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Lord Ke

“I don’t know. As you said, it makes no sense.” Douglas rose. “Thank you for seeing me, sir. As you know, it was the duke of Wellington who sent me to you.”

“Yes, he told me. Poor Arthur. So many problems clutching him around his throat. I told him to quit, to leave all the mess, and let others deal with it. He wouldn’t ever do that, of course.”

“No, he wouldn’t,” Douglas said, and took his leave. He rather liked Lord Ke

When he walked out to his carriage, it was to see both Willicombe and his nephew Remie standing there, guns at the ready.



James and Jason stepped into the drawing room to see Corrie and Judith seated close on the large sofa, their heads together.

“Good morning, ladies,” James said as they walked into the room. “Willicombe said you were working on wedding plans.” Whose wedding plans? he wondered, sneaking a look at his brother, who, in turn was staring at Judith McCrae, a look on his face James had never seen before.

Corrie looked up at him, had decided during the long previous night to give it up, jumped to her feet, and flew to James, grabbed him to her, and hugged him tight. He grunted with the enthusiasm of her greeting. She looked up at him, lightly touched her fingertips to his chin. “No more whispering. I’ll say it out loud for the world to hear. James, I’ve decided to marry you, decided that maybe it won’t be so bad at all. I know most of your bad habits already. If you’ve more, you’d best not tell me because it might tip the scales the other way.”

“I don’t have any more,” James said, and heard Jason snicker behind him.

“At least none that would make you break things off.”

“I will speak to Jason about this later.”

“Corrie, I do appreciate you coming right out with your consent, but the fact is I’ve already spoken to your uncle. Everything is in motion.”

“Yes, I know, but I didn’t want you to think I was a pathetic, gutless female who didn’t know her own mind.”

“I haven’t ever thought you were gutless. Pathetic-not for at least a couple of months now.” He saw she would question him and shook his head.

“All right, I’ll wait. I just wish that Jason had managed to catch Augie, Ben, and Billy. Just imagine Augie thinking it was you again-and using the same blanket trick again. Did he think you stupid?”

“Probably so,” Jason said, and found himself staring at his brother, and his soon-to-be sister-in-law. Imagine, Corrie Tybourne-Barrett, a sister-in-law.

James found that his arms went around his betrothed very naturally. Well, he’d hugged her since she was three years old, that wasn’t so unusual. She felt good against him. He closed his eyes a moment and breathed her in. He was used to her scent, would have known it was her in a dark room, but now there was a light overlay of jasmine. “Your perfume?” he said against her hair. “I like it.”

“Your mother gave it to me, said your Aunt Sophie swore by it, claimed it worked on your Uncle Ryder from fifty feet. She claimed he always came ru

“Ah. I think I could chase you down. When I caught you, I wonder what I would do to you? Sniff you, I suppose, to make sure you’re the right fox, but then? Hmmm. There’s always the back of your knees.

“Now, you should probably release me, Corrie. There are two other people in the room and all this affection might give them a headache.”

She leaned back in his arms to look up at him. “A headache? Why on earth would seeing me clutching you like the last slice of ci

“Jealousy,” he said, and without thought, he kissed the tip of her nose. He set her away from him. “Willicombe,” he said to the three occupants in the room, two of them paying not a whit of attention, “is bringing tea. Jason? Judith? Listen to me now. Tea is coming.”

Corrie heard a giggle and peered around James to see Judith McCrae throwing pencils at Jason.

“Whatever did he say to invite the attack, Judith? Good shot, right in the chest. Pencils could be dangerous, I suppose, so you’d best be careful.”

Judith, holding a final pencil between her fingers, ready to dart it at Jason, turned, gri

Corrie was on the point of asking what that meant when Willicombe entered, looking in each corner of the drawing room, as was his habit, before clearing his throat and saying, “Cook has prepared some nutty buns. She apologizes that they aren’t the Twyley Grange ci

“Leg irons,” James muttered. “I begin to believe Willicombe as much a misogynist as Petrie.” Corrie poured tea and Judith passed out the nutty buns. James said, “Our grandmother adores these nutty buns. Oh dear, Corrie, you will have to gird your loins; she’s nasty, she will malign you, given no encouragement at all, but you know that, she’s gone at you often enough. But now that you’ll be one of the family-it doesn’t bear thinking about how she will treat you.”

Judith stopped chewing her bun. “Your grandmother will be unkind to Corrie? How very odd. Why ever for?”

Jason laughed. “You don’t know our grandmother, Judith. She dislikes every female who’s ever had the misfortune to swim into her pond, including our mother, including her own daughter, including Corrie, who is, I understand, an abomination or something of the sort.”

Corrie shuddered. James patted her hand, and said, his voice thoughtful and low, “I’ve been thinking that maybe we should live in a lovely house I own in Kent.”

“Where did you get a house in Kent?”

“It’s one of father’s lesser houses, one built by the first Viscount Hammersmith.”

She took a bite of her nutty bun and licked her lips. “Where is it?”

“Near the village of Lindley Dale, right on the Elsey River.”

She finished off her bun, licked her lips again, this time James watching her tongue, wanting suddenly to lick her. Her throat, her left elbow, her belly-he had to get hold of himself.

She said, “Does it have a name?”

“Yes. Primrose House. It’s not big and grand like Northcliffe Hall, but it would be ours, hopefully for a very long time since I don’t wish to see either my father or my mother depart this earth until the next century.”

Corrie simply couldn’t imagine living with this man. Living with him at Primrose House. Just the two of them. Goodness, she was used to living with Aunt Maybella and Uncle Simon.

Living with James? She thought of her last kiss and his tongue in her mouth, licked her lips again, met his eyes, and flushed to her hairline.