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Because that was what an angry Jedi would leave to him, a distraught Ogomoor knew. Still, there might be a way. What was it that overstaffed bag of smarmy suet had said? Something about the difficulty of sneaking up on and surprising a Jedi? Might there not be a way to counteract such a remarkable talent?

Or better yet, to outflank it?

"It didn't work." Soergg slumped before the comm station. The Hutt had considerable respect for the small biped whose hologram he was addressing. Not because of her personality, but because of Shu Mai's wide-ranging accomplishments in the field of commerce.

"What happened?" the president of the Commerce Guild asked curtly.

"The second Jedi and his Padawan arrived earlier than ex pected, and prevented the execution of the first." Soergg leaned closer to the comm. "The information I was given was faulty. Many hirelings were lost." He chuffed importantly. "I have incurred expenses."

Shu Mai was unforgiving. "Don't blame me for your failure. You were provided with the most up-to-date information avail able. Do you think tracking the movements of individual Jedi is like following a courtesan around a dance floor? They don't publicize their comings and goings, you know." Her apprehension was clear. "Now I have to pass this disagreeable information along to another. What do you plan to do to rectify this miserable failure?"

"The matter is being pursued. The Jedi will not be allowed to prevent Ansion's secession."

"Ansion is your chosen homeworld," Shu Mai reminded the Hutt. "Don't you care if it stays in the Republic or not?"

Soergg made a rude noise. "A Hutt's home is where his busi ness interests lie."

The president of the Commerce Guild nodded. "Even the members of the Trade Federation are not so mercenary."

"Fine words, coming from the one whose organization covered up the niobarium pollution on Vorian Four."

Shu Mai's expression widened. "You know about that? For one with access to such restricted information, I would think the elimination of a couple of Jedi-and their Padawans-would be a simple matter."

"It would," Soergg agreed, "if I could get proper help. Can you not send me suitable individuals?"

Shu Mai shook her head. "I am under strict instructions to avoid any action that might draw additional attention from the Jedi Council. Sending in offworld professionals is precisely the kind of action that would do so. Our friend would be hard-pressed to explain away such an action. You will have to make do with what you can hire locally. I was assured that you could. That is why you were engaged."

"This is not an easy business," Soergg complained bitterly.

The president of the Commerce Guild leaned close to her holo pickup, so that her face filled the imager. "I will make you a deal, Hutt. Trade positions with me. I will take care of these meddlesome Jedi, and you come here and deal with the one to whom I must report."

Soergg thought about it-but not for very long. The Hutts had not achieved all that they had by being fools. Besides, there was always the possibility that if Shu Mai became too intemperate, too insistent, she could be bypassed. One could go over her head.

Did Soergg want to do that? He was not at all certain he really wished to know who was backing the impatient Commerce Guild. Not on a personal level, anyway.

"I sense agitation, anxiety, and outright hostility," Obi- Wan said.

Anakin trailing dutifully behind him, Obi-Wan led the way toward the municipal hall of the city of Cuipernam, where they were to meet formally for the first time with deputies of the Unity of Community-the loosely bound political entity that represented the scattered city-states of Ansion and was the closest thing the world they were visiting had to a recognizable planetary government. The same ersatz planetary government, he reminded himself, that was threatening to secede from the Republic-and as a consequence, possibly take dozens of other systems with it.

Luminara nodded. "In other words, a bunch of nervous politicians." She glanced over at Barriss. "There are certain constants that remain the same throughout the galaxy, my dear. The speed of light, the motion of muons, and the unwillingness of politicians to commit to anything that requires a leap of personal responsibility."

As always, the Padawan listened thoughtfully before re sponding. "Then how do we persuade them of the Tightness of the galactic government's ways, and that it's in their best interests to remain a part of the Republic?"

"Sometimes it seems as if money works best." Obi-Wan's tone was quietly sardonic. "But regardless of what goes on in the Senate these days, that is not the way of the Jedi. Unlike politicians, we ca

There was no need for guards or clerks to a

Nevertheless, the four visitors dutifully admired their sur roundings, complimenting the female who came forward to ex tend them formal greetings. Seated at a long table cut from a single piece of purplish xellwood, seven delegates awaited them. Two were human, four indigenous Ansionian, and one Armalat.

Luminara studied the Ansionians carefully. Slightly shorter on average than humans, the dominant native species of Ansion was much slimmer, wiry and lean, with skin a pale yellow that was almost golden. Both genders were hairless except for a single startlingly dense brush of fur about fifteen centimeters wide and seven or eight high that ran from the top of their foreheads all the way down their backs to terminate in a fifteen-centimeter-long tail. Beneath their warm, well-made clothing the sweep of hair, which varied in color across the entire visible spectrum, was usually kept neatly trimmed. The large eyes with their small black pupils were usually red, sometimes shading to lighter tones of yellow or, in rarer instances, mauve. The numerous teeth were noticeably sharp. Though omnivorous, the Ansionians ate proportionately more meat than humans.