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“Greyson. Come look.” Her voice sounded stronger than she thought it would.

He took the sheaf of papers from her and thumbed through it. “Title deed…documents of incorporation…here we go. Blah blah blah, board members—” He looked up.

“Board members, yes.”

“David Chase, Orion Maldon, and…Templeton Black.” He lowered the papers and stared at her. “I didn’t know, Meg. I swear I didn’t.”

So he’d come to the same conclusion she had. The same knowledge. “Look at the date.”

“I don’t need to.” But he glanced just the same. “Temp never told me he—”

“That he’d essentially bought me from my father? That in exchange for me, he and Orion Maldon would give my father part ownership in valuable property, they’d build his practice, they’d—” She stopped, unable to go on. Her hands shook as she raised them to her head.

Sixteen years ago she’d sat in this room and had her first conversation with the Accuser, right before he’d entered her body and changed her life forever.

And that was what David Chase had wanted. In exchange for power and wealth he’d sacrificed his only daughter.

Anger rose in her breast, filling her, making both her hearts beat faster. She wanted to hit someone. She wanted to hit her father. She should have laughed at him in that casket yesterday. She should have scratched his dead eyeballs out of his head and stomped them into goo under her feet.

“That bastard, that unbelievable bastard.” This time she didn’t try to stop her tears. Rage, not sadness, brought them to her eyes, but it didn’t matter. She stood next to her childhood bed and cried, and after a second Greyson gathered her in his arms and held her tight, and for once it didn’t feel like she was being humored.

It didn’t last long. The initial wave passed, and she was left simply raging, wanting to strike out at someone, anyone.

“I hate this room. I hate even being in this house.”

“I know.”

She turned around to look at the bed, at the window by which the Accuser had rested sixteen years before. Light poured through it, taunting her. “He stood right there,” she said. Her palms ached from her fingernails digging into them. “I was in bed and that’s where he was. Like…like he was my buddy or something. I wondered why no one was home that day. My mother usually was…”

She jumped when his warm hands touched her shoulders and rubbed gently. “Maybe it’s a good thing,” he said. “Now you know.”

Her head fell forward as he massaged her, easing some of the tension in her neck but doing nothing for the howling fury gripping the rest of her body. Her muscles ached from trying to still her trembling.

“I always knew. I mean, I didn’t know know, but it doesn’t change anything, does it? I’m still what I am, no matter the reason. They never liked me. They never wanted me around. It must have been like wi

A cold breeze caressed her, like a ghost passing by. “Forget them.”

“I can’t forget them. I’m too…God, Greyson, I’m just so fucking mad at them, I can hardly see straight.”

The zipper of her dress lowered a bit. His lips tickled between her shoulder blades. “Maybe it’s time to let it all go. Exorcise your demons once and for all.”

She smiled, surprised it was still possible to do so. “Exorcise or exercise?”

“It’s so efficient when you can accomplish two goals with one…act, isn’t it?” Heat seeped through her dress from his palms as he slid his hands around her, gliding down over her hips and thighs, then back up. His fingers curved around her waist and pulled her back so she could feel his erection.

Her breath caught in her chest. “Do you ever think about anything but sex?”

“Money. Power.” His soft laugh warmed her throat as he scraped his teeth over her skin there. “I think about you, bryaela.”

She refused to say, “You do?” like some i

“Yes.” His right hand sneaked under the neckline of her dress and down into her bra, finding her left nipple and rolling it gently. Her eyelids fluttered shut. The raging demon inside her changed its tune, finding another route to forgetfulness, seeking a different kind of release. “I wonder how your day is going, what you’re doing…when I’ll see you again…don’t you think about me? Don’t you, sheshissma?”

“What does that mean?”

He paused, nibbling her earlobe. “It doesn’t translate well. My desire.”

“I think your desire translates pretty well.” It came out as a gasp; he’d started tugging up her skirt with his left hand while his right still played beneath her top, and the feel of his skin on her bare thighs above her stockings sent a violent shiver through her body.

“That’s what it means. My desire.” His foot nudged hers, punctuating his words, urging her legs apart. His fingers stroked over her panties. “The thing I want.

Her head fell back, resting on his shoulder as he rubbed the damp silk against her. All that energy inside her, that fierce need…she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Every gasp of air was scented with him, tasted like him.

“So what do you say, sheshissma?” The teasing tone didn’t fool her; his voice behind it was hoarse. “What do you want? To work off some of that anger?”

He edged the panties aside so he could slide his fingers along the bare, slick folds of her skin. His own rough breath drowned out the moan she couldn’t stop. “You want to take it out on me, my bryaela? Use me? Hurt me?”

Fear slid down her spine, meeting the heat pooling in her pelvis and sending a shiver through her body. This was dangerous. She should pull away, put a stop to it, because his words were edging her far too close to a chasm she wasn’t sure she could emerge safely from.

But oh God, she wanted to jump.

“Do you? Is that what you want? I’m here. Just tell me. Whatever you want, we’ll do it.”

He unzipped her dress and slid it from her shoulders, stopping just at the point where the fabric trapped her arms at her waist. Her bra was next; cool air swirled over her aching nipples as the scrap of lace and wire fell from them. She still couldn’t bring herself to open her eyes, so she floated weightless in perfect darkness, with only his warmth and hands keeping her in the world.

Those hands sculpted her body from the air, creating every line and curve as they traced them. It should have been as soothing as it was arousing. Normally his touch made her purr like an extremely contented lion. Now…like the flames of his energy burning in her chest, between her legs, so her restlessness grew, her need to do something, anything, to move. Tears of frustration sprang to her eyes. Why was he doing this to her? Why was he forcing her to be still, to not let it go, to not run through the darkness and scream in bloody triumph?

“Jesus, Meg…you make me ache. How do you do that…” More teeth now, harder, nipping at her shoulders. He filled his hands with her breasts, lifting them, and the heat of his skin radiated out.

Flames appeared, dancing along the top of the window, hovering above them. They were in a different world now, the one where he ruled, and the knowledge of his domination forced the word from her lips.


Megan reached behind her, forcing her hand between them to caress the hard ridge of his cock.

He bit her neck, so hard she felt her skin dent and bruise beneath his teeth, and it was as if he’d flipped a switch, set her free. She spun around and tried to wrap her arms around him, but they were still trapped by her dress. She shoved them forward as far as she could, managing to grip the firm muscles of his ass in her hands before his lips found hers and sent her flying into the burning sun.