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“Then, if all was solved, you just might feel differently about the museum.”

She shouldn’t have spoken; she saw a spark of anger in his eyes. “I see where your sympathy for my plight lies, Miss O’Hara,” he said, his words pleasant enough.

“I didn’t mean-”

“Yes, actually, yes, you did.”

“If that’s how you wish to feel, fine. There’s little I can do,” she said with a shrug.

He started toward the door but stopped and turned back. “Thank you for the coffee.” He hesitated. “Do you manage to suck everyone in like this-then irritate them beyond measure?”

“I-I, no! I wasn’t sucking you in. I was listening. And I would dearly love to see the murder solved. It was an injustice all the way around. A killer got away with murder. Lives were ruined. I-and surely everyone else-would like to see that rectified. In fact, and seriously, with no side benefit, I’m more than willing to help you in any way. I just can’t begin to see how.”

He walked back to her. He loomed tall, and she felt a slight tremor touch her, but it wasn’t fear. He was simply a charismatic man, whether talking thoughtfully, or staring at her the way he was now.

Even wagging a finger at her.

“Don’t! No, I mean, don’t! Don’t help me, don’t look into this, don’t be involved in any way. Please, and I mean it. Do you understand me-don’t help, don’t ask questions-just don’t!”

“Hey! All right!” Katie flared. “What-do you have this problem with everyone who attempts to be nice to you?”

He let out a breath. His eyes were an intense blue as he stared at her, and yet they seemed to spark with a different emotion, as well.

“No, I just don’t want anyone involved in any way, all right?”

She lifted her hands. “Hey, you’re on your own. I won’t darken your door, I won’t even speak on your behalf!”

He nodded, turned and headed to the door. Once more, he turned back. “Seriously, thanks for the coffee.” He lingered for a moment. She was surprised to see something of a nostalgic smile on his face.


“I don’t know. Remembering times…before, I guess.” He looked at her a long moment. “You don’t remember. I came here one day to see your brother and you were mad at him. You opened the door for me, and then slammed it in my face.”

“I did not!”

“You did.”

She flushed. “Hey, he was quite a bit older, and very superior at times.”

“It’s all right. I knocked again, and Sean came down. He threatened to lock you in your dollhouse.”

“I never had a dollhouse.”

“Then he must not have been all that mad.”

He stepped outside, the door closed and he was gone.

“Well,” Bartholomew exclaimed. “Well, well-well. How touching.”

“Don’t be-a jerk,” Katie said.

“Excuse me,” Bartholomew said indignantly. “I wasn’t being a jerk. I meant it. How touching. I think I do like this fellow after all.”

Katie was thoughtful. “If he is able to find out the truth…”

“Stop right there,” Bartholomew said.

“What do you mean?”

“Did you hear him? He doesn’t want you involved. And, hey-it’s never been proved that he was guilty, but it’s never been proved that he was i

Katie looked solidly at Bartholomew. “I don’t intend to do anything, seriously. I’m going to hope for the best for him. But if he does find out the truth, he may change his mind, and I may get the museum.”

Bartholomew appeared to shudder. “Katie, if he’s right, the situation is dangerous. Oh, yes, there’s so much more that can be discovered these days than when I was walking the shoreline. DNA, RNA, whichever is which and what. Skin cells, even fingerprints, footprints…genetic markers. Whatever. The thing is, the killer was never caught. David Beckett thinks that it wasn’t a random act or the act of a psycho who moved on. If he’s trying to discover the truth and it was someone from around here who still lives here, that person isn’t going to want anyone knowing the truth.”

“What we want isn’t always what we get-it’s time for a murderer to come to justice,” Katie said.

“Right. Great sentiment,” Bartholomew agreed. “But this person killed once, very cleverly, so it seems. If he’s threatened, he’ll certainly kill again. Katie, look at me-this guy will kill again. Like Beckett said, young woman, you stay the hell out of it. You wouldn’t want to wind up being a tableau in the museum yourself now, would you, Miss Katherine O’Hara?”



At the moment, Da

It was still early, and not much on or just off Duval Street opened early, except for the chain drugstore, coffee shops and an Internet café. But David knew that the ice-cream shop would be getting ready to open, and it might be the best time to talk to Da

When he reached the shop, David could see Da

“David Beckett! I heard you were headed back into town. Man, how are you! It’s so damned cool to see you!” Da


“Thanks, Da


David nodded. “I’m sorry, Da

“Your museum, your call.”

“It’s not actually my museum. I do have the major interest, but my grandfather left Liam and me in charge of his estate. We have to agree on everything, and I just don’t agree with reopening that place.”

“I understand, man.”

“I’m sorry, Da

“No skin off my nose, David. Seriously. I just live, and I get by, and that’s what makes me happy,” Da

“She was a kid when I left.”

“Hey, we were all kids when you left. So, where have you been? They said you became some kind of a big-shot photographer. A photojournalist.”

“I’m not sure if I’m a big shot. I make a decent living,” David told him.