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He went back and up, trying to stand up at the same time that hemoved awayfrom Vivie

The man fell off the bed and crashed onto the floor. By then, hehad quitscreaming, but he shook and moaned.


"What's the matter, Bill?" she said, looking down at him. "Did the cat getyour cock?"

He was sitting up by then, intently handling and eyeing hispenis. He lookedup at her with surprise.

"My God! What happened? You ask what happened? I thought...Ireally didthink...you got teeth in your cunt?"

He stood up. The gray of his skin was begi

"Look at that! There are teeth marks there!"

She took the limp organ, which looked like a giant but sick worm, and bent over to examine it.

"How can you say those are teeth marks?" she said. "There aresome tinylittle indentations there, but nothing serious. There! Does that makeMommy'sboy feel better?"

She had kissed the big purple-red glands and then run her tonguealong theshaft.

He backed away, saying, "Keep your distance, woman!"

"Are you out of your mind?" she said. She was sitting up on theedge of thebed with the magnificently full and conical breasts pointed at him, Her pubiswas a large triangle of thick dark-red hair, almost the same shade asthe longthick rich auburn hair on her head. The legs were extraordinarilylong and verywhite.

Bill continued to keep his distance. He said, "I tell you; something bit me. You got teeth in your cunt!"

She lay back down on the bed with her legs stretched out so thatthe tips ofher toes touched the floor. She said, "Put your finger in, darling, and find out what a fool you are."

He eyed the reddish fleece and the slit, somewhat opened by the

posture. He said, "I like my finger, too!" Vivie

asshole! I thought you were a normal healthy man! I didn't know you werepsychotic! Teethin my cunt, indeed! Get to hell out of here before I call the psychoward!"

Bill looked as if he felt foolish. He said, "Honest to God, Idon't know how to explain it! Maybe I am going nuts! Or maybe I just had a suddenstrain, maybethat was the burning sensation I felt! No, by God, it felt like tinyteeth! Or a bunch of needles!"


"Come here, baby. Sit down on the bed. Here!" She patted the edgeof the bed.

Bill must have decided that he was making a fool of himself. Moreover, thesight of the superbly shaped Vivie

"I've got teeth in my mouth, baby, but I know how to use them," she said. She picked up the semi-flaccid organ and ran her tongue out to flickthe slit on the end of the glands. He jumped a little but settled back to lookdown at her while she took half of the cock into her mouth. She began to work herhead back and forth, slowly, and the organ disappeared entirely, then emergedslick and shining red as far as the head.

Bill shook and moaned and kept his gaze fixed upon the penisdiving in andout of those full red lips. He was evidently getting a heightenedecstasy out ofwatching his cock pistoning into her mouth.

Herald Childe did not know whether he should stay there or not. He wanted to explore the house for anything he might be able to use for evidenceagainstVivie

However, he was worried about the man. His behavior made itevident that he was not aware of Vivie

Bill was an i

Childe shuddered at the memory of that film that had been shippedto the LAPD by the killers. It had shown his partner being sucked off, asBill now was. The woman had removed her false teeth and inserted razor-edged ironteeth, andbitten off the end of his partner's cock.

The blood was a crimson fountain that burst out frequently in hisvisions and his dreams.

Childe decided that he would have to interfere. This meant that he could not prowl around the house now. He would have to make sure that the manwas safe. He should do so now, but he could not. He wanted to find out what wouldhappen. Hewould wait a while and then step in.


She said, "Slide back onto the bed, baby, and lie down."

Whatever reservations he had about her had diminished with the increase in blood pressure. He moved back and lay down with his head on thepillow while sheclimbed onto the bed. She mouthed the head of his penis for a minuteand then said, "Bill?"

He was flat on his back, his hands spread out, his face turnedupwards. Hiseyes were open. He did not answer.

"Bill?" she said again, a little louder.

When he did not respond, she crawled down to him and looked intohis face. She pinched his cheek and then raked it with her fingernails. Bloodflowed from four rows on his flesh, but he did not move. His penis, however, reared up, thick, squat, red-purplish, glistening.


It was then that he should walk into the room, but he was toofascinated to make his move as yet. Bill seemed to be paralyzed, though how it hadhappened, Childe could not guess. Not at first. Then he realized that thatthing hadbitten Bill's peter with poisonous teeth. The venom had frozen him, with the exception of his prick. The blood was still pumping into it.

The woman straddled him with the intention of easing down on hiscock and letting it slide up into the slit of her vagina. But she only allowedthe head to enter and then she stopped descending. She crouched there forabout thirtyseconds, during which she shook as if she were having an orgasm.

Immediately after, she withdrew, exposing the penis, which wasstill upright. But there were tiny rills of blood ru


Childe anticipated what would happen next. He felt sick, and heknew he should halt the monstrous rape, but he also was gripped with thedesire to witness what, as far as he knew, no man alive had seen. Emphasis onthe alive.
