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“Call me Jirji. You slapped on that goddamn moddy and followed me into Gargotier’s. It was stupid, but you had guts. You been initiated, sort of.”

That made me feel good. “Yeah, well, Jirji, I want to ask you something. Would you say you were very religious?”

He frowned. “I perform the duties, but I’m not go

“Okay, then maybe you could tell me what this dream means.”

He laughed. “What kind of dream? You and Brigitte Stahlhelm in the Tu

I shook my head. “No, nothing like that at all. I dreamed I met the Holy Prophet. He had something to tell me, but I couldn’t understand it.” I related the rest of the vision Wise Counselor had created for me.

Shaknahyi raised his eyebrows, but he said nothing for a few moments. He played with the ends of his mustache as he thought. “Seems to me,” he said finally, “it’s about simple virtues. You’re supposed to remember humility, as Prophet Muhammad, blessings and peace be upon him, remembered it. Now’s not the time for you to make great plans. Later maybe, Allah willing. That make any sense to you?”

I kind of shivered, because as soon as he said it, I knew he was right. It was a suggestion from my backbrain that I shouldn’t worry about handling my mother, Umm Saad, and Abu Adil all by myself. I should take things slowly, one thing at a time. They would all come together eventually. “Thanks, Jirji,” I said.

He shrugged. “No thanks are necessary.”

“I bring you good food,” said Meloul cheerfully, setting a platter between Shaknahyi and me. The mounded-up couscous was fragrant with ci

“It looks great, Meloul,” said Shaknahyi.

“May it be pleasant to you.” Meloul wiped his hands on a clean towel, bowed to us, and left us to our meal.

“In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful,” Shaknahyi murmured.

I offered the same brief grace, arid then allowed myself to scoop up a chunk of chicken and some of the couscous. It tasted even better than it smelled.

When we’d finished, Shaknahyi called for our bill. Meloul came to the table, still smiling. “No charge. My countrymen eat for free. Policemen eat for free.”

“That’s kind of you, Meloul,” I said, “but we’re not allowed to accept—”

Shaknahyi drank the last of his coffee and put down his cup. “It’s all right, Marid,” he said, “this is different. Meloul, may your table last forever.”

Meloul put his hand on Shaknahyi’s shoulder. “May God lengthen your life,” he said. He hadn’t turned a copper fiq on our patronage, but he looked pleased.

Shaknahyi and I left the cookshop well fed and comfortable. It seemed a shame to spoil the rest of the afternoon with police work.

An old woman sat begging on the sidewalk a few yards from Meloul’s. She was dressed in a long black coat and black kerchief. Her sun-darkened face was deeply scored with wrinkles, and one of her sunken eyes was the color of milk. There was a large black tumor just in front of her right ear. I went up to her. “Peace be upon you, O Lady,” I said.

“And upon you be peace, O Shaykh,” she said. Her voice was a gritty whisper.

I remembered that I still had the envelope of money in my pocket. I took it out and opened it, then counted out a hundred kiam. It hardly made a dent in my roll. “O Lady,” I said, “accept this gift with my respect.”

She took the money, astonished by the number of bills. Her mouth opened, then shut. Finally she said, “By the life of my children, you are more generous than Haatim, O Shaykh! May Allah open His ways to you.” Haatim is the personification of hospitality among the nomad tribesmen.

She made me feel a little self-conscious. “We thank God every hour,” I said quietly, and turned away.

Shaknahyi didn’t say anything to me until we were sitting in the patrol car again. “Do that a lot?” he asked.

“Do what?”

“Drop a hundred kiam on strangers.”

I shrugged. “Isn’t alms-giving one of the Five Pillars?”

“Yeah, but you don’t pay much attention to the other four. That’s odd too, because for most people, parting with cash is the toughest duty.”

In fact, I was wondering myself why I’d done it. Maybe because I was feeling uncomfortable about the way I’d been treating my mother. “I just felt sorry for that old woman,” I said.

“Everybody in this part of the city does. They all take care of her. That was Safiyya the Lamb Lady. She’s a crazy old woman. You never see her without a pet lamb. She takes it everywhere. She lets it drink from the fountain at the Shimaal Mosque.”

“I didn’t see any lamb.”

He laughed. “No, her latest lamb got run over by a shish kebab cart a couple of weeks ago. Right now she has an imaginary lamb. It was standing there right beside her, but only Safiyya can see it.”

“Uh yeah,” I said. I’d given her enough to buy herself a couple of new lambs. My little bit to alleviate the suffering of the world.

We had to skirt the Budayeen. Although the Street runs in the right direction, it comes to a dead end at the entrance to a cemetery. I knew a lot of people in there — friends and acquaintances who’d died and been dumped in the cemetery, and the still breathing who were so desperately poor that they’d taken up residence in the tombs.

Shaknahyi passed to the south of the quarter, and we drove through a neighborhood that was entirely foreign to me. At first the houses were of moderate size and not too terribly rundown; but after a couple of miles, I noticed that everything around me was getting progressively shabbier. The flat-roofed white stucco homes gave way to blocks of ugly tenements and then to burned-out, vacant lots dotted with horrible little shacks made of scrap plywood and rusting sheets of corrugated iron.

We drove on, and I saw groups of idle men leaning against walls or squatting on the bare earth sharing bowls of liquor, probably laqbi, a wine made from the date palm. Women screamed to each other from the windows. The air was foul with the smells of wood smoke and human excrement. Children dressed in long tattered shirts played among the garbage strewn in the gutters. Years ago in Algiers I had been like these hungry urchins, and maybe that’s why the sight of them affected me so much.

Shaknahyi must have seen the expression on my face. “There are worse parts of town than Hamidiyya,” he said. “And a cop’s got to be ready to go into any kind of place and deal with any kind of person.”

“I was just thinking,” I said slowly. “This is Abu Adil’s territory. It doesn’t look he does all that much for these people, so why do they stay loyal to him?”

Shaknahyi answered me with another question. “Why do you stay loyal to Friedlander Bey?”

One good reason was that Papa’d had the punishment center of my brain wired when the rest of the work was done, and that he could stimulate it any time he wanted. Instead, I said, “It’s not a bad life. And I guess I’m just afraid of him.”

“Same goes for these poor fellahin. They live in terror of Abu Adil, and he tosses just enough their way to keep them from starving to death. I just wonder how people like Friedlander Bey and Abu Adil get that kind of power in the first place.”

I watched the slums pass by beyond the windshield. “How do you think Papa makes his money?” I asked.

Shaknahyi shrugged. “He’s got a thousand cheap hustlers out there, all turning over big chunks of their earnings for the right to live in peace.”

I shook my head. “That’s only what you see going on in the Budayeen. Probably seems like vice and corruption are Friedlander Bey’s main business in life. I’ve lived in his house for months now, and I’ve learned better. The money that comes from vice is just pocket change to Papa. Counts for maybe five percent of his a