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‘They’re all confused,’ Lulu said with a gusty sigh. ‘So why was there a cable guy in our apartment this afternoon?’

‘We’re getting Wi-Fi installed,’ I said, stopping in front of 14L. ‘Not using modem co

‘Of course,’ Lulu said. ‘But I’m supposed to go out with a Libra next and he’s a Capricorn, so it will never work.’

‘Are you ready?’ I asked her, my finger hovering over the bell.

‘I’m ready,’ Lulu said, putting away her compact. ‘But are you sure you wouldn’t rather go to Nobu? Pizza always does a number on your insides. And we could go to Cave after.’

‘My insides,’ I said, ‘are already messed up. The truth is, they’re never going to match my outsides.’ I rang the bell. ‘But you know what? I’m starting to think nobody’s insides do.’

‘I’ll get it,’ I heard Frida shriek inside the apartment. A second later, the door to my old home opened, and Frida, in sweats, with face cream all over her T-zone, stared at us.

‘Oh my God,’ she said, her jaw slack as her gaze darted from me to Lulu and then back again. ‘Oh my God, it’s… it’s… it’s… ’

‘Hi, Frida,’ I said. ‘It’s me. Can you tell Mom I’m here? I brought pizza… and my friend Lulu.’

‘I–I — I —’ Frida was so excited, she let the door bang shut in our faces. I could hear her tearing through the apartment, screaming, ‘Mo-oom! Guess who’s here?’

Lulu looked at me curiously. Then she said, ‘Nikki? How do you even know these people?’

‘Lulu,’ I said. ‘I wouldn’t even know where to begin.’

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