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“So? You have come to see my monastic little cell?” Zimmerman asked as he stepped aside and allowed Doug to enter his room.

Stepping past an unopened garment bag thrown carelessly on the floor, Doug said, “I think we can make the room feel a lot bigger if we put up a couple of Windowalls for you.”


“Big flat-screen display panels. You could show videos of scenes you like, make it seem as if you’re looking out a window.”

Zimmerman bobbed his fleshy jowls. “Yah, that would be an improvement.”

I’ll let you have one of mine until we get some new ones brought up,” said Doug.

Zimmerman gave Doug a crafty look. “You didn’t come here to discuss my interior decorating problems, hah?”

“No,” Doug admitted cheerfully. “I’ve come to enlist your help.”

“Sit,” said the professor, gesturing to the desk chair as he eased his bulk onto the sagging bunk. “What help do you need from me?”

“We want to build Clipperships out of pure carbon — diamond — using nanomachines.”

Zimmerman’s shaggy brows rose. “So? That would make them much stronger than metal ships, no?”

“And lighter,” Doug said.

“My experience has been mostly in medical uses of nanotechnology, not rocket engineering.”

“It would help us enormously if you’d work with the technicians here. Just look over their shoulders a bit. Encourage them.”

“Stick my nose in.”

“You’d be an inspiration to them.”

Zimmerman shook his head. “I’d be an old man bothering your young people. The one you want is Professor Cardenas. She has experience in engineering programs.”

“I intend to ask her, too. But I wanted to ask you first.”

“Why first?”

“Because I respect you so much,” Doug replied. “I owe my life to you.”

Zimmerman slouched back on the bunk until his head rested against the cushioned wall. “The Chinese believe that if you save a man’s life, you are responsible for him ever afterward,” he said gloomily. “I have the feeling that you are going to find many things for me to do.”

Doug laughed. “I’m not Chinese. But I do want your help on this.”

“I suppose—”

The ceiling lights flickered.

“What was that?” Zimmerman sat up rigidly on the bunk.

“Don’t know,” said Doug. “The lighting system must’ve switched—”

They flickered again.

“Does this happen often?” Zimmerman looked decidedly worried.

“No, never,” Doug said, puzzled. “I don’t know what’s going on.”

From outside in the tu

Feeling uneasy, almost worried, Doug tapped the phone key on Zimmerman’s computer keyboard.


“I’m with Professor Zimmerman, in his quarters.”

“Your brother’s snapped! He’s run off with Melissa Hart somewhere, screaming that he’s going to destroy everything.”

“Greg? What do you mean?”

Then he heard the unmistakable thud of an airlock hatch slamming shut.

“EMERGENCY’ blared the speakers out in the tu

The sad sweet strains of the Rose Adagio from Sleeping Beauty filled her mind as Bianca Rhee floated through a nearly-perfect grand jete, higher in the air than any prima ballerina could possible achieve on Earth, arms extended, toes pointed properly, when the loudspeakers bellowed out their warning.

She landed on her toes, stumbled off-balance, and staggered against the flimsy partition that closed off her little practice area from the rest of the main garage. Almost angrily she yanked out the earplug and snapped off the miniature chip player clipped to her belt.


Bianca didn’t feel any air-pressure drop. Some stupid sensor’s gone down, she thought But she padded in her ballet slippers to the edge of the partition and looked out at the main garage. People were hustling for the hatches that led into the base’s four main tu

And she felt a breeze.

Bianca had screened off this unused part of the main garage to serve as her practice hall. It was as far away from everything — and everyone — else as it could be, a good hundred meters from the nearest airlock.

There was definitely a wind surging through the main garage. She could see dust swirling along the floor. Somehow one of the airlocks to the outside must have been opened and the air was rushing out into the vacuum. A pang of fear shook her. I’ll never get to one of the tu

A rack of six spacesuits stood a few meters away, hanging like empty suits of armor against the rock wall. There were racks like this spotted throughout the garage, standing ready against a possible emergency.

Bianca dashed to the nearest suit, ducked under its torso and wormed her way into it. As soon as her hands wiggled into the gloves attached to the arm cuffs, she reached overhead and grabbed the helmet, desperately hoping that the backpack’s tanks were filled with breathable air. She clapped the helmet down on the neck ring and sealed it, then took a deep breath. The seal mechanism automatically activated the air flow.

Okay, she told herself shakily. The gasket around the waist of the torso shell will hold your air; you’ve got a couple of minutes to get into the leggings. It was awkward bending inside the hard shell of the suit’s torso, but she ripped off her ballet slippers and got into the leggings faster than she had ever done before. Then she sat on the floor and pulled on the boots.

I did it! Bianca exulted. I got into the suit. Then she remembered that if she stayed in the suit for more than a few minutes she would get decompression sickness: the bends.

Greg had dragged Melissa from his office, down the tu

“You want to destroy everything?” he had screamed at her. I’ll show you how to wipe them all out! All of them!”

Melissa tried to keep up with him but her legs wouldn’t work right in the low lunar gravity. She stumbled, flailed her free arm to regain her balance, then tripped again and fell to the floor. Greg hauled her along, skidding and scraping on the cold rock floor.

Two women and a young man, all in the olive green coveralls of the mining division, rushed up the tu

“What’s the matter?” one of the women asked. “What’s going on?”

“Get out of my way!” Greg roared. “Get out! Now! Leave us alone!”

The two women glanced at Melissa, sitting on the tu

“I’m the base director,” Greg bellowed, banging the nametag on his chest with his free hand. “Get out of my goddamned way.”

“Call security,” said the young man. “Let them take care of it.”

They hesitated a moment longer, staring at Greg’s wild-eyed expression and Melissa, her arm still hanging in his grasp.

“Come on,” said the young man. The three of them hurried up the tu

“Assholes,” Greg muttered after them.

Melissa yanked her wrist free of Greg’s grasp. He turned on her, hand raised to strike.