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Nothing to do but go fetch him.

Sutherland slipped through the opening in the coral and emerged into a small crescent-shaped grotto, white sand ringing the gently lapping opalescent blue water.

Somehow, they’d missed this tiny cove. It was invisible from the sea.

He immediately saw Congreve’s seven iron leaning against the jagged coral beside a small opening in the rock.

At that moment, the sun dipped below the thick purplish band of clouds that lay along the horizon. It sent brilliant shafts of gold streaking across the water and into the crooked mouth of the cave. What had been a dark hole in the rock was now lit up like a tube station.

Sutherland ducked inside and took three or four steps forward. The walls of the cave were tinged a brilliant gold by the sunlight streaming in.

“Hullo,” he shouted, cupping his hands round his mouth. “Where have you got to, Chief? If your ball’s in here, it’s clearly unplayable!”

A voice came back to him from deep inside the cave.

“Sutherland!” he heard the voice say. “Come here! You must have a look at this!”

Ross Sutherland dropped the golf club still in his hand and ran forward to find his friend. He was at the rear of the cave, and Sutherland was astounded to see him kneeling next to his golf ball in a shallow pit. Remarkable. Could his ball have ricocheted off the walls of the little coral cove outside and found its way back here? Was it physically possible? Ross had seen golf balls do stranger things.

But Congreve was paying no attention to his ball. He was digging furiously with his portable entrenching tool. He stopped and looked up at Sutherland, his face beaming in the golden light.

“Here’s our first victim, Sutherland,” he said. “I’m now looking for the second chap.”

“Victim?” Ross asked.

Congreve picked up an oddly shaped whitish object and scraped off some of the wet sand that still clung to it.

“Murder victim, actually. One half of a double homicide. A cold case for some three hundred years. The other half has to be somewhere in the immediate vicinity. Here, take a look.”

He tossed the object to Sutherland, who turned it in his hands. It was a human skull.

“Good Lord,” Sutherland said as a tiny scorpion crawled out of one gaping eye socket.

“Turn it over. Severe skull fracture, as you will see. Blunt instrument, obviously. A blow to the back of the head. Never saw it coming, poor chap. He and his mate were leaning over with their lanterns, staring at the hundred-odd bags of gold lying at the bottom of the hole, this hole, when the pirate Blackhawke swung his mighty spade.”

“Absolutely astonishing, Inspector!” Sutherland exclaimed, and turned to go. “I’m off, then!”

“I say, old boy,” Congreve said, “where the devil do you think you’re going with my evidence?”

“Back to the hotel to retrieve all of our torches and shovels, of course! I’m also going to put in a call to Alex Hawke. Tell him that after all these years you’ve finally managed it.”

“Managed what?”

Sutherland laughed. “Why, your most cherished dream, Inspector. A hole in one!”

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