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J. S.

_DOCUMENT INSERT_: 10/27/64. Pouch communiquй. To: John Stanton. From: Pete Bondurant. Marked: "Hand Pouch Deliver Only"/ "Destroy Upon Reading."

I read your summary. Vietnam sounds like my kind of place.

Here's my perso

1 – Wayne Tedrow Jr. U.S. Army, '54-'58 (82nd Airborne Division). Former Las Vegas policeman. Chemistry degree/Brigham Young University/ '89.

Tedrow's solid. He's proficient with small arms larger weaponry. He'll do a solid job on the chemical side. He told me he studied "opiate balances" "narcotic component theory" in college. His plan is to find human "test pilots" or "guinea pigs" to test maximum dosage levels on, such as junkies or opium addicts with opiate tolerances. That way he can take the refining process to the final level in Saigon ship street-ready merchandise back to Vegas.

Tedrow's father is a big wheel in Nevada. Tedrow's _very_ estranged from him, but the old man has co

2, 3 – Laurent Guery Flash Elorde.

You know them from our Miami days. They've been merc'ing out of Mexico City since late '63 they're anxious to find a permanent duty station. They're devoted to the Cause will fit in on the cultivation, enforcement distribution ends. Both men have ties to gulf coast-based exiles that we'll be able to utilize.

4 – Jean Philippe Mesplede.

You sent me his dossier, so I won't repeat his stats. I met him in Mexico City liked him. He's French-English fluent knows some Vietnamese dialect from his '53-'54 tour. He's got in-country narcotics experience, along with some exile ties is solidly committed to the Cause.

8 – Chuck Rogers.

Another old Tiger ops grad. You know his stats: pilot, wet-arts, shortwave radio skills. Deep exile ties co

6 – Bob Relyea.

I don't know him I'm hiring him off Rogers' recommendation. (They've been shortwave buddies for years. Rogers vouches for him he's already in-country.)

Relyea's a Staff Sgt. with the MP Brigade in Saigon. He was formerly a prison guard in Missouri has strong right-wing ties in the south. He's allegedly a great sharpshooter all-around weapons man.

Per my plan:

I want to get into Laos quick have Tran Lao Dinh negotiate with the "warlords" for their poppy farms. I want to bribe the right ARVN men other Saigon officials to procure us the right level of protection. Then I'll have Rogers fix up a small 2-engine aircraft fly circuits from Laos to Saigon. He'll conduit the morphine-base to Tedrow's lab double as an enforcer at the slave farm(s).

Per the stateside conduit:

I'd like to ship via Agency-courier flights to Nellis. I've got a well-placed lawyer friend who may be able to pull strings Sc get us clearance there. Then we'll distribute out of Tiger Kab, to (expendable) Negro pushers who'll push exclusively in West Vegas. Rogers, Guery Elorde will fu

The team is solid. I'm confident that they'll work well together. Let's stay focused on the Cuban end of things.

Viva la Causa!

_DOCUMENT INSERT_: 10/29/64. Pouch communiquй. To: Pete Bondurant. From: John Stanton. Marked: "Hand Pouch Deliver Only"! "Destroy Upon Reading."

I like your perso

You'll need cargo-manifest cover to land at Nellis, and it must be convincing. What do you advise?

_DOCUMENT INSERT_: 10/31/64. Pouch communiquй. To: John Stanton. From: Pete Bondurant. Marked: "Hand Pouch Deliver Only"! "Destroy Upon Reading."

Per your last pouch:

Howard Hughes (my old boss my lawyer friend's current boss) wants to curry favor with politicians Sc military perso

What do you think?


_DOCUMENT INSERT_: 11 / 1/64. Pouch communiquй. To: Pete Bondurant. From: John Stanton. Marked: "Hand Pouch Deliver Only"! "Destroy Upon Reading."

Contact your lawyer friend and try to implement ASAR I approve your selected perso

_DOCUMENT INSERT_: 11/2/64. Verbatim FBI telephone call transcript. Marked: "Recorded at the Director's Request"!"Classtfied Confidential 1-A: Director's Eyes Only." Speaking: Director Hoover, Ward J. Littell.

JEH: Good morning, Mr. Littell.

WJL: Good morning, Sir.

JEH: The election bodes. Prince Bobby's probable victory must hearten you.

WJL: It does, Sir.

JEH: The Dark Prince has plundered New York State with great verve. I liken it to the Visigoths storming Rome.

WJL: It's a vivid comparison, Sir.

JEH: Lyndon Johnson was Bobby's reluctant henchman. He told me, quote, Edgar, I hate that little rabbit-faced cocksucker, and it galls me to hustle him votes.

WJL: President Johnson has verve of his own.

JEH: Yes, and much of it is directed toward the passage of dubious legislation. I view the words "Great Society" as fresh lyrics to "The Internationale."

WJL: It's a deft analogy, Sir.

JEH: Lyndon Johnson will deplete his prestige on the homefront and recoup it in Vietnam. History will judge him as a tall man with big ears who needed wretched people to love him.

WJL: Said with verve, Sir.

JEH: Lyndon Johnson appreciates the verve of one Martin Lucifer King. I've been sending him motel-room tapes. Lucifer performs with equal verve in bed and at barricades.

WJL: Dr. King wears many hats, Sir.

JEH: Yes, and he also wears garishly patterned Fruit-of-theLoom briefs.

WJL: You're maintaining a close surveillance, Sir.

JEH: Yes, and I have Lyle Holly to direct me to Lucifer's favored tryst-spots. I talk to Lyle on a near-daily basis, and he tells me that Bayard Rustin is very much taken with you and your allegedly pilfered organized-crime donations.

WJL: Mr. Rustin finds me sincere, Sir.

JEH: Because you are.

WJL: I work at verve, Sir.

JEH: You succeed.

WJL: Thank you, Sir.

JEH: I detect a shift in tone. Do you wish to ask a question?

WJL: Yes, Sir.

JEH: Ask, Mr. Littell. You know I find preambles taxing.

WJL: Do you know when you'll leak word of my donations?

JEH: When I sense that my missives on Lucifer's Communist ties and sex life have reached their cumulative peak.

WJL: That's a sound strategy, Sir.

JEH: It's an inspired strategy. It's inimical to your recent gambit with Wayne Senior.