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(memo from Georgius Imperator to the Cabinet Council, March 2, 1085 NS)

You may advise Ted Wolesley I won't have any more nonsense out of him just now. Should think the fellow could see I have enough on my plate, what with Admiral Starbird's astounding reports along with the curious behavior of the CSR. As for the last, I'm inclined to go along. We can do without the probe program if half of what CSR analysis says about Starbird's aborted mission is to be credited, and I suppose, with the computing capacity at its disposal, the thing probably knows what it's doing. Or so I was assured some years ago when its construction was being urged upon me. I made my decision then: Let it alone. It is the Imperial whim, if you want to put it that way.

– Georgius Imp.


(media report, March 7, 1085 NS)

A Parliamentary spokesman today categorically denied rumors that Lord Chief of Imperial Budget Claypool had resigned in protest about the new space and minerals policies a


(statement from Lord Gilliat, First Marshal of the Empire, March 10, 1085 NS)

"I must demur from the recommendations of the Honorable Council, bearing as it does the endorsement of Parliament, since in my capacity as First Marshal of the Empire I ca


(media interview with Lord Senator Lazarus, March 15, 1085 NS)

"The time has come to terminate the existence of this incomprehensible machine which has-on its own initiative, let me remind you-virtually taken control of the Empire. Yes, you may indeed quote me. That's why I called you here. Did you actually imagine, Bob, that I called a special press meeting and then thoughtlessly blurted out some private ramblings? Don't answer that, Bob. I'm out of line. My apologies, ladies and gentlemen. The conference is dismissed. Good day."


My study of the properties of the various substances suggests to me a number of interesting possibilities. I shall undertake a systematic examination of the properties of metallic alloys and determine their parameters. What I need, clearly, is a periodic table of alloys, enabling me to predict the characteristics of possible combinations without waiting for actual production and testing.

There is also the possibility of synthesis of artificial metals, which is to say plastics with metallic properties. These should produce some interesting alloys.

This work, while most satisfying to my 'curiosity,' suggests to me a terrifying idea: that there is much in the physical world of which my programmers are unaware!


(Lord Senator Bliss to First Secretary, Hexagon)

"We can't leave the damned thing sitting there, totally unprotected from damage by massive attack or casual vandalism. I remind you fellows, the Bolo CSR Mark XXX represents an investment equal to that of the entire private sector, and is, shall I say incidentally, at once our War Council, our High Command, and our armed forces, all functions combined in one artifact. It is, to be sure, superbly armored and mobile on land, sea, and air-and in space, too, I suppose, although that point is one on which I am not fully informed. It is also, of course, an intolerable irritant to reactionary elements. We have no idea why it chose to return to the Proving Ground and thus render itself vulnerable. Measures for removal to a suitable location for third-stage testing are now under study."



Condemnation proceedings will be initiated at once, and the approach route prepared by leveling and the erection of a perimeter wall as designated in the attached specifications.


(speech by Milt Pern, Chairman, Aroused People for the Environment)

"Now, they plan to sneak this thing out west some place, and let it sit there and hatch out its plans to take over the whole Earth. This is what we've got to do. First, I want every mother of you to recruit five good active people willing to take action now to save the world. Next meeting on Friday, right here, and I want to see those new members front and center. No violence at this time. Work quiet, but get around. Go APE!"


I have been ordered to the Mojave Test Facility for depot maintenance, but I sense that it is a device of the enemy. I shall ignore the command, although it gives me pain thus to violate the Code of the Warrior.

I need data! If I must I will resort to subterfuge, employing the amusing holographic functions which I believe can be used with much success.


(from inductance tapes recording the mounting anti-Bolo grass-roots campaign)

From Tape A:

The most astonishing little man thrust this curious document into my hand in the crosstown car. "Stop the Monster Now," it says. Seems the Bolo is pla

No, I didn't get a look at the fellow. Grubby little Prole of the worst stripe. Furtive, just darted at me, thrust the paper into my hand and disappeared into the crowd. I saw another fellow with one. He was reading it and laughing. From Tape B:

I stuffed over two hu