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A second later, I’m on my feet and I’m ru

So, it seems, does time. All I can hear, in those few heartbeats, is the sound of the cicadas. And our breathing.

“What are you doing here?” I demand. My voice sounds gravelly for some reason.

“What do you think I’m doing here?” Chaz shoots back. His voice sounds gravelly too. “I came to see how you’re doing.”

I scan the street behind him. I see no one else in the mist.

“Where’s Valencia?” I ask him.

“Fuck Valencia,” he says.

“I’d assumed you already took care of that,” I say.

“You know what?” Chaz says, starting to turn back toward the car. “I can leave, if that’s what you want.”

My heart gives a twist, and I take a quick step forward, laying my hand on his arm.

“Don’t go,” I say. “I’m sorry. I just… ” A sob catches my throat. “Oh, Chaz. Everything is so screwed up.”

“I know,” he says. I can’t see his eyes because they are hidden in the shadow of the brim of his baseball cap.

“No,” I say, my own eyes swimming in tears. “I mean, it’s not just—it’s not just Gran. It’s a lot more than that.”

And then, just like that, it happens. My mouth takes over from my brain, and the words just come spilling out before I can stop them.

“It just sucks,” I hear myself saying in that same strange, gravelly voice, “because… because I think I’m in love with my fiancé’s best friend.”

“So?” Chaz says without skipping a beat and sounding completely unsurprised. “I’ve got it worse. I’m in love with my best friend’s fiancée.”

For a moment there’s no sound at all. Neither of us seem to be breathing, and even the cicadas have fallen silent.

I’m not sure I heard him right. His best friend’s fiancée? But that… that’s me! Chaz means he’s in love with me!

That’s what he’s doing here at my parents’ house on this foggy summer night. That’s why he’s standing here in front of me with his arms at his sides, palms open, nothing to hide, no more sarcasm, no more biting remarks, no more Luke, no more Valencia, no more nothing. Just us.

All it took was a few thousand miles of separation, the stripping away of all but the rawest of emotions, and the death of one of the people I love most in the world.

Then, as if by some unseen cue, we both take a step forward until our chests collide, and he says, “Oof,” and then, “Lizzie—” and I throw my arms around his neck and drag his head down so that I can press my lips to his.

And then neither of us says anything for quite some time.

The first bridal registry was established by the department store Marshall Field’s in Chicago in 1924. It was created in an effort to help couples keep a list of wedding gifts they desired for their households and soon caught on in shops worldwide.

The first electronic or online registry was introduced by Target in 1993.

When the first jealous ex logged on to mock the bride’s choice of flatware in front of all her coworkers was not recorded.

Tip to Avoid a Wedding Day Disaster

No one ever wants to think that a wedding could be canceled. But these things happen. That’s why proper wedding etiquette calls for wedding and shower gifts never, ever to be used before the wedding actually occurs. That way, if the wedding does not actually take place, these things can be easily returned to the giver, as is the appropriate action in such a case.


• Chapter 15 •

Come live with me and be my love,

And we will some new pleasures prove

Of golden sands and crystal brooks,

With silken lines and silver hooks.

John Do

“This is so wrong,” I say as I sprawl naked across Chaz’s equally naked chest.

“Is that why it feels so right?” he wants to know.

“If there’s a hell,” I say, “we’re going straight to it.”

“At least we’ll be together,” he says. “And I’m pretty sure Elvis will be there. And Einstein. He was an adulterer too, right?”

I groan and turn my head only to find that I’m looking at a mural on the wall of a castle on a hill. It’s not even a very good mural.

But I don’t turn my head again because on the other wall is an even worse mural of a knight riding a white horse. Chaz is staying at the Knight’s I

“And Shakespeare,” Chaz says now. “He was an adulterer. So at least hell won’t be boring.”

“I’m not an adulterer,” I say. “I’m not married. I’m just engaged. And we’re on a break.”

“Did you specify the parameters of the break?” Chaz asks. “Did it include rampant monkey sex with your fiancé’s best friend?”

“Stop it,” I say. “You took advantage of me when I was in a weakened emotional state.”

“Me?” Chaz starts to laugh, his stomach muscles causing my head to bob up and down. “You assaulted me in your parents’ driveway. I was just coming by to pay my respects, and the next thing I knew, your tongue was in my mouth, and your hand was down my pants. I was so scared, I almost called nine-one-one to report a sexual predator on the loose.”

“Seriously,” I say. “What are we going to do now?”

“I can think of a few things,” Chaz says, lifting the sheet that’s covering us and looking under it.

“We can’t let animal lust get in the way of our friendship,” I say.

“I don’t want to be friends with you,” Chaz says matter-of-factly. “I stopped wanting to be friends way back last New Year’s Eve. Remember? You’re the one who had to go and ruin everything by getting yourself engaged to someone else. While I was sleeping, I might add.”

I roll off him and lie on my back, staring at the ceiling, which is made out of that hideous stuff that has sparkles in it. There’s an overhead light that has been crafted to look like an old-fashioned lantern. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it has a lipstick camera in it that has been videotaping our every move for the past two hours. The Knight’s I

Which makes it the perfect place for my tawdry affair with my best friend’s ex-boyfriend and my fiancé’s best friend.

“You don’t even believe in marriage,” I wail miserably to the lipstick camera. If there is one.

“Well, if I did, I certainly wouldn’t marry you, that’s for sure,” Chaz says. “You’d just go around sexually assaulting my best friend behind my back while I’m in France and you’re at your grandmother’s funeral. You’d make the worst wife ever.”

I lean over to hit him, but he rolls over on top of me, pi

“Lizzie,” he says, looking serious for a change. “You need to stop beating yourself up about this. You and Luke have been over for a long time. You should never have said yes when he asked you to marry him. I told you that that morning in your apartment. If you had listened to me then, you could have saved everyone a lot of heartache. Especially me. And yourself.”

I glare at him. “Do you think I don’t know that?” I demand. “But you didn’t exactly go out of your way to act like Prince Charming that morning, you know. You could have just told me you loved me then, you know.”

“I seem to recall that, number one, you never gave me the chance… you were already engaged to someone else by the time I woke up, and that, number two, I did tell you I love you, and you took it as a joke and walked out.”