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The head of the snake-thing came out of her slit and stared

angrily at him. "Barton," she said, "put him on the bed and undress him." Wordlessly, Barton picked Childe up in his arms and laid him out

on the bed. He proceeded to take off all of Childe's clothes and to hang them upneatly inthe closet. The shoes and socks went under a chair. Childe could see this because he was able by then to turn his head. He could not, however, talk.

"You can go now, Barton," Vivie

The big dark man looked emotionlessly at Childe. Then he said, "Very well, madame," and left.

Childe wondered what his place was in Vivie


She said, "You frustrated me, my beautiful Herald Childe, and Idon't like to be frustrated. You took away my Bill, a stupid ass of a man but agreat cock. So you will substitute for him, even though you are now forbidden."

He wanted to ask her what she meant by "forbidden" but could noteven openhis mouth.



Even though he did not suck or tongue it, her nipple grew largeand hard in his mouth. She withdrew it and put the other one between his lips, and it grewlarge. Then she began to kiss his nipples and to stroke his cheeks with her fingers. She slowly traced her tongue down his belly, working backand forth and across, drawing geometric designs with its tip.

When she came to his pubic hairs, she ran her tongue along theedge of thehairline and then worked her tongue over the hairs until they werewet. His penis swelled some more. He did not want it to be affected in theleast by her, but the paralyzing effect of the bite made him unable to resist. Heloathed her and he wanted to scream at the thought of the snake-thing. But theloathing andthe horror were numbed, far away. The pleasure of her tongue and lipswas the immediate entity.

When he felt her mouth closing around his testicles, he began tobe flooded with a hot sensation. It arose from under his navel and spreadoutwards but chiefly towards the base of his penis. When it oozed into his penis, it filled it out so that it rose up straight and hard.

After a while, she pushed the testicles out with her tongue andlowered her head over his cock. Her lips went softly and wetly around the head, and her tongue pressed against the slit in its end. He groaned deep withinhimself and could not repress a desire to move his hips upward to drive his prickdeeperinto her mouth. The desire was all that resulted; his hips remainedmotionless.


Suddenly, Vivie

She lowered and raised herself slowly several times, causing himto feel ecstatic. It would not take much of this to make him come. And he did not like buggering. Though he had done it several times to women who liked it, he had a distaste for it. Now his repulsion was on the edge of his mind. Itbulked largeenough for him to be aware of it, but it did not bother him.

She stopped on an upward movement, leaving his cock half in.

Knowing what was about to happen, he mentally gritted his teeth. The horror did not draw any blood from his engorged penis, however.

Suddenly, something slipped down over his testicles. It slid overthe sac and under, and something--the thing's bearded little head, ofcourse--touched his anus. Then it entered and was pushing into his anus and then uphis rectum. It felt hard and solid and unpleasant, as when a doctor stuck afinger up himfor a prostate examination. But this disagreeable sensation did notlast long. Something, perhaps its bite or the substance released by its bite, turned unpleasantness into a warm and relaxing feeling.

A few seconds later, Vivie

The warmth and relaxation within his rectum and his bowels gaveway to analmost hot feeling and a tension. The tension was, however, near- ecstatic. His insides felt as ready for orgasm as his penis. Both exquisitenessesacted as sine waves out of phase with each other. But as Vivie

There was a moment of glory: a flashing red light across hiseyes, a spurtof metal rubbing against his pleasure nerves, a breaking through of ared-hot drill in the center of his brain, and he exploded. It was as if hehad been turned inside out as he passed through some fifth-dimensionalcontinuum. He was a glove of flesh removed from a hand, inverted, and exposed toradiations that would never have reached him otherwise, intensely delightfulradiations.


Though it did not look as vicious as before, it still lookeddangerous.

Childe was glad to see it withdraw, although he wished that ithad not first moved up her body and kissed her on the lower lip with its thinmouth.


He could not reply, but he thought, "Love?" He wished he could vomit. At that moment, three men entered the room. One of them had a

cane, fromwhich he pulled a thin-bladed sword. He stuck the point of it againstVivie

She turned pale and said, "Why are you breaking the truce?"