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personages of thay
Lords, Captains, and Other Notables of the Courts of the North
The Regent
Szass Tam, zulkir of the Order of Necromancy and pretender to the regency of Thay
The Tharchions
Azhir Kren (Gauros)
Hezass Nymar (Lapendrar), also Eternal Flame of the temple of Kossuth in Escalant
Homen Odesseiron (Surthay)
Invarri Metron (Delhumide)
Pyras Autorian (Thaymount)
Tammith Iltazyarra, captain of the Silent Company
Xingax, a maker of undead
Lords, Captains, and Other Notables of the Courts of the South
The Zulkirs
Dmitra Flass (Illusion), also tharchion of Eltabbar and princess of Mulmaster, "the First Princess of Thay"
Kumed Hahpret (Evocation)
Lallara (Abjuration)
Lauzoril (Enchantment)
Nevron (Conjuration)
Samas Kul (Transmutation), also tharchion of Priador and Master of the Guild of Foreign Trade
Yaphyll (Divination)
Zola Sethrakt (Necromancy)
The Tharchions
Dimon (Tyraturos), also a priest of Bane
Kethin Hur (Thazalhar)
Nymia Focar (Pyarados)
Thessaloni Canos (the Alaor)
Aoth Fezim, captain of the Griffon Legion of Pyarados
Bareris Anskuld, a lieutenant of the Griffon Legion
Drash Rurith, autharch of Mophur
Iphegor Nath, High Flamelord of the Church of Kossuth
Malark Springhill, spymaster to Dmitra Flass
Nular Zurn, castellan of the Keep of Sorrows
Unara Anrakh, high priestess of the temple of Bane in Hurkh
Zekith Shezim, high priest of the temple of Bane in Bezantur