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This was in the living room. Benjamin came in at this point. He wanted to be part of it. The moment he came in, things were different, I mean, George whirling me about became a different sort of act, hostile and against me, and not friendly. Which it had been. I could feel George slowing down because he knew this too. Benjamin tried to join in the whirling about, as if I were a prize to be grabbed away. George set me down against the wall and stood in front of me. Benjamin kept dodging about in front of George because he wanted to throw me up and down and whirl me about. By then I was crying with rage. At the same time I was grateful to George.

After a minute, Benjamin felt ridiculous and he went to sit down. Then George sat down.

Rachel believes that I ought not to be sleeping with Suza

Of course you should sleep with her. Fuck them all, I say, said Benjamin. The minute he had said it, we could both see he was sorry. He looked embarrassed.

There sat Benjamin in one chair. Large, hairy, brown. Like a peasant. And George, thin and lithe and elegant. Both embarrassed. I stayed where I was, because 1 was afraid Benjamin would come after me.

Well, little sister, said Benjamin, so you think George shouldn't be sleeping with Suza

I said, Oh sleep with anyone, who cares, I don't care, I used to think it matters, but I can see that it doesn't matter at all.

I was crying so that tears were literally splashing on to the floor.

George was looking at me. He kept looking at me. He was obviously unhappy. I was full of triumph because he was.

George said, Well little sister, tell me, who should I sleep with?

At which Benjamin said, Obviously, Rachel.

Then nothing happened for a few moments. George looked shocked and amused. Both. Benjamin was ashamed again.

It was one of those times that I recognise more and more: you can see alternative scenes parallel to what is really happening. Because of Benjamin, what he was, I could see very clearly that I could fling myself across the room, and try to scratch his eyes out. Then George would get up, pick me up off Benjamin, and sit me down.

That was Benjamin's scene. What he imposed.

But George being there prevented this happening.

Because George was there and looking as he did, I walked out and away from the wall and sat down by myself.

This is a serious conversation, said George to Benjamin, and Benjamin shut up.

So who should I sleep with? he asked me. I am a normal male. I shall not be marrying for five years.

At this, both Benjamin and I were stopped in a different way. There was a long silence.

I really want to know, said George. There are brothels by the hundred in this and any city. And of course there is chastity. There are a lot of girls who want to sleep with me. Suza

All this seemed to be so off the point, I could hardly believe it.

And when you are finished with her? I said. What will she do when you marry?

Good God, said Benjamin, listen to that! - He was acting the part of resigned astonishment. The eternal feminine - The absolute absoluteness, the ultimate ultimatum.

Well go on little sister, said George, I want to know.

She loves you, I said.

She loves you, said Benjamin to George, as before.

Yes she does, I said. It's fu

Well that's true enough, said Benjamin. Fake modesty will get you nowhere.

For George was in fact looking quizzical.

I said, You can marry fifty other women and she can marry some fat stupid speech-making politician, and she can be a big lady and make speeches and run around in a uniform, and you will still be the most important thing that ever happened or ever could happen.

George was extremely embarrassed. He was red. I have never seen that before, with George.

Benjamin for once was looking quite sensible, and even grown up.

Benjamin said to George, She's right.

George said, Well, so what am I supposed to do?

Benjamin said, very dramatic, Trapped!

I have been thinking.

What I have concluded is this. You don't understand something until you see the results.

What made me think about this is the Conference of Youth. When he said he was going I was sick. Later I heard he was the delegate for some Muslims, some Jews and some Christians. Well, there isn't anybody else who could do this. I don't know how he does. And he could have represented socialist groups and marxists and business groups. They asked him.

I couldn't go to the Conference. I wasn't asked. How could I be when I never go near youth groups?

Benjamin went. First he said he wouldn't go if it killed him, but he went, of course.

I heard everything that happened. From Benjamin. But after he had finished I thought out what had happened from my own point of view.

Benjamin says that George was ever such a success and the belle of the ball, and hinted that George spent the night with some woman. Suza

But since he came back, there have been messages all day, from everywhere. I am not going to list the countries because I can see there won't be an end to them. Because George went to that Conference in that way he can travel to anywhere now and be welcome. And various people have turned up at this flat and talked about George and what he said at the Conference. He was talking, they say. They mention particularly about his talking. And Benjamin said he "spouted" all night. If he spouted, then how could he have been with some woman? I said this to Benjamin and he said he never suggested George had done anything but talk.

They keep turning up here, white, black, brown, pink, and green, day and night, day in and day out, and it is perfectly clear that they want to hear George talk. I have seen something. George talks as Hasan talks. George has caught it from Hasan. That is what I have seen. And I sit and listen and so does anyone else who is around. So do Olga and Simon. And so does Benjamin. He doesn't say a word. He can jeer as much as he likes afterwards, and sometimes he has no idea at all about what is going on but he listens like the rest of us. So as usual I have to say this: my feelings are one thing. But what I am thinking is quite another. As for what I understand when George is talking, then... but obviously there is no point in saying anything about that.


Submission, O Great One!

Your instructions have been carried out!

The Four National Areas have been tested.

Head of Government One: Receiving our directive to tell the truth exactly, accurately, without concealment, to his subjects, he informed his council of ministers that this was his intention, because "it had come into his mind." He was at once incarcerated in a prison for the mentally deranged, and it has been given out to the subjects that he has resigned on grounds of ill health.

Head of Government Two: This man, having just been "elected into power," took the first opportunity (a television appearance) of informing his subjects that conditions were much worse than he had imagined before actually taking office and becoming possessed of certain information that is available only to heads of government. He considered it his duty to inform them of this material, which ought not to be secret. In order to survive at all it would be necessary for them to face certain facts: these were the facts... When the television appearance was over, he was informed by the faction that had "put him into power" that he had lost their support. He has had to resign.