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"Is she here, with the troupe?"
"No," I said, "she lies in the room with windows." That probably made no sense to any of them, but they let it go. They took my drugged assurance that the nightmare of all vampires wasn't physically in St. Louis. Drugged out of my ability to concentrate and they took my word about it. They shouldn't have done that. But more than Mommie Dearest, there was Auggie and Samuel, and hell, Samuel's wife, Thea. If these were the masters Jean-Claude trusted, then what would the other masters do to us? Jean-Claude didn't need to be alone tonight. Something bad would happen.
"Get out, doc."
"Don't want you here when the wicked bitch comes."
"I'll get out, and the only ones in the car will be people you've fed on before, Anita." She glanced behind her. "With one exception."
"Go, Lillian," Jason said. "Jean-Claude's nervous. Something else has happened. Not as bad, but something."
Lillian moved out of sight, and Jason knelt beside me. He was as nude as Nathaniel. He was wearing the cuff bracelet that Jean-Claude had had commissioned for him. Wolves ru
He gri
"Let's get you out of the clothes. You've got to have something to wear back inside."
A moment ago, I might have argued, but Jason was scared, and I couldn't feel Jean-Claude. I was too befuddled to risk opening the marks. Afraid I'd screw up Jean-Claude's concentration as badly as mine was, and that would be a disaster. Bad tilings were happening, and it was our fault. The vampires had invited bad things to the city, and now everyone was in danger. "Help me out of the corset."
"Thought you'd never ask," Jason said, and he leered at me, the way he usually did, but I could see his eyes, and his eyes weren't having any fun at all. Bad things, bad tilings, what was happening inside? I thought, Hold on, Jean-Claude. I felt him like a distant caress of wind against die door I'd used to shut us down. That breath of power smelled sweetly of his cologne. His words seemed to fill die car. "Feed before you come back to me, ma petite. Do not loose die ardeur on the crowd." Then he was gone, shut down and tight, shielding his ass off. But he'd raised a good point. It was perfecdy me to raise munin, heal, and not feed the ardeur, if I could stave it off. That brief message let me know that he wanted me back fed, and ready to fight, not hungry and dangerous to the crowd. Jason helped me sit up, and Nathaniel started unlacing my corset back. Was it too small-town Midwestern of me to think it was weird that my main squeeze was encouraging me to have sex with a limo full of men before I came back inside to him? We had the mother of all vampires lurking around. A master vamp powerful enough to roll every master in town. And mustn't forget the blond dancer, Adonis, who had almost rolled me with his gaze. Powerful, dangerous shit going on, and the thing that made me squirm inside was the sex? It was one of those evenings when I'd really get to decide if it was a fate worse than death.
The corset loosened enough to spill my breasts into the open air. "Requiem," Jason said, "get over here."
The vampire came, and he used his hands to hide his nakedness. He seemed embarrassed. I was uncomfortable with it, too, but the morphine took the edge off the embarrassment, like it took the edge off everything.
They lifted the corset over my head, and other hands went to the top of my skirt. Nathaniel took the clothes away as they came off. They took everything but the diamond necklace. Apparently the jewelry was a theme
tonight. There was plastic over the far seat, and he was putting the clothes under it. How messy was everyone expecting to be?
I caught movement in the far back of the limo. It was Noel. "No," I said, "get him out."
"Justin didn't get here, Anita," Jason said, "he's the only lion we got except for Auggie's bodyguard. If your lion rises, we need somewhere for it to go."
"He's a baby."
Jason nodded. "Raina loved virgins."
I shook my head too hard, made myself dizzy. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate. "He waits outside the car. If my lion rises, then I'll bring his beast, but we are not feeding him to Raina." I opened my eyes, and the world had stopped wavering. Good.
Jason touched Requiem's shoulder, drew my attention back to him. "I don't think we'll have to, Anita. Look at Requiem through her eyes. Look at those wounds, Anita. He's fresh meat and he's wounded. She'll like that."
I looked at the knife wounds on his chest and side. His arms were cut up. "Silver blades," I said.
Requiem nodded. "Meng Die meant my death."
"A little power and she changes her mind."
"It is not a little power, Anita," Jason said.
I looked back at Requiem. "Do you know what Raina will do?"
Nathaniel knelt by us. "I told him what she liked to do during sex."
I fought to focus on Requiem's still face. "Is it"—I searched for the word I wanted—"all right?"
"I have been at the court of Belle Morte, Anita, this will be as nothing." He found a smile for me. "Heal me so that we may both serve our master well this night."
I nodded. "Okay." I looked behind them all, at Noel. He was pressed in the far back of the limo, as far from the action as he could get. "Out, now."
"Wait outside with Fredo," Jason said.
"I was told to stay close," Noel said. His eyes were big, his mouth a little parted. I realized I was naked in front of him. I'd known that, but the drugs or the emergency, or my collapsing morals, had made me not think about it. The look on his face wasn't lust. It was fear.
"Outside the car is close enough," Jason said.
Still, he hesitated.
"Get out of the car, Noel," Nathaniel said. He sounded angry.
Noel got out of the car. When the door closed behind him, Nathaniel said, "How could Joseph have sent him for this job?"
"Joseph didn't understand," Jason said.
"Didn't want to understand," Nathaniel said. His eyes had gone almost purple with anger.
"Protect the i
He gave me those angry eyes, then made a smile for me, and nodded. "You can control Raina. I know you can."
"The drugs..."
"Will make it harder, but you can do this. I was there when you learned how to do this, Anita. Drugs or no drugs, your will is stronger than hers."
I stared into his face, studied that anger, that surety. I got that glimpse that I had sometimes, of what he might be in ten years. He was going to be something special at thirty, and I pla
Jason laid me back on the seat. Nathaniel gave me a quick kiss, then he moved away, too. Requiem sat on the end of the seat, like he was on an uncomfortable first date.
I held out my hand to him. "Help me."
He took my hand, and knelt beside the seat, still covering as much of his nakedness as he could. "How can I help you?"
"Use your power on me."
His eyes filled with rich blue fire, and my body jolted with it. It hurt my sore hand, but the mixture of pain and pleasure and confusion would appeal to her. I'd learned to control Raina, which meant she had to be coaxed inside me now. It was sort of like leaving a perfectly good house when you know a tiger is just outside, and oh, by the way, let's strap a raw steak around your neck. This was all such a bad idea. Problem was, I didn't have a better one.