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"Come on!" he said fiercely to Pao. Pao waved his hand, and Childe understood that he was to take hispick.

Childe looked quickly around. He had a superb choice, becausethere were very few women in the room who were not extraordinarily beautiful.

Childe said, "Vivie

Pao was startled and opened his mouth, apparently intending toprotest. Buthe closed it and crooked a finger at Vivie


Pao nodded and gestured for her to come a-ru

Then she started to suck on the end of his cock. The ecstasy camein slow waves, and from the inside of his navel to his knees he became ice.

He managed to gasp at Pao, "Jerk that thing out!" "What?" Pao

said. "Pull that thing out of her cunt! Quick!" Pao got down behind Childe and reached through his legs and

grabbed thesnake-thing, which was trying to wrap itself around Childe's thigh. Apparentlyit intended to climb up and into Childe's asshole, although it wasdoubtful that it was long enough to reach its goal. But Pao grabbed it behind itshead and gave a savage yank.


Childe stood with her head between his hands and his penis in hermouth. The eyes stared up at him with a violet fire, and the lips and tonguekept onsucking and thrusting. The other parts of her body, having gottenonto their legs, began to scuttle around the room. The big black who had beensucked off byVivie

The goblet's pulses came faster and faster. Childe held the headby the earsand rammed his prick faster and faster between the lips. Its headdrove down her throat, backed out until it almost left those beautiful lips, andthen rammed in until the hairs around his cock were crushed against her lips.

Faster and faster. Brighter and brighter. Pulse and ecstasy.

The ice turned to fire. He spurted with a scream and a writhingthat was so violent he almost dropped the head. His pubis was against her nose and his dongwas far down her throat. He came and came, and the goblet glowed asif it were in the heart of the sun.

Pao got down underneath the head and swallowed the jism that felldown her throat and out the open neck.

The others scrambled to catch the drops that Pao had missed. Theyrolled him away, and stuck their heads under Vivie

Childe quit shaking and spurting. The goblet's light wanedswiftly, and soonit had only a faint glow.

He pulled Vivie

He sat down and stared dully at the goblet. He felt very tired.

The people crowded around and spoke in awed tones. At first, hedid not understand what they were talking about. When he heard a woman say; "It did grow, just a little, but it grew?" he saw what they were marvelingat.

The incomplete side of the cup of the goblet had grown more ofthe metal.

"You are indeed the Captain and The Childe," Pao said, holdingChilde's limpcock in his hand. "But you are no longer a child."

Childe understood what he was saying, although he did not knowthe details. During that last explosion of orgasm, he had seen many things on thescreen of his mind. Somehow, this experience had tapped a racial memory. No, not racial. That was not the correct term. A genetic memory was closer to anexact definition.


Forry Ackerman jumped when the poundings, came on his door. Heopened thedoor without checking on the identity of the visitor, a lack ofprecautionindicating his upset condition.

A tall good-looking man with yellow hair and dark blue eyes stoodthere. Two other men were with him.

He said, "I'm Hindarf. This is Bellow and this is Grunder. We'refriends, old friends, of Alys Merrie. We'd like to come in."

"No smoking," Forry said and then remembered that Alys waspuffing on onecigarette after another.

He let them in and closed the door. Two sat down without asking his permission; Hindarf stood in the middle of the room as if he intendedto dominate it. And he did.

"I'm here to carry out the rest of our plan," he said. "What plan?" Forry said. He looked around the room. It had always seemed the center of the

universe, this room. It contained illustrations from all over the cosmos by menwho had never left planet Earth in the flesh. Memos from Mars. To others, itappearedweird, but to him it was home.

Now it was shifting from reality, slipping its moorings. The veryintrusion of genuine alie

"You must be wondering why you've been chosen," Hindarf said. "Why should wering in an Earthling in our battle against the Ogs? Why do we needyou in oureffort to recapture the Captain?"

Forry bent his head and looked at them from under raisedeyebrows. Hedrawled, "Yes. I had been wondering about that. Many are called butFu are Chosen, as the Korean said."

Hindarf did not smile, but he did not look puzzled either. Hesaid, "Thereare some Earthlings who have what we call resonance. Through thechance of genetics, they are born with a psychic affinity, or a psychophysicalcomplex, which generates what, for want of a better term, we call white noise. This vibration is quite in phase with those radiated by the Tocs. It makesthe Earthling immediately sympathetic and empathic with the Tocs, and, conversely, it generates disturbance and confusion in the minds of the Ogs. Butit exists, and its effect is to blank out the vibrations radiated by the Tocs. In other words, we Tocs and Ogs know when we're near each other. We sense itjust as alion downwind from an antelope smells it. But when one of theresonant white-noise generator Earthlings is around, the Ogs can't sense us."

Forry put his fingertips together to form a church steeple. Hesaid, "I'venever been one to make everything black or white. There is much moregray inthis universe than black or white."

"Did you ever have a good word to say for the Nazis?" Hindarfsaid.

"Well, they did get rockets launched and that led to the firstmen on the Moon."

Alys Merrie guffawed and said, "Well, kiss my ass and call meHitler!" "Woolston Heepish is a member of the Ogs," Hindarf said. "He has not onlyset himself up as a rival of yours, he has become a caricature ofyou, and hehas stolen from you. Do you think he's more gray than black?"

"Black as the devil's hindbrain," Forry said. "Why, just lastnight...!"

Hindarf waved his hand impatiently and said, "I know. Thequestion is, willyou help us? It will be dangerous. But it will be less dangerous forus if youaccompany us. We intend to rescue Childe. He is a prisoner of theOgs. And theemanations from the house today indicate that he's participating in agrail-growing ceremony. He probably doesn't know what he's doing, butthat makes no difference. He is doing what they want him to do."

"Aren't there any other Earthlings you know who could go withyou?" Forrysaid. He remembered some of his youthful fantasies in which he hadbeen the focus of attention from the secret bands of Martians and Venusians operating inan underground struggle for control of Earth. Generally, in hisfantasies, hehad been on the side of the Martians. There was something sinister, damp, toadstooly, and creepycrawly about the Venusians. All that rain...Nowthat he thought about it, the deluge of the past seven days had turned LosAngeles intoa Venus such as the sci-fi writers had projected back in the good olddays ofScience Wonder Stories and Astounding.