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The chairman of the Norwegian Parliament introduced Dr. King as "an undaunted champion of peace, the first person in the western world to have shown us that a struggle can be waged without violence."

Dr. King, visibly moved by the introduction, climbed on stage to accept the award. He said that he considered it "a profound recognition that nonviolence is the answer to the crucial political and moral question of our time, the need for man to overcome violence and oppression without resorting to violence and oppression."

Speaking into glaring television lights and a sea of rapt faces, Dr. King continued. "I refuse to accept the belief that man is mere flotsam and jetsam in the river of life which surrounds him," he said. "I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daylight of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality."

Citing the "tortuous road which has led from Montgomery, Alabama to Oslo," Dr. King said that the Nobel Prize was really for the "millions of Negroes on whose behalf he stood here today."

"Their names will never make Who's Who," Dr. King said. "Yet when the years have rolled past and when the blazing light of truth is focused on this marvelous age in which we live, men and women will know and children will be taught that we have a finer land, a better people, a more noble civilization, because these humble children of God were willing to suffer for righteousness' sake."

Thunderous applause greeted Dr. King's address. Hundreds of students, carrying torches, surrounded a large Christmas tree and greeted Dr. King and his entourage as they departed.

_DOCUMENT INSERT_: 12/16/64. Internal memorandum. Marked: "Stage-1 Covert" / "Director's Eyes Only" / "Destroy After Reading." To: Director Hoover. From: SA Dwight Holly.


Per our phone conversation:

I agree. In light of your recent meeting with SUBJECT KING, you should suspend all public attacks and derogatory references to him, which should serve to deepen the cover needed to mount the SCLC and WHITE-HATE arms of OPERATION BLACK RABBIT. I agree further that no memorandums should be filed by any participant and/or circulant, that a strict read-and-burn policy should be observed and that all telephone communiquйs should be patched through Bureau scramblers.

Per said participants/targets and our stated objectives:

1 – BLUE RABBIT (the undersigned/SA D. C. Holly). To oversee and coordinate both operational arms and direct the activities of:

2 – WHITE RABBIT (Lyle D. Holly). Our plant within SCLC. Conduit for data pertaining to SCLC policy and exploitable personal data on TARGETS KING and RUSTIN.

3 – CRUSADER RABBIT (Ward J. Littell). Cosmetically vouched civil-rights sympathizer. Has donated $180,000 in cosmetically proffered organized-crime funds, allegedly pilfered from organizedcrime sources. Our plant, charged to tape and extract incriminating, embarrassing and compromising data from TARGET RUSTIN.

4 – FATHER RABBIT (Wayne Tedrow Senior). Conservative pamphleteer, covert handier of FBI informants and long-term KKX mail-fraud operative. Our liaison to the WHITE-HATE arm of OPERATION BLACK BABBIT. Liaison to our newly recruited Klan ru

5 – WILD RABBIT (U.S. Army Staff Set. Bob D. Relyea). Said Klan ru

Sgt. Relyea is an experienced hate pamphleteer and a former Missouri State prison guard with pre-existing segregationist contacts throughout the midwest and south. He continues to mail hate pamphlets of his own design throughout the Missouri prison system. Sgt. Relyea will be discharged from the Army 5/65 and will terminate his CIA ops at that time. We can expect him to begin work on OPERATION BLACK RABBIT in early 6/65.

Per targets RED RABBIT (Martin Luther King) and PINK RABBIT (Bayard Rustin) and our objectives.

Said objectives:

1 – To discredit RED RABBIT and PINK RABBIT and undermine their subversively socialistic designs.

2 – Via the accumulating and disseminating of incriminating and/or embarrassing data pertaining to their Communist associations, hypocritical moral behavior and sexual degeneracy.

3 – To precisely orchestrate the release of said data, in order to reveal the socialistic underpi

4 – To create distrust within the civil-rights movement.

5 – To engender distrust and resentment against RED RABBIT within the Negro community and undercut the recent non-Negro cache that RED RABBIT has engineered.

6 – To reveal the Socialist-Communist designs of RED RABBIT, the SCLC and the civil-rights movement and influence an effective political backlash.

7 – To assail RED RABBIT's obviously disturbed and deteriorated psyche with an anonymous mail campaign.

8 – To implement the WHITE-HATE arm of OPERATION BLACK RABBIT concurrent with 1-7, in order to buttress the FBI's antiKlan, anti-racist credentials and rebuff anti-FBI sentiment disseminated by civil-rights provocateurs and members of the liberal-socialist press.

In addition, I urge:

9 – SCLC MAIL COVERS. The intercepting, reading, logging and resending of all U.S. and foreign mail sent to the main and regional SCLC Offices.

10 – SCLC TRASH COVERS. The examination, logging evidentiary seizure of all garbage and discard material dumped in trash bins at all SCLC Offices.

11 – An anonymous letter, to be written from a Negro perspective and sent to RED RABBIT's home in Atlanta.

The letter will begin "King, look into your heart" and will recount what a "grim farce" the Nobel Peace Prize and RED RABBIT's other recent accolades are held to be within the mainstream Negro community. The letter will subtly urge RED RABBIT to commit suicide rather than risk further disfavor within the Negro community, and will include bug-tap excerpts, pertaining to RED RABBIT's promiscuity, to buttress your deliberate public statements and convince RED RABBIT that those statements are widely received and accepted by mainstream Negroes.

In closing:

Our bugs and wiretaps remain in place, although they are severely compromised. Per our last phone call, I agree with your assessment. OPERATION BLACK RABBIT must launch and sustain at Stage-i Covert status. RED RABBIT has reached an unbearably high level of public acceptance that only our most diligent and secretive efforts will be able to dislodge.
