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The boy lounged in the doorway. “Felix is indisposed right now.”


“It’s all right, Christopher. I’ll talk to this officer.”

The pretty boy jumped at Gordean’s voice; Da

Gordean pivoted slowly. “Hello, Deputy. Did you forget something the other night?”

Christopher went over and stood by Gordean, giving the mirror a look-see and a giggle. Da

Gordean said, “Those men are clients and friends of mine, and they were all at my office this afternoon. Have you been spying on me?”


Gordean shrugged and put his hands on his hips. “As I said, clients and friends.”

“Like I said, get specific.”

“Very well. Don Wachtel and Al Marks are radio actors, Tim Costigan used to be a crooner with the big bands and Augie Duarte is a budding actor who I’ve found commercial work for. In fact, maybe you’ve seen him on television. I found him a job playing a fruit picker in a spot for the California Citrus Growers’ Association.”

Pretty Boy was hugging himself, entranced by the mirror; Da

“Yes. So?”

“So have you seen anyone like that hanging out around your office?”

A deadpan from Gordean; Christopher turning from the mirror, his mouth opening. A brief hand squeeze, pimp to Pretty Boy; the kid’s deadpan. Da

Two men walked into the living room. They were wearing red silk briefs; one man was removing a sequined mask. Both were young and overly muscular, with shaved legs and torsos slicked down with some kind of oil. They eyed the three standing there; the taller of them threw Da

Gordean spoke to his back. “No questions about that, Deputy?”


“Wouldn’t you say it runs contrary to your life? I’m sure you’ve got a nice family. A wife or a girlfriend, a nice family who would find that shocking. Would you like to tell me about them over a glass of that nice Napoleon brandy you enjoy so much?”

For a split second Da

Pretty Boy left the house twenty minutes later, walking toward an overpass to the beach. Da


Christopher wiped blood from his nose. He said, “Felix didn’t want me to talk to you about it,” no whimper, no defiance, no nothing in his voice.

“Do you do everything Felix tells you to do?”


“So you saw a man like that?”

Christopher got to his feet and leaned over the railing with his head bowed. “The man had really beautiful hair, like movie star hair. I do file work at the agency, and I’ve seen him out at the bus stop on Sunset a lot the last few days.”


“I don’t know.”

“Have you seen him with a car?”


“Have you seen anybody talking to him?”


“But you told Felix about him?”


“And how did he react?”

Christopher shrugged. “I don’t know. He didn’t react much at all.”


“Felix wouldn’t like me to tell.”

“No, but you tell me, or I’ll hurt you.”

The boy pulled away, gulped and spoke fast, a fresh-turned snitch anxious to get it over with. “At first he seemed scared, then he seemed to be thinking, and he told me I should point the man out from the window the next time I saw him.”

“Did you see him again?”

“No. No, I really didn’t.”


“No. No, he’s afraid of it.”


The kid turned, profile to full face, pretty to beaten and slackfeatured. Da

“I don’t think so, that’s not Felix’s style.”

“Think fast. Zoot stick. That’s a stick with razor blades at the end, a weapon.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“A man who looks like the one you saw by the bus stop, a man who uses Gordean’s service.”

“No. I’d never seen that man by the bus stop before, and I don’t know any—”

“Dentists, dental workers, men who can make dentures.”

“No. Too chintzy for Felix. Oh God, this is so strange.”

“Heroin. Guys who push it, guys who like it, guys who can get it.

“No, no, no. Felix hates needle fiends, he thinks they’re vulgar. Can we please hurry up? I never stay out on my walks this long, and Felix might get worried.”


“Oh Jesus—yes.”

“Were any of those four men I mentioned queers that he brought out?”

“I—I don’t know.”

“Queers in general?”

“Donald and Augie, yes. Tim Costigan and Al Marks are just clients.”

“Did Augie or Don ever turn tricks for the service?”

“Augie did, that’s all I know.”

“Christopher! Did you fall in and drown!”



“What should I tell him about my nose?”

“Tell him a fucking shark bit you.”

“Christopher! Are you coming!”