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'Sean, is the Devil on your side?'

'Only some of the time.'

Barry smiled. 'God knows how you got here.'

'Just like you, only I landed on the beach.'

'And how did you leave things at Compton Place?'

'All dead, your lot, Blake and Hedley Jackson a little damaged, that's all.'

'And Lady Helen?' Dillon shrugged, and Barry said with a strange kind of urgency, 'She's all right, isn't she?'

'Her heart isn't good. She had an attack.'

'Christ, Jesus,' Barry said. 'She had me dead to rights, my gun jammed and she sort of fell down.'


Barry flung his glass at her, ducked as she fired, and was through the panel and away.

'Let's go,' Dillon said, and ran across to the door and she followed.

They reached the entrance hall and the front door stood open, Harker on the porch, the lantern in his hand.

'He ran past me. Took the path down through the trees towards the cliffs.'

Dillon went off on the run, Ha

Barry ran, head down, through the trees, the Beretta in his left hand, not really knowing where he was going any more. The sky was overcast, there was a rumble of thunder on the horizon, and lightning flickered.

Helen Lang. He couldn't get her out of his head and why was that? He came to the track leading down to the Soak Hole. Dillon followed, Ha

The sheet lightning flickered, the water raged below on the beach, the Cessna engulfed. Barry stumbled on and then he was at the Soak Hole, white spray exploding in a hollow roar. He paused at the steps down, turned and levelled the Beretta as Dillon arrived on the run.

Dillon swept Barry's arm to one side and met him breast-to-breast. 'A long time coming, you dog,' Dillon cried, grabbed his right wrist and twisted it up like a steel bar. Barry screamed as the bone cracked and Dillon ran him headfirst down the steps and let go. There was a last desperate cry, then the Soak Hole fountained again.

Old Harker held the lantern high. 'God help us, but what kind of a man are ye?'

'I sometimes wonder myself Dillon turned to Ha

'Of course.' She put a hand on his arm. 'Are you all right, Dillon?'

'Never better.' The Soak Hole fountained again. 'He was a bad bastard, Jack, and the sea's taken him, so there's an end to it,' and he turned and followed Harker up the track.

The following afternoon, he sat with Ha

'How is she?' Ferguson asked.

'Not good. She's asked for Mr Dillon.'

Dillon got up, paused, then went into the room. She was propped up in bed. There was a drip into her left arm, various other wires attached to electronic equipment. A nurse was sitting close by.

Dillon moved to the bed. 'Lady Helen.'

She opened her eyes. 'You got him, I hear? So Charles told me.'

'That's right.'

'So, the end of the Sons of Erin, all of them, even the Co

He took her hand. 'I know.'

She smiled again. ' Mr Dillon, you think you're such a bad man, and you know what? I think you're one of the most moral men I've ever known. Hang on to that thought.'

Her eyes closed, her hand slipped away, and one of the machines made a strange noise. The nurse took over and Dillon walked out.

Ferguson and Ha

'But not forgotten,' Dillon said. 'Never forgotten.' He put a hand on Hedley's shoulder. 'Let's take a walk in the garden. I could do with a cigarette.'


They drove up from London to Compton Place a week later, Ferguson , Ha

'What did the Prime Minister have to say at the end of the day?' Dillon asked.

'Extremely sorry about Lady Helen, of course.'

'Aren't we all?'

'But content with the outcome. I mean, it could have been bloody awful.'

'Instead of which, it didn't happen, sir, is that what we're saying?' Ha

'Now look, Superintendent, sometimes we have to think of the good of the cause.'

'That's what the IRA say,' Dillon told him. 'Drummed into me from the age of nineteen.' He put the window down and lit a cigarette. 'Sorry, my love,' he said to Ha

She put a hand on his knee. 'Feel free, Sean.'

He said, 'So, the Prime Minister and the President heave a heavy sigh of relief and thank God for the foot soldiers. You appointed me public executioner again, only this time Ha

'It's the name of the game, Dillon,' Ferguson said.

Dillon turned to Ha

They were entering the village now. The parking lot of St Mary and All the Saints was almost full, and there were cars parked along the village street.

'My goodness, but they are giving her a send-off,' Ferguson said.

'Well, they would. I've learned enough about her to know she was greatly loved.' Dillon checked his watch. 'Forty minutes to the service. I don't know about you, but I need a drink. Pull in at the pub. If you don't want to join me, I'll see you at the church.'

'No, I think a drink might be appropriate.' Ferguson glanced at Ha

'Of course, sir.'

The Daimler dropped them at the pub entrance and drove away. They moved inside and found it already full, not only with villagers in their best suits and dresses, but many visitors. Hetty Armsby in a black suit served the bar, helped by two village girls. Old Armsby sat on the end stool, also in black suit, neck scrawny in a stiff collar.

'Good Lord,' Ferguson said. 'Two Earls, a Duchess, and damn me if that's not the Commanding Officer of the Scots Guards over there and the Commanding General of the Household Brigade. I'd better say hello.'

'Good old British class system,' Dillon said, turning to Ha

He made it and said to Hetty, 'Would you happen to have any champagne in your fridge there?'

'There might be a half-bottle.' She frowned. ' Champagne?'

'At a funeral?' He lit a cigarette. 'I want to drink a toast to probably the greatest lady I've ever known.'

Her smile was instant and, impulsively, she reached over and kissed him on the cheek and there were tears in her eyes. 'She was the best, right enough.'

She produced the champagne. 'Two glasses,' he said.

A familiar voice said, 'Make that three.'

Dillon turned and there was Blake Johnson, his left arm in a sling. 'My God,' Dillon said. 'Where in the hell did you spring from?'

'There's still an American air base up here at Crockley. It was a last-minute decision of the President's. Sent me over to carry his personal wreath.'

He took one of the glasses of champagne and Dillon carried the other two. Blake kissed Ha

'Nice to see you, and very gracious, but that's not why we're here. To Helen Lang, a great lady.' She raised her glass and they all touched before drinking.

From behind, Charles Ferguson said, 'And so say all of us.'

The Church of St Mary and All the Saints was so crowded that they had to queue to get in the door. There was a man in his forties with a woman of the same age, Hedley Jackson beside them. Hedley whispered something, the couple glanced across and the men held back.