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Henry's flagging interest perked. "Eversleigh?" she asked. "You mean the duke?"

"He never goes to balls," said Althea. "Mama says he is coming to ours only because I am his cousin. I really wish lie would not feel obliged, Henrietta."

"Pooh," said that interested lady. "I should not be afraid lo dance with him." And her mind was feverishly trying to calculate dates. Would she have time enough to pull it off?

Chapter 3

The Duke of Eversleigh spent the afternoon before his cousin's ball with Suza

Eversleigh stayed aloof, not participating to any great extent in the general conversation. His usual air of boredom and cynicism discouraged anyone from trying too hard to engage his attention. His heir and cousin, Oliver Cranshawe, was a particular victim of the duke's chilling ma

"Why, Marius," he greeted his cousin heartily on first entering the room, "still dangling after the lovely widow? I certainly ca

Unfortunately, Eversleigh seemed impervious to his charm. He raised his quizzing glass with one languid hand and proceeded to subject his heir to a thorough and unhurried examination. The glass passed over the artful disarray of blond, wavy hair the handsome, smiling face, the skintight coat of blue superfine, and the froth of white lace at neck and wrists. It took careful note of the fobs and chains and the numerous rings that adorned Cranshawe's person, and of the jeweled snuffbox clasped in his hand.

"Ah, Oliver," he said chillingly at last, lowering the Jass. "Trying to cast all of the other gallants into the hade, dear boy?"

The smile tightened on Cranshawe's face, but before he had a chance to say more or to move away, Eversleigh rose unhurriedly to his feet and sauntered over to stand by the chair of Mrs. Broughton, who was in animated conversation with two very young worshipers.


The two young men smiled uncertainly, not at all sure whether this speech, delivered with an expression of utter boredom, was meant jokingly or not. Suza

"I do thank you all for calling," she said, smiling with the warm charm that made many men her slaves, "but I have promised to ride out with Marius."

The room cleared like magic. Suza

He opened the door without knocking and held it until Suza

"Marius," she said with mild reproach after the door had closed, "I have just changed my dress on your instructions and have not had an outing yet today. Are you now to tell me that we are not to drive out, after all? How tiresome you are sometimes."

"Don't be coy, Suza

"Do you indeed, your Grace?" she cried, whisking herself around to face him. "And why is need such a one-way process? What about the times when I want you? It seems to me that you come to me only when you feel the need. That is not as often as it could be, Marius."

Eversleigh's gaze was inscrutable. He looked at her for a long time through his half-closed lids. "Do you mean to put leading strings on me, Suza


Eversleigh held her at arm's length and let his eyes move slowly and suggestively down the length of her body.

"It is an uncommonly handsome dress," he conceded at last. "But, you see, my dear, I happen to know that what is beneath it is infinitely more handsome."

"Oh, Marius," she breathed softly and with some relief, "you are a shameless flatterer."

Half an hour later, they lay quietly in each other's arms in a large four-poster bed in that warm, drowsy mood that succeeds a session of lovemaking that has been thoroughly satisfactory to both partners.

"Marius," Suza

"My sentiments entirely," he replied, looking down his nose at her. "We certainly have had more exercise than we would have had riding in a carriage." She chuckled throatily. "I do hope that I have not deprived you of all outdoor air for the day, though."

"Oh, no," she replied. "I have a ball to attend tonight."

"Ah. The Lambert one?" he asked.

"Yes, how did you know? You never seem to know what social events are taking place, Marius," she said.

"My aunt, you know," he said evasively. "Cousin's come-out. I have to put in an appearance as head of the family."

She laughed merrily. "Marius! When have you ever worried about family duty? I don't believe it. You are more than likely going just to tease all the mamas and raise their hopes to fever pitch. You are very cruel."

He did not reply or move at all.

"Never fear, my love," she continued, laughter in her voice. "If you need rescuing, I shall be there. And I think you could get away with dancing with me more than the accepted two dances. I am beyond the age of drawing gossip too easily."

"You are too kind, my dear," he said dryly. I do fully expect to survive the ordeal. I shall certainly dance with you once, however. Shall we say the first waltz?"

"I shall write it on my card," she said, hiding her mortification under a flippant air.

'Now, much as I should like to renew our, er, exercising, I really think it is time we both began to beautify ourselves for the evening's merriment," Eversleigh said, disentangling himself from his mistress's soft body and hauling himself to a sitting position on the edge of the bed.

"I shall see you there, then, Marius," Suza


Henry was ready. She stared glumly at her reflection in a full-length mirror in the dressing room she had been allotted in the home of the Earl of Lambert. She looked like any other empty-headed girl of the ton, she decided, with nothing to fill the empty space between her ears except dreams of catching a rich and titled husband. She wore a high-waisted gown of white lace over a pale-peach satin underdress. Peach ribbons were tied in an intricate bow beneath her breasts and fell to the hemline, where they drew attention to the orange satin slippers peeping from beneath the gown. The dress had short, puffed sleeves and dipped into a modestly low, scalloped neckline. She wore a single strand of pearls that Peter had presented her with that afternoon. White elbow-length gloves and an ivory fan completed the outfit. Henry was quite disgusted as the maid, who had been sent to her by the countess stood behind her and smiled into the mirror.