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At that moment, Ha

Asta took the cup of coffee and did as she was told. "The rest of you would make some kind of sense, but why me? I don't understand."

"I think you will if you pause and think about it, Asta," Dillon said.

"His co

"Yes, but something more important than that has cropped up, you know that."


"Of course, sir."

"Dillon?" he said.

"I found Fergus Munro's body earlier today in the shallows by Loch Dhu. Asta was with me. By my observation he'd been given a severe beating. I'd say he'd collapsed in the water afterwards and drowned."

"My God!" Ha

Dillon turned to Asta, who said, "I asked Dillon to let it go."

"Why?" Ha

"Because in a way it was my fault. It was because of me Carl wanted to teach him a lesson."

"I see." Ha

"Absolutely right, Chief Inspector. If you want the sordid details, Dillon and I observed Morgan and the man Marco recover the body in the motor launch Katrina. They then disposed of it wrapped in a length of chain in the middle of the loch."

She said, "You've stood by and let him get away with it?"

"You've got it wrong, girl dear," Dillon said. "Retribution can come later."

"Exactly," Ferguson told her. "More important things to consider." He took her hand, sat on the couch, and pulled her down beside him. "I chose you to assist me in my work because you're one of the most astute brains at Scotland Yard."

"Now it's flattery, Brigadier?"

"Nonsense. Look at your background. Your grandfather is a highly respected Rabbi, your father a brilliant Professor of Medicine. You have a Cambridge M.A. in Psychology. You could have been anything. You chose to be a policewoman on the beat in Brixton and have risen because of your own abilities. I need you and I want you, but this isn't normal police work. This is a rather complicated game, our kind of work. We only have the end in view."

"Because the end justifies the means?"

It was Dillon who leaned down, took her hands, and pulled her up. "God save us, girl, but he's right, sometimes it does. It's called the greater good."

He actually put an arm round her and she leaned against him. Then she straightened and managed a faint smile. "They must have loved you at the National Theatre, Dillon, you'd have ended up with a Knighthood. Instead you chose the IRA." She turned to Ferguson. "No problem, sir, anything I can do?"

He inclined his head toward Asta, and Ha

"I suppose so," Asta said.

"Let's be logical. He was after us, hadn't counted on you being involved, but when the chance came, when you said what you did, he didn't say no."

Asta sat there staring at her mutely. She moistened her lips. "Why? He loves me."

"His account with you was full, Asta. Oh, you knew all about the Mafia background and so on, and what you don't realize is that was always a liability. But Fergus." Ha

Asta jumped up and paced across the room and turned. "He's always been so good to me. I can't believe this."

Ferguson turned to Dillon. "Would you say it's time?"

"I think so."

Ferguson said to Ha

Dillon took Asta's hand and brought her back to the sofa by the fire and sat down with her. "What we've got to show you now is bad, Asta, as bad as anything could be. It's to do with Hydra and your mother's accident scuba diving."

She frowned. "I don't understand."

"You will, my dear." Ferguson took the file from Ha

Asta put the file to one side and sat there, her hands clenched. "It doesn't seem possible."

"You've seen the file," Ferguson told her. "The technical details are beyond dispute. Someone interfered with your mother's equipment."

"An accident?" she said desperately.

"No accident." Dillon sat down beside her and took her hand. "I'm an expert diver, Asta. Believe me, what was done to your mother's gear was deliberate. Now you tell me who was responsible. Can you think of anyone who wished your mother harm?" He shook his head. "Only Carl, Asta. We think she knew too much and that's the truth of it."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and when she opened them again she was remarkably in control. "I can't let him get away with that-not that. What can I do?"

"You could help us," Ferguson said. "Keep us informed of the situation up there at the castle. Most important thing of all, you could let us know the moment he finds the Bible."

She nodded. "Right. I'll do it." She took another deep breath. "Could I have another brandy?"

"Of course, my dear." Ferguson nodded to Dillon, who got up and went to the drinks cabinet. He returned with the brandy and Asta took it from him.


Asta said, "We buried my mother back home in Sweden, flew her body there from Athens, and do you know something? He stood at the side of my mother's grave and he cried." She emptied the brandy glass with a single swallow. "I'll see him pay for that if it's the last thing I do." She placed the brandy glass on the coffee table and got up. "I think I should go back now."

"I'll take you," Dillon said.

She walked toward the door, picking up her mink and pulling it on. She turned. "All right. So far, the search for the Bible isn't getting very far in spite of the fact that Carl has offered a substantial reward for anyone who finds it."

"Thank you for that," Ferguson said.

"As regards future moves, we're supposed to put in an appearance at the Ardmurchan Fair and Games tomorrow. I don't think there's anything else."

Dillon said, "I'll take you now, Asta."

She turned at the door. "I've just remembered, Angus the gardener, he's on Carl's payroll now."

"We'll bear that in mind," Ferguson said.

She went out and Dillon followed her.

On the way back to the castle in the Range Rover she sat beside him, clutching the collar of her mink coat around her neck, saying nothing.

"Are you all right?" he asked as they neared the gates.

"Oh, yes." She nodded. "Don't worry about me, Dillon. I'll play my part."

They drove along the drive and he braked to a halt at the steps. Before they could get out, the front door opened and Morgan appeared.

"I was begi

"Sorry, Carl," she said as she went up the steps. "But we nearly had a nasty accident."

He was immediately all concern. "What happened?"

"The brakes failed on the estate car," Dillon said. "Some sort of rupture in the canister, so we lost the hydraulic fluid. It's been around a few years, that car."