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ENVOY 99, TAUFIQ, reports:

I covered the designated areas. The polar ice is retreating. The level of the oceans is almost at its former height.

The populations are settled mostly in the regions of the great inland seas, because of the climatic advantages, and on the islands in the ocean that separates the Isolated Northern Continent from the central land mass. (These islands are unstable.) That is, between 20 degrees and 40 degrees north, their measurement. The Giant/Native Cross proves, as forecast, the most enduring. Purebred Giants and purebred Natives are now minorities, and tend to live by themselves. Both are seen as "Giants" by the new Cross. This breeds with every generation shorter, smaller, and very strong and vigorous. It is intellectually inferior, even within the limits imposed by the depredations of Shammat. They are belligerent, acquisitive.

There is accumulation of wealth and even land by the few at the expense of the many, who are often in the position of slaves and servants. Some of these are escaping northwards after the retreating ice, and establishing themselves in harsh conditions. They make frequent forays southwards to raid and plunder crops and livestock. There is now continual fighting and looting everywhere.

Little remains of the instruction left them by Envoy Johor and subsequent visitors.

Systems of taboos operate around objects and artefacts and animals. Human and animal sacrifice is operated mostly by "priests," self-appointed custodians of the "Divine."


a I support the recommendation of the Commission that there should be a genetic boost. There is an argument that there are already too many species on Shikasta. Against this I urge that the Giant/Native Cross will soon predominate. Its peculiarly violent and rapacious qualities must be reduced. There will otherwise be no species left at all! For instance, the "little people" are now almost extinct, except in certain mostly northern parts where the severity of the climate preserves them. They have been hunted down for sport. I need say no more in underlining my contention that Shammat's influences are almost overwhelming.

b Our servants have been instructed to remain u

ENVOY 102, TAUFIQ, reports:

Our plans must be postponed. The instability of this planet has again been confirmed. Shikasta flipped over on its axis and back again. I have arranged for the relevant experts to ascertain the cause. There were floods, storms, earthquakes. Some islands submerged. There will be changes in climate. Shikasta is slightly distanced from its sun. The effect on its moon is as yet not certain. There was great loss of life, more in the northern than in the southern hemisphere. Several promising cultures, carefully monitored by us, have been wiped out. Adalanterland is one. Agent Nasar, now permanently established on Shikasta, is sending an independent report. These events however do not change the basic situation, and after an interval for the effects of the events to lessen, the recommendations of my report should be followed.

ENVOY 105, TAUFIQ, reports:

I picked up five males from Eastern Sector, Canopus, five from Planet 19, and five from Planet 27.

There is not now much evidence of the recent unfortunate events, but the population levels remain reduced.

The males were divided into five groups and put down as follows: To the immediate north of the Great Mountains. To the immediate south of the same. In the extreme north of Southern Continent I. Two groups south of the Great Seas, one of which I accompanied. All of these had to acclimatise themselves for several days, before allowing themselves to be noticed.

The group of three I was with was on a mountain near a flat space where our craft put down. This flat area has sacred co

Our problem was that only the chosen females should mate.

I approached descendants of the old Davidic strain, who because of natural superiority tend to hold positions of influence. I told each "in secret" that "sacred beings" were present, drawn down from "higher regions" because of their beauty. These selected women were led to the males and mating was accomplished. There were about fifty of them, each at first believing she was unique.

Our plan was that they should tell others "in confidence." This was to ensure the spread of rumours about Gods and so forth. But we did not wish mating to become general.

In a short time the high place on the mountain where our volunteers were ensconced was under siege from willing females and from suspicious males. The four of us made our way as u

We made sure the take-off by our vehicle was observed by the two females, who will have returned to talk about celestial chariots.

ENVOY 111, TAUFIQ, reports:

I made preparations to carry out our first plan. This was for me to descend through Zone Six. It had been intended that I incarnate and become visible as mentor. Reports from our agents of unexpected conditions on Shikasta interdicted this plan.

I therefore again approached by spacecraft. Our agents' reports were soon confirmed. The ice caps were melting at a quite unforeseen pace. This was the more unexpected because there has been a period when they have in fact made a minor advance, conquering some of the territory they had relinquished. The sudden reversal has again swamped coastlines everywhere. It has filled the Shikastan skies with cloud that never lifts. The resulting gloom has led to a change in the Shikastan temperament. They are less volatile, are sullen, suspicious, slower to react.

I covered the indicated areas. This survey was done as quickly as possible because of the urgency felt by me.

This is what I found. The descendants of the genetic boost - Planets 19, 27, and Canopus East - are satisfactory. The general decline halted. They form a noticeably superior strain. But the others are sinking fast to a lamentable condition. Our plans for boosting this product of our genetic improvement had obviously to be postponed, but I suggest that when Shikasta has recovered from the fresh setback we should implement them.

It was clear that a general inundation from the skies was imminent. The cloud mass grew daily heavier and more dense.

I took the head of the new strain (Davidic-improved), and warned him to be ready to leave for higher ground, together with his family, and animals for breeding stock. He understood that I came from "somewhere else" - as he put it. The legend of "Gods" is well established. A measure of the new strain's improved intelligence is their response to such information. I told him to warn all the inhabitants of that area. Those who would listen must be pressed into preparations for survival. Few could hear him: their genetic equipment made it impossible. This new emergency is in fact providing an unforeseen but useful means of separating the superior from the inferior. I shall be interested to discuss this with our envoys to the other threatened areas of Shikasta. It is my suggestion that the results of these discussions, which will provide invaluable information as to the mentality of the new Shikastan strain, should form the basis of a supplementary report.

Well before the inundation the Davidic tribe was on safe ground on a mountain. The deluge began at the same time all over Shikasta, as I have gathered from informal discussion among our envoys. In the area that is the subject of this report, the rain continued for nearly two months. Except for mountain peaks everything was inundated. The onset of the deluge was so fast that there was no time for escape to higher ground by either higher or lower animals. Nothing survived. Of course, as the waters drained to the oceans, their levels rose. The great inland seas all flooded and will remain greatly enlarged.