face redden at the choice epithets reserved for the Dushau. Rndeel interrupted the flow only to say, in perfect ship's courtesy, "Target ships in sensor range, Captain. We're approaching in formation as ordered. Shall I raise Captain Petriski?"

She swallowed dryly. "Yes, of course, Mister!" she snapped. "Those supplies are needed desperately. We haven't a moment to waste."

She was aware that if they could read the Jornay ships, the Jornay probes could be catching glimpses of their bridge. They waited in a tense silence until Arlai's screen lit with a fuzzy, static-lined image of a young human male. He didn't look like the image Krinata had jousted with, but he wore captain's bars. His voice crackled with nervous pride as he ordered them off his course, threatening to detime and leave them awash in his wake if they didn't veer off.

Arlai had pegged the youngster just right. No veteran would threaten before the hail was even answered. In his attempt to show strength, he showed only weakness. Krinata was a veteran of years of office politics and knew this type of green puffball. She straightened and put on her deep command voice, reciting then: false identification in an unhurried, upper-class drawl.

"Now, Fleet Captain Petriski, I suggest you ask our business before you issue us orders."

He stammered, "I... I'm sorry. I was hasty, Commodore-Lady Zavaro

"There's no time for this chatter, Fleet Captain," snapped Krinata. "We've an emergency on our hands. If you don't arrive at Pillaged Ford with these anti-virals in time, it will be your neck in Lavov's noose!" She signalled Arlai to send over the cargo ca

He paled, sca

"Commodore-Lady Zavaro

krinata, NO! I can't accept it now! Arlai printed on the screen before her. my circuits are fully loaded. Even a Sentient had limits.

Krinata felt her mouth open, her jaw work up and down a few times. Before she could recover, Petriski answered as if she'd spoken. "You couldn't have been that thoroughly briefed before you left. We've had an incident aboard Folly–one of the Dushau got free for a few minutes. It's been hunted down and killed before it could get to any vital part of the ship. So we only have six to deliver, plus one body. I was about to double the inboard guard on Folly."

"A wise precaution," answered Krinata, aware of Rndeel's rock-tense form behind her. "I will, of course, do exactly that. You had best be on your way." She said it mildly, as if she'd really rather watch his punishment for disobeying.

Her ma

"Good, get me Folly's captain. Grassman, you said his name translates?" Krinata knew they were far from wi

"Captain, what you plan a'story to 'em?" asked Rndeel. She thought he sounded nervous.

Just then the screen lit with a craggy, dark brown face framed by pale straight hair. An older Lehiroh male.

"Commodore-Lady Zavaro

"My first officer and I are coming over to ascertain the condition of your .prisoners," she replied, wondering where she'd get the guts. "Then we will discuss what additional forces you may need to contain them properly. Remain in sync-time with us. Detime only on my order. Acknowledge."

"Acknowledged," he snapped, but as the picture faded, she thought she detected just a hint of a tremor in his voice. Was she really so formidable?

Rndeel spun on his stool. "Clever, Captain."

"Ah, but do we have the equipment to transfer—"

"Of course." He seemed to consider. "Somewhere."

Arlai said, "I've located my fabric tube, but I'm not too certain it's vacuum-tight. You'd best suit up. At the very least the fittings will leak."

Krinata had never been in a spacesuit before. Rndeel had to help her with the seals and safety checks. For the first time since she'd met Arlai, she was peeved at him. He'd activated Rndeel's scent before the Skhe helped her with the suit, so the whole suit reeked. But she refused even to think of nausea. Instead she focused on the six Dushau and how they felt to be used to destroy their own species.

That hardened her determination, but nevertheless she was terrified when she walked out of the airlock and floated free in the middle of a transparent tube through infinity.

Rndeel's only comment was, "I'd be privy to your plan, Lady-Commodore, if you've a mind."

"I haven't a plan," she replied, trying not to gibber. Despite Arlai's best efforts, she might be overheard. "Just to do my duty to the Emperor and my Duke, just as I've done ever since you and I met. Beyond that, let us first see what these Lehiroh have been up to." I'm actually safe here!

With Rndeel unobtrusively helping her, she managed to pull herself hand-over-hand along the safety line. Despite Arlai's misgivings, the air pressure held, and she could have done without the suit. But that would have been unmilitary.

The airlock on Intentional Act seemed identical to Truth's, but once through the awkward desuiting procedure, Krinata found herself in a ship so different from Truth she didn't know which way to turn to find the bridge.

Rndeel saved the day, saluting the three Lehiroh who'd met them and demanding, "Take us to your captain, and don't waste my Lady-Commodore's time about it!"

They were led off through a maze of narrow shaftways lined, deck to overhead, with small round hatches. Act apparently had been fitted to carry deepsleepers. Where were they keeping sixteen Lehiroh and six Dushau?

The shaftway light and gravity were Dushau norm, giving Krinata aching feet and eyes within a few minutes. Lehiroh could toughen to the conditions quickly, and their guides seemed not to notice. Rndeel reserved comment.

The bridge was similar to Truth's, a round well surrounded by consoles. Only here, each station was filled. A Lehiroh female turned as they entered, and said, "Captain."

The old Lehiroh rose from the plotting scope and turned. "Commodore-Lady Zavaro

"Captain," she replied. "This is a most unusual vessel for the transport of live cargo. I wish to be personally certain your cargo is still viable."

"Of course. Allow me to escort you to the holding room." He led the way off the bridge by a hatch labelled Sickbay.