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Goring, ex-Nazi and late Reichsmarschall of the Third Reich, is one of the party. He has repented his evil deeds on Earth and has converted to the Church of the Second Chance. He sacrifices his life trying to get to the malfunctioning valve to repair it. He fails, and it seems that the Computer will perish and with it all hope of immortality for the thirty-five billion people.

However, Alice Liddell Hargreaves, one of the party, ingeniously figures out a way to circumvent the Computer's suicidal obedience to certain inhibitions, and the project is saved.

Now the Valleydwellers will be given the extra time that Loga, the renegade Ethical, claims they need in order for all to attain the level where they may Go On. The project will be resumed as originally pla

ed with this exception. Loga's fellow Ethicals and their Agents will not be resurrected because they would interfere with his plans.

The book at hand, Gods of Riverworld, starts a few weeks after the ending of the fourth, The Magic Labyrinth.

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