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"Oh!" she cried, blushing and flustered as she stepped back and raised large, hazel eyes to his lazy blue ones. "How clumsy of me. I am so sorry, sir. Did I hurt you?"

The Duke of Eversleigh found himself looking down at a mop of auburn hair that looked slightly unruly, with its ivory-colored ribbon somewhat askew, and beneath it a flushed, sunburned face with sparkling eyes and-yes, definitely-a cluster of freckles across the nose. His hand wandered to the handle of his quizzing glass, but he did not raise it.

"My fault entirely, ma'am," he said unsmilingly. "I should not have been standing in the doorway."

"No, really, she insisted brightly, "Papa always did say I was a clumsy ox."

"Indeed!" he said. "I could hardly be expected to corroborate that opinion, now, could I?"

"It is just good for you that I was not wearing boots," she said, smiling impishly into his impassive face.

"Indeed, they would not complement your gown, ma am," he conceded.

Henry giggled openly. "You do not appear to be enjoying the ball immensely, sir," she said.

He bowed stiffly. "Marius Devron, Duke of Eversleigh, at your service, ma'am," he said. "We appear to be attracting attention. Would you do me the honor of dancing with me?" He grasped her lightly by the elbow and moved her forward to the dance floor.

"Oh, I am pleased to meet you, your Grace," Henry said brightly. "I'm Henry."

He paused for just a moment. "Henry?" he asked faintly, his hand straying again to his quizzing glass.

"Henrietta Wilhelmina Tallant, actually," she said candidly. "Is it not a dreadful mouthful? And only my mortal enemies call me Henrietta. It always makes me think of a fat, big-bosomed lady with pale hair and puffy face, reclining on a sofa with a lapdog and a dish of bonbons. "

The blue eyes beneath the half-closed lids took on a distinct gleam. "I believe I had better call you Miss Tallant," Eversleigh said.

Henry had noticed the gleam.- "Oh, dear," she said contritely, "my wretched tongue! I should not have mentioned bosoms, should I? Indeed, Giles warned me about it just a few weeks ago, when I embarrassed poor George and Douglas so. But I forgot already."

Eversleigh was saved from the ordeal of having to answer that one when the music began and he realized that it was a waltz tune.

"I am very much afraid we shall have to sit this one out, Miss Tallant," he told Henry. "This is your come-out as well as Althea's, is it not? You are not allowed to waltz until one of the patronesses has granted permission, you know."

"Yes, Marian told me," Henry replied, "but I don't care a fig for that, you know. I always do as I please. Papa gave tip on me when I was twelve years old. He said it would take a better man than he to bend me to his will."

"Ah," Eversleigh said, eyes narrowed even more than usual. "But if you do not care for your reputation, Miss Tallant, I live in fear and trembling of losing mine."

He had steered her firmly to the sidelines again. Henry was about to make a cross rejoinder when she noticed that lie had his quizzing glass to his eye again and that he was sca

Having found the object of his search, he turned back to Henry again. "Will you take my arm, Miss Tallant?" he asked, holding it out to her.

She laid her own on top of it and was led around the perimeter of the ballroom to the other side, where a superbly proud and handsome lady, with several magnificent plumes waving above her piled hairdo, was at the center of an animated group.

The group fell silent as the Duke of Eversleigh approached, his ma

"Ah, Sally," he said on a sigh, "may I present Miss Henry, er, etta Tallant to you?"

"How are you enjoying your first ball, my dear?" Sally Jersey asked, smiling at Henry. "Yes, Marius, I met her in the receiving line. And if my guess is right, you wish to waltz with her."

Eversleigh bowed stiffly.

Sally Jersey laughed again. "It is most irregular for a girl to be approved so soon, Marius," she said, "but I very much fear that if I refuse, we might not see you at a ball for another five years."

Eversleigh inclined his head, his face expressionless.

"Very well, my dear," the famous patroness said to Henry, "do not miss any more of this delightful music, please.

"Curtsy," a voice said very quietly, and Henry obeyed it before she realized that it was the duke and that he had no business telling her what to do.

Henry did not talk during the first minute of the dance. At first, she was intent on counting steps. Her brow creased in concentration. Then she became very much aware of the close proximity of her partner, his body heat reaching out to flush her cheeks and interfere with her breathing. She did not like the feeling at all. It made her feel little and fragile and not at all in command of the situation.

She came back to full reality when, during a turn, she got her legs tangled together and Eversleigh had to haul her hard against his chest. She trod hard on one of his feet.

"Oh, dear," she said, thrusting herself away from him with ungainly haste, "I should have told you that I don't waltz very well, shouldn't I? Did I hurt your foot?"

"It was a different one from the last time," he replied gallantly, "so it evens the score."

"I used to hate dancing lessons," Henry confided. "Papa had a dancing master come down to Roedean to teach us. I tried desperately hard to forget the classes and go out riding, but I couldn't always avoid them. I learned the others tolerably well, but I never could learn the waltz. I think it was because Mr. Reese used to eat garlic and he had clammy hands. I could feel them right through my dress. Just like a fish. Although," she added reflectively, they were always hot, not cold."

The gleam that Henry had noticed earlier had returned to the duke's eyes. "You put me in fear and trembling, ma'am," he said. I am endeavoring to recall whether my cook served me any garlic tonight. I assure you he will be dismissed tomorrow morning if he did."

"Oh, I can tell you that he could not have," Henry said earnestly, staring wide-eyed into those disturbingly half-closed eyes. She was puzzled to see the gleam deepen.

"Miss Tallant," he said, shall we converse on safer and more genteel topics? How are you enjoying your first ball? Do you feel all the excitement of being a new debutante?"

"Stuff!" she said. "I think it all a colossal waste of time and money."

"Indeed!" His ma

"Yes, is it not utterly foolish for so many supposedly sensible people to mince around a dance floor holding on to complete strangers and talking on topics that neither is really interested in and that do not signify anyway?"

"I am devastated to know that my company bores you so much, ma'am," he said stiffly.

"Oh, I don't mean you, silly. I am convinced you feel the same way I do, only you do not like to say so. I just loved the way you looked everyone over with your quizzing glass when you first came in, as if you could hardly believe the world held so much foolishness. I wish I might have the nerve to do the same."

"I would not advise it, ma'am,"he said, a slight quaver in his voice, "not, at least, until you are an elderly dowager and can carry off the eccentricity." Henry could feel his shoulder shaking slightly beneath her hand, but as she looked inquiringly up into his face, the music stopped.

Eversleigh released her and held out his arm for her hand. "Come, Miss Tallant," he said, I shall return you safely to your sister-in-law. Sir Peter Tallant is your brother, I presume?"

"Oh, yes," she confirmed carelessly, "but really I have no wish to go near Marian. She will surely prose on about something I am doing wrong. I'll wager she noticed me stumble during the waltz and will berate me for my clumsiness."