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monger-someone with a complaint; a talker

muerto-a dead person. From the Sp. Also used as a verb, to kill

multinats-giant multinational corporations, companies

muse lenses-wearable, eyeglasslike device for sensory playback

muy malo-very bad. From the Sp.

neg and pos-boy and girl. From Eng. negative and positive

nacha-ass. From Mex. Slang

Namerica-North American Union, consisting of old USA, Canada, Mexico

NFP-Namerican Federal Police; the federales nins;

ninlocos-literally, "crazyboys." From Sp. nino loco, child crazy

nodester-a dealer in muse wafers

nonzafado-not with it, not "in"

nypron-very strong but near-massless fiber based on aerogel technology

OTS-Organization for Tropical Studies

para-site-a Web site

pend-penis. From Mex. slang pendejo

pinche cabron-a fucking asshole. From Mex. Slang

psychys-psychologists and psychiatrists

qwilk shop-from "quick click." A store with high-tech componentry for sale

Rara Aves-Rare Birds. From the Latin

Sanjuana-the future arcomplex of greater San Diego and Tijuana

scave-a scavenger


sextel-a licensed brothel

sheila-a woman. From Aust. Slang

shocker-a small pistol-like device that fires electrically charged pellets

soche-a school-like environment for teaching children life skills

Schlage sesame-a device for decoding and unlocking an electronic lock

siryore-a male honorific; combination of Eng. sir and Sp. senor.

skim artist-a con man

slywire-a wire-thin knife blade

snaffler-someone who's too talkative. In Mex. slang, horicon

snapper-a police sniper. From archaic 20th-century American slang

soulpool-a poor part of a big city; not necessarily a slum area

spacebase-an illegal narcotic

sparkle-another illegal narcotic spizzed;

spazzed out-wiped out, overwhelmed

sponging-working the box (computer, Net, Web, etc.)

stimstick-a legal smokable narcotic

strewth-the truth, verdad. From Aust. Slang

strine-Australian slang

subcue-a personal identification chip installed under the skin; subcutaneously

subgrub-a preteen

sylph-a high-class whore

tactile-a program that can be "felt." Uses enormous amounts of crunch

tambaqui-a very large, very tasty fish from the Amazon basin

tecant-a technological savant, i.e., a technical talent

Tico/Tica-a nickname for male/female residents of Costa Rica

todos-that's all

tortuga-turtle. From the Sp.

toyman-a kept man

traba-job-a job, work. From Sp. trabajo, to work, and Eng. job.

trochus-an edible mollusk from the South Pacific

vacan-something that's cool, with it. From Peruvian slang

vapor-talk, rumor

vapowraith-an image formed out of "solid" smoke. More aerogel technology

Verdes-ecological activists. From Sp. verde, green

vertiprop-an aircraft that can fly like a plane but take off and land vertically

vit-video pickup, camera, show… multiple usages referring to video

vorec-voice recognition device, handheld, for controlling electronics

wafers-small, flexible electronic storage media

wanker-a goof-off, a no-good. From Aust. Slang

wishwire-electronic ganglia

Wugs-wireless underground gofer systems. The individual components of a communal AI lifeform that haunts the Strip

WWF-World Wildlife Fund

yakk-talk, chatter; talking ability

yobbo-loser, bum. From Aust. slang

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