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When I had boring police work to do, which was almost every day, I chipped in an orange moddy that Hajjar had given me. It had a label that said it was manufactured in Helvetia. The Swiss, I suppose, have a high regard for efficiency. Their moddy could take the most energetic, inspired person in the world and transform him instantly into a drudge. Not into a stupid drudge, like what the Half-Hajj’s dumbing-down hardware did to me, but into a mindless worker who isn’t aware enough to be distracted before the whole assignment is in the Out box. It’s the greatest gift to the office menial since conjugal coffee breaks.

I sighed and took the moddy, then reached up and chipped it in.

The immediate sensation was as if the whole world had lurched and then caught its balance. There was an odd, metallic taste in Audran’s mouth and a high-pitched ringing in his ears. He felt a touch of nausea, but he tried to ignore it because it wouldn’t go away until he popped the moddy out. The moddy had trimmed down his personality like the wick of a lamp, until there was only a vague and ineffectual vestige of his true self left.

Audran wasn’t conscious enough even to be resentful. He remembered only that he had work to do, and he pulled a double handful of cobalt-alloy plates out of the box. He slotted six of them into the adit ports beneath the battered data deck’s comp screen. Audran touched the control pad and said, “Copy ports one, two, three, four, five, six.” Then he stared blankly while the deck recorded the contents of the plates. When the run was finished, he removed the plates, stacked them on one side of the desk, and loaded in six more. He barely noticed the morning pass as he logged in the records.

“Audran.” Someone was saying his name.

He stopped what he was doing and glanced over his shoulder. Lieutenant Hajjar and a uniformed patrolman were standing in the entrance to his cubicle. Audran turned slowly back to the data deck. He reached into the box, but it was empty.

“Unplug that goddamn thing.”

Audran faced Hajjar again and nodded. It was time to pop the moddy.

There was a dizzy swirl of disorientation, and then I was sitting at my desk, staring stupidly at the Helvetian moddy in my hand. “Jeez,” I murmured. It was a relief to be fully conscious again.

“Tell you a secret about Audran,” Hajjar said to the cop. “We didn’t hire him because of his wonderful qualities. He really don’t have any. But he makes a great spindle for hardware. Audran’s just a moddy’s way of gettin’ its daily workout.” The cop smiled.

“Hey, you gave me this goddamn moddy in the first place,” I said.

Hajjar shrugged. “Audran, this is Officer Shaknahyi.”

“Where you at?” I said.

“All right,” said the cop.

“You got to watch out for Audran,” Hajjar said. “He’s got one of those addictives personalities. He used to make a big deal out of not havin” his brain wired. Now you never see him without some kind of moddy stuck in his head.”

That shocked me. I hadn’t realized I’d been using my moddies so much. I was surprised anyone else had noticed.

“Try to overlook his frailties, Jirji, ’cause you and him are go

Shaknahyi gave him a sharp look. I did the same. “What do you mean, ‘working together’?” said the cop.

“I mean what I said. I got a little assignment for you two. You’re go

Hajjar shook his head. “I never said that. I’m pairin’ Audran with you on patrol.”

Shaknahyi was so outraged, I thought he was going to split down the middle. “Shaitan take my kids first!” he said. “You think you’re teaming me up with a guy with no training and no experience, you’re goddamn crazy!”

I didn’t like the idea of going out on the street. I d idn’t want to make myself a target for every loon in the Budayeen who owned a cheap needle gun. “I’m supposed to stay here in the station house,” I said. “Friedlander Bey never said anything about real cop work.”

“Be good for you, Audran,” said Hajjar. “You can ride around and see all your old buddies again. They’ll be impressed when you flash your badge at them.”

“They’ll hate my guts,” I said.

“You’re both overlooking one small detail,” said Shaknahyi. “As my partner, he’s supposed to guard my back every time we walk into some dangerous situation. To be honest, I don’t have a lick of faith in him. You can’t expect me to work with a partner I don’t trust.”

“I don’t blame you,” said Hajjar. He looked amused by the cop’s opinion of me. My first impression of Shaknahyi wasn’t so good, either. He didn’t have his brain wired, and that meant he was one of two kinds of cop: Either he was a strict Muslim, or else he was one of those guys who thought his own naked, unaugmented brain was more than a match for the evildoers. That’s the way I used to be, but I learned better. Either way, I wouldn’t get along with him.

“And I don’t want the responsibility of watching his back,” I said. “I don’t need that kind of pressure.”

Hajjar patted the air in a kind of soothing motion. “Well, forget about that. You’re not go

“What kind of investigation?” asked Shaknahyi suspiciously.

Hajjar waved a dark green cobalt-alloy plate. “Got a big file here on Reda Abu Adil. I want you two to learn it backwards and forwards. Then you’re go

“He’s Friedlander Bey’s oldest rival.” Hajjar leaned against the pale green wall. “They got a competition goes back a hundred years.”

“I know about him,” said the cop gruffly.

“Audran only knows about small-time thugs in the Budayeen. Abu Adil don’t come near the Budayeen. Keeps his interests far away from Papa’s. Carved out a little kingdom for himself on the north and west sides of town. Even so, I got a request from Friedlander Bey to put him under surveillance.”

“You’re doing this just because Friedlander Bey asked you to?” asked Shaknahyi.

“You bet your ass. He’s got a suspicion that Abu Adil is thinkin’ about breakin’ their truce. Papa wants to be ready.”

Well, until I found my leverage with Friedlander Bey, I was his puppet. I had to do whatever he and Hajjar told me to do.

Shaknahyi, however, didn’t want any part of it, “I wanted to be a cop because I thought I could help people,” he said. “I don’t make a lot of money, I don’t get enough sleep, and every day I mix into one goddamn crisis after another. I never know when somebody’s go

“Listen,” I said to Shaknahyi, “what’s your problem with me?”

“You’re not a cop, for one thing,” he said. “You’re worse than a rookie. You’ll hang back and let some creep nail me, or else you’ll get itchy and shoot a little old lady. I don’t want to be teamed with somebody unless I think I can count on him.”

I nodded. “Yeah, you right, but I can wear a moddy. I’ve seen plenty of rookies wearing police officer moddies to help them through the routines.”

Shaknahyi threw up his hands. “He just makes it worse,” he muttered.

“I said not to worry about a rough time on the street,” said Hajjar. “This is just an investigation. Mostly desk-job stuff. I don’t know what’s got you so spooked, Jirji.”

Shaknahyi rubbed his forehead and sighed. “All right, all right. I just wanted to have my objection on the record.”