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“I’m making time and a half after two o’clock, right?” Tiffany wants to know.

“Of course,” Roberta says, her smile tightening perceptibly. “Just like we discussed.”

Tiffany shrugs. “Then it’s all good,” she says in a syrupy-sweet voice.

Roberta’s smile tightens even more. “Great,” she says. “Lizzie, if you—”

The phone chirps. I leap upon it. “Pendergast, Loughlin, and Fly

“I have Leon Finkle for Marjorie Pierce,” a woman’s voice purrs.

“One moment please,” I say, and press the transfer button. Then, highly aware that Roberta is watching my every move, I find Marjorie Pierce’s extension on my cheat sheet, press the numbers, then say, when a voice on the other end picks up, “Leon Finkle for Marjorie Pierce?”

“I’ll take the call,” the voice says. And I press send and watch as the little red light by the transfer buttons disappears. Done. I hang up.

“Very nice,” Roberta says, looking impressed. “It took Tiffany weeks to even learn that much.”

The look Tiffany darts Roberta would have frozen the hottest mochaccino. “I didn’t have as good an instructor as Lizzie does,” she says coldly.

Roberta gives us another brittle smile and says, “Well, carry on. And, Lizzie, I’ll need you to stop by my office before you leave so you can fill out those forms to get you on our insurance.”

“I’ll do that,” I say, and since the phone is chirping again, leap to seize the receiver. “Pendergast, Loughlin, and Fly

“Jack Fly

“One moment, please,” I say, and press transfer.

“Stupid fucking bitch,” Tiffany is muttering beneath her breath, as she nibbles a Twizzler.

“Terry O’Malley for Mr. Fly

“Her vagina has cobwebs from lack of use,” Tiffany says.

“Send the call, please,” the woman says. I press send.

“You know she had the nerve to tell me not to paint my nails at the desk?” Tiffany is rolling her eyes in the direction Roberta has just disappeared. “She said it wasn’t professional.”

I refrain from pointing out that I don’t think it’s very professional to paint your nails at your job in a law office, either.

The phone chirps again. I answer it. “Pendergast, Loughlin, and Fly

“To yourself,” Luke says. “I just called to wish you luck on your first day.”

“Oh.” I feel my knees melt as they always do when I hear his voice. “Hi.”

I’ve gotten over the thing from last night. The thing where he’d said people our age are too young to know what love really is. Because he said he didn’t mean us. Obviously he was just making a generalization. Most people our own age probably don’t know what love is. Tiffany, for instance, probably doesn’t know what love really is.

Besides, after di

“How’s it going?” Luke wants to know.

“Great,” I say. “Just great.”

“You can’t talk because there’s someone sitting right next to you, right?” Which, of course, is one of the reasons that I love him so much. Because he’s so perceptive. About most things, anyway.

“Right,” I say.

“That’s okay, my first class starts in a minute anyway,” he says. “I just wanted to see how things were going.”

As he’s speaking, the glass door to the reception area opens and a blond, slightly stocky-looking young woman comes in. She’s dressed in jeans and a white turtleneck sweater that does nothing to flatter her, along with a pair of Timberland boots. You don’t really expect to see a lot of these kinds of boots in the Pendergast, Loughlin, and Fly

I do notice, however, that Tiffany has looked up from the nail she is repolishing and that her jaw has fallen.

“Uh, I gotta go,” I say to Luke. “Bye.”

I hang up. The young woman is approaching the reception desk. I see that she’s pretty, in a healthy, all-American-girl kind of way, although she wears very little makeup and doesn’t seem to mind that a layer of belly fat is resting gently across the waistband of her too-low low-rise jeans, instead of being safely tucked away inside the waistband of jeans with a slightly higher rise, as would be more flattering.

“Hi,” the woman says to me. “I’m Jill Higgins. I have a nine o’clock appointment with Mr. Pendergast?”

“Of course,” I say, quickly sca

“Thank you,” the woman says with a smile that reveals a lot of healthy-looking white teeth. While she goes to sit down on one of the leather couches, I punch in Mr. Pendergast’s extension.

“Jill Higgins is here for her nine o’clock appointment with Mr. Pendergast,” I say to Esther, Mr. Pendergast’s attractive, fortyish assistant, who’d stopped by to introduce herself upon arriving at work.

“Shit,” Esther says. “He’s not in yet. I’ll be right up.”

I hang up just as Tiffany pokes me in the shoulder.

“Do you know who that is?” she whispers, nodding at the young woman on the couch.

“Yes,” I whisper back. “She told us her name. It’s Jill Higgins.”

“Yeah, but, like, do you know who Jill Higgins is?” Tiffany wants to know.

I shrug. The woman’s face looks familiar, but I’m pretty sure she isn’t a television or movie star, because she’s too normal-size.

“No,” I whisper back.

“She’s only marrying, like, the richest bachelor in New York,” Tiffany hisses. “John MacDowell? His family owns more Manhattan real estate than the Catholic church. And the churchused to own the most of anyone in the city… ”

I swivel my head to look at Jill Higgins with renewed interest.

“The girl who works in the zoo?” I whisper, remembering the Page Six article I read about her. “The one who threw her back out lifting the stranded seal?”

“Exactly,” Tiffany says. “The MacDowell family’s trying to get her to sign a prenup. Basically, they’re trying to make it so she doesn’t see, like, a dime unless she pushes out an heir. But the groom wants to make sure her rights are protected, so he’s hired Pendergast, Loughlin, and Fly

“Oh!” I am struck by the pathos of this. Jill Higgins looks so nice and normal! How could anyone be so mean as to think she might be a gold digger? “That’s so sweet of him. I mean, John MacDowell, to hire lawyers for her.”

Tiffany grunts. “Yeah, right. He’s probably only doing it so that later on, when things go, like, south, she can’t say she was swindled.”

This seems like a very cynical take on it to me. But then what do I know? This is only my first day. Tiffany’s been working here for two years, the longest any receptionist has stayed with Pendergast, Loughlin, and Fly

“Did you hear what they call her?” Tiffany whispers.


“The press. What they call Jill?”

I look at her blankly. “Don’t they just call her Jill?”

“No. They’re calling her ‘Blubber.’ Because she works with seals, and she’s got that tummy.”

I frown. “That’s mean!”

“Also,” Tiffany goes on, clearly enjoying herself, “because she cried when one of them asked her if it makes her insecure to know there are so many women out there who are way more attractive than she is, dying to get their hands on her fiancé.”

“That’s horrible!” I glance over at Jill. She looks remarkably calm for someone dealing with all of that. Lord knows how I’d react in the same situation. The press would probably call me Niagara—because I’d never stop crying.

“Miss Higgins!” Esther appears in the lobby, looking trim in a houndstooth skirt suit. “How are you? Won’t you come on back? Mr. Pendergast is ru