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Now the camera moved up and away and took a position where boththe man and woman could be seen. She approached slowly, swaying her hips, andcame up toColben and said something. Her lips moved, but there was no sound, and the police lip-reader could not tell what she was saying because her headwas bent too far over. Colben said something too, but his words wereundecipherable forthe same reason.

The woman bent over and let her left breast fall so that Colben could take it in his mouth. He sucked for a while; and then the woman removedit. The camera moved in to show the nipple, which was wet and swollen. Shekissed him on the mouth; the camera moved in sidewise to show her as she raised herhead a little to permit the camera to record the tongue sliding back andforth into Colben's mouth. Then she began to kiss and to lick his chin, hisneck, hischest, his nipples, and she smeared his round belly with saliva. Sheworked slowly down to his pubic hairs, slobbered on them, gently tapped hispenis with her tongue many times, kissed it lightly several times, flicked outher tongueto dab its head with the tip while she held it at the root. Then shewalked around the leg of the Y and between the legs and began to suck on hispenisenergetically.

At this point, a ti

For the first time, the woman spoke.

"Tell me just before you're ready to come, darling. Maybe thirtyor so seconds before, yes? I have a beautiful surprise for you. Somethingnew."

The voice had been printed and run off by the police on anoscilloscope andstudied. But distortions had been introduced into it. That was whythe voice sounded so hollow and wavery.

"Go slower, baby," Colben said. "Take it easy, put it off likeyou did thelast time. That was the greatest orgasm I ever had in my life. You'regoing alittle too fast now. And don't stick your finger up my ass like youdid then. You cut my piles."

The first time the scene had been shown, some of the cops hadsnickered. Nobody snickered now. There was an unheard but easily felt shift inthe audience now. The smoke seemed to get hard and brittle; the green milk in thelight beambecame more sour. The Commissioner sucked in air so hard a rattle sounded in his throat and then he began coughing.

The piano was playing The William Tell Overture now. The ti

The woman raised her head and said, "You about ready to come, mon petit?" Colben breathed, "Oh, Jesus, just about!" The woman looked into the camera and smiled. The flesh seemed to

fade away, the bones beneath were faintly glowing and cloudy. Then the flesh was cloudy; the skull was hard and bright. And then the skull faded and flesh fell back into place.

She leered into the camera and put her head down again, but thistime she went past the corner of the Y and squatted down below the table, where the camera followed her. There was a small shelf fixed to one leg of thetable. She picked up something off it; the light brightened, the camera moved i

She held a pair of false teeth. They looked as if they were madeof iron; the teeth were sharp as a razor and pointed like a tiger's.

She smiled and put the iron teeth on the shelf and used bothhands to remove her own teeth. She looked thirty years older. She placed the whiteteeth on the shelf and then inserted the iron teeth into her mouth. She held the edge of herforefinger between the two teeth and bit gently down. Then sheremoved the finger and held it so that the camera could zero in on it. Bright redblood was welling out from the bite.

She stood up and wiped the cut on the fat glands of Colben'spenis and shebent over and licked the blood off. Colben groaned and said, "Oh, God, I'm goingto come!"

Her mouth went around the head and she sucked in loudly. Colbenbegan tojerk and to groan. The camera showed his face for a second before itmoved back to a position alongside the woman's.

She raised her head quickly. The penis was jerking and spurtingthe thick oily whitish fluid. She opened her mouth widely, bent down swiftly, and bit. The muscles along her jaw lumped; her neck muscles became cords. Colbenscreamed.

She whipped her head back and forth and bit again and again. Blood ran down from her mouth and reddened the pubic hairs.

The camera moved away from her to show the draperies throughwhich she had entered. There was a flourish of trumpets. A ca

Trumpets sounded again as the music faded. The draperies shotopen, propelled by two stiff arms. A man stepped inside and posed for amoment, hisright arm raised so that his black cloak half-hid his face. His hairwas black and shiny as patent leather and was parted down the middle. Hisforehead and nose were white as the belly of a shark. His eyebrows were thick andblack and met over his nose. The eyes were large and black.

He was dressed as if he were going to a movie premiere. He had ona formal suit, a stiff white shirt with a black formal tie and a diagonal redband across his chest and a medal or order on his lapel.

He wore blue sneakers. Another comic element which only made the situation morehorrible.

The man lowered the cloak to show a large hooked nose, a thickblack moustache which curved down around the ends of his thick rouged lips, and a prominent cleft chin.

He cackled, and this deliberately corny element was even morehorrible than the sneakers. The laugh was a parody of all the gloating laughscranked forth by all the monsters and Draculas of every horror movie.

Up went the arm, and, his face hidden behind the cloak, the manrushed toward the table. Colben was still screaming. The woman jumped awayswiftly andlet the man into the Y. The penis was still jerking and emittingblood and spermatic fluid; the head was half-bitten off. The camera switched tothe woman's face. Blood was ru

Again, the camera pa

The first time, Childe had fainted. This time, he got up and rantoward the door but vomited before he reached it. He was not alone.