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I was sent to Rohanda by one of our fastest craft, and not by means of Zone Six. I did want to inspect Zone Six, but not until after I had studied the situation on the planet itself where I needed to be quickly, and in the flesh. It had been decided that I should be in the form of a Native and not of a Giant, because I was to stay on and help the Natives after the Giants had been taken off. This decision was correct. Others were arguable. Looking back, afterwards, I knew that I should have sacrificed other considerations to getting to my task more quickly. Yet I did need to acclimatise myself. I could not appear at once in any one of the cities, with its specialised vibrations, without suffering severe effects. The difference between Canopus and Rohanda was very great, and none of us could begin work at once on arrival: time had always to be given to the process of acclimatisation. But things were worse than we had thought: and were worsening faster than expected.

The spaceship approached the extreme eastern edge of the main landmass from the northwest, coming low over the fertile and forested mountains and plateaux and plains that later were great deserts - thousands of square miles of deserts. We saw several cities, and wondered how the inhabitants who chanced to look up thought of our crystalline sphere darting past, and how they would talk of it to those who hadn't seen us.

At that time I did not know which city it would be best to approach first. On the extreme eastern shore - the mainland, not one of the islands - I made my measurements. Meanwhile, the spaceship's crew explored, but carefully, for we did not want to startle anybody, and if we were seen, it might lead to complications, for almost certainly it would be thought that a Native had been captured by alien beings. It was not easy to assess exactly what the change was, neither its nature nor extent, but I decided that the Square City would be best: we had seen it as we passed over. It was about a week's hard walking away, and that was about right for my accustoming myself to Rohanda. I had already said that the craft might leave again, when I understood that the air of the planet had altered. And very suddenly. More calculations. The Square City would not now be right. I changed orders, and we ascended again, travelling not over the same cities, but farther south, over the Great Mountains, where I knew the Shammat transmitter must be: I could already sense it. I was put down to the east of the the great inland seas. There I again tested - and the same thing happened: I had decided on the Oval City to the north of the most northern inland sea, when again the atmosphere changed. But by now I had sent away the spacecraft. I had weeks of walking to do, in order to reach the Round City, which was now where I had to be. But this would take too long.

The Round City was on the high plateaux to the south of the great inland seas. It was not a centre of administration or of power, for there was no such centre. But apart from the suitability of its vibratory patterns, it was geographically central, and my news would be more easily disseminated. Also the height and the sharpness of the atmosphere would preserve this city longer than others from what would shortly befall. Or so I hoped. And I hoped, too, that there would not be another shift in the alignment of the planet, which would make the Round City the wrong one for me.

First, there was the problem of time. I approached some horses grazing in a herd on a mountain side, and stood near them, looking at them intently in a silent request for their help. They were restive and uncertain, but then one approached me, and stood waiting, and I got on its back. I directed it, and we cantered off southwards. The herd came with us. Mile after mile was covered, and I was becoming concerned for the state of the foals and young horses who were keeping up with us, and who seemed to enjoy it, flinging up their heels and neighing and racing each other, when I saw another herd not far off. I was carried to this herd by the first. I dismounted. The situation was explained by my mount to a strong and vigorous beast in the new herd. She came to me and waited, and I climbed up and off we went. This was repeated several times. I rested very little, though once or twice asked my mount to stop, and slept with my head on its flanks under the shade of a tree. A week passed this way, and I saw that my problem was over. Now it was time to use my own feet, and to approach more slowly. I thanked my escorts for their most efficient relay system, and they touched my face with their muzzles, and then wheeled, and thundered back to their own grazing grounds.

And now, day after day, I walked south, through pleasant sava

Always I was watching, monitoring, listening; but as yet the Shammat influence was slight, though I could sense, under the deep harmonies of Rohanda, the discords of the coming time.

I did not want this journey to end. Oh, what a lovely place was the old Rohanda! Never have I found, not in all my travellings and visitings, a more pleasant land, one that greeted you so softly and easily, bringing you into itself, charming, beguiling, so that you had to succumb, as one does to the utterly amazing charm of a smile or a laugh that seems to say, "Surprised, are you? Yes, I am extra, a gift, superfluous to the necessary, a proof of the generosity concealed in everything." And yet what I was seeing would soon have gone, and each step on the crisp warm-smelling soil, and each moment under the screens of the friendly branches was a farewell - goodbye, goodbye, Rohanda, goodbye.

I heard the Round City before I saw it. The harmonies of its mathematics evidenced themselves in a soft chant or song, the music of its own particular self. This, too, welcomed and absorbed me, and the Shammat wrong was still not more than a vibration of unease. Everywhere around the city the animals had gathered, drawn and held by this music. They grazed or lay under the trees and seemed to listen, held by contentment. I stayed to rest under a large tree, my back against the trunk, looking out under lacy boughs into the glades and avenues, and I was hoping that some beasts would come to me, for it would be the last time, and they did: soon a family of lions came padding, three adults and some cubs, and they lay down around me. I might have been one of their cubs, for size, since they were very large. The adults lay with their heads on extended paws, and looked at me with their amber eyes, and the cubs bounced and played all around and over me. I slept, and when I moved on, a couple of the cubs came with me, tussling and rolling, until a call from one of the big beasts took them back.

The trees were thi