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Kingdom of the Presence and the laying of the foundations of the New Jerusalem will not come about as he said. The sky may be rolled up like a scroll, and the four horsemen may ride, and the seven-headed beast burst from the sea, but these things will not happen except symbolically.

'Much of the conquest will come about because of science and technology. This will cause what you call cultural shock. For instance, we will a

Orme gasped. Then he said, 'Master, is that true? No, forgive me, I don't doubt you. It is se staggering.'

Bronski said, 'But if very few die, there soon will be no room on Earth for children.'

Hfathon, who was standing nearby said in a low voice, 'Do not bother the Messiah with obvious matters.'

Jesus, however, said, 'I did not say that only a few will die. There will be plenty of room in the begi

Orme felt sick. There would be war, the most terrible that mankind had ever suffered. Or did Jesus's words hold another meaning which only time would reveal?

'It does not matter,' Jesus said. 'In eternity, five hundred years are as long, and as short, as a million. Our plan takes time. How much does not matter. We can be as patient as a loving mother with her troublesome children. In time everybody who deserves to be resurrected will be. Our scientists are convinced that we will someday be able to raise the dead. The recordings of things past and gone exist in the substratum of the universe. Or, to put it another way, in the body of the Creator. The scientists refer to it as the ether, a concept which I understand your scientists reject. But they are, in this respect, as ignorant as the wise men of ancient Earth were of other matters.

'In time, the dead will be raised. Five hundred years, a thousand, what does it matter to those who sleep?'

'Master,' Orme said, 'will this, too, be revealed to the people of Earth?'

'You will see. Ponder this. All things are done by the Merciful One, but He often uses men as his hands. This applies to the rising of the dead as well as to the restoration of the Kingdom of the Messiah.'

Jesus turned away then to speak to a group of officers. Orme, feeling slightly stu

Gulthilo, seeing him, smiled, though not as bravely as when they had parted an hour ago. 'What's wrong, Richard?'

'Nothing, except that I'm overwhelmed. I just heard that the scientists have a

She put a hand through the wide mesh and took his. 'That's nothing to be surprised about. Jesus has always said that it will come about, and so we've expected it. I didn't know that the scientists, who've been working on it for a thousand years, had discovered something substantial. They must be confident that they can actually do this. Otherwise, the Messiah would not have told you that it was so. Probably, the news will be a

'Give me another kiss,' he said, and he put his lips against hers, the wires pressing against his flesh. The contact with her flesh reassured him, gave him the sense that this world had not suddenly become misty, immaterial, far away. It was as solid and warm again as her body and the entity in her womb.

'May the Creator be with you,' she said softly. 'I will also assuredly be with you. And you will return before the baby is born. If it is at all possible, you will be with me then. The Law ensures that, and the Messiah is merciful.'

'Until then, my love,' he said, and he walked away. But he was not as certain as she. Only One knew what reception the Sons of Light would get from the Sons of Darkness.


Among the many things Orme hadn't understood was how a spacefleet could set forth without a long training of its perso

The perso

The upper-level cube was cleared of people, and the entrances were blocked by massive metal doors. At one end of the hollow, from the ceiling, the bottom of a Brobdingnagian plug, a monolith of granite, slowly descended. Though it was a quarter of a mile high and half a mile in diameter, and though it had no visible attachments, it came down as lightly as a toy balloon slowly losing its air, and entered a cavity prepared for it.

First, the flagship, the Maranatha (Aramaic for 'Our Master, come!'), rose through the exit. One by one the others followed. Last was the giant hemispherical Zara, or 'seed', and when it was a quarter of a mile above the surface, it stopped. In ten minutes the top of the monolith had replugged the hole.

Then, from one of the globe-tipped cylinders sticking from the Zara, an orange ray shot forth, and the rock about the plug and the plug melted together.

No surveyor satellite from Earth would record and transmit this event. The two presently operating had been shut off by the Martians. And since it was night on this side of Mars, by the time the spot came into range of Earth's delicate instruments, it would have been cooled off. When the Zara returned, it would disintegrate the thin crust of lava so that the plug could move down again.

The flagship, accelerating at three-fifths of Terrestrial gravity per second, rose into the thin atmosphere of the red planet. The others followed in Indian file, the Zara bringing up the rear.

Hfathon, standing by the three who were no longer Earthmen but naturalised Martians, spoke.

'The Zara's pet name is "The Weathermaker". It can tap the power of the sun directly at the surface and transmit it in modulated form to Earth. It can create droughts or a deluge. It can warm up an arctic region or cool off a tropic one. Over a large area, it can affect temperature in five months by raising or lowering it five or six degrees for a considerable time. When the energy is concentrated on a small area, the effect is quickly noticeable. The Zara also has other capabilities. May the King of Heaven spare us from having to use it.'

'May He indeed,' Orme said. Imagining what could happen on Earth, he was sad. But had not the Messiah said that he came not with peace but with a sword? On the other hand, he had also said that he came to preserve men's lives, not to destroy them.

What would be would be, and no matter what the interim results, the intentions and the end were good. However, that philosophy had been used - misused and abused - by so many people and with such evil means that it was discredited. But this was a holy war, ordered by God and initiated by His adopted son. Wi