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He was suddenly on his feet again.

"So I guess there's no way out of this thing."

"Not unless you want to surrender peaceable and come back with me."

"You know I can't do that."

"Then I don't see no way out. We'd better get to it."

Without another word, Billy/Heffer's hand flashed to his Colt, but he wasn't fast enough. The rifle was in Garrett's hand before his own pistol was even clear of its holster. There was a bang, a puff of smoke, and, immediately afterward, a searing, burning pain in his chest. He was thrown back onto the hot, red dirt of the street.

He was suddenly on his feet again.

"So I guess there's no way out of this thing."


In 1979, when the first version of this book was written, Mick Farren was observing punk rock with a grim delight and had become convinced that the world was headed for cultural damnation. In the ensuing ten years, he has seen little reason to revise his opinions.

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