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"How could I, my lord? I might have ended up looking very foolish, and embarrassing both myself and you."

"Oh, my little darling!"

"And then, after that first time, I couldn't stop," she said. "I wanted you so badly, Richard. You are a man. You could turn to a woman whenever you wanted. But I am a woman. I lived with dreams for six years and then I lived with disappointment. I did not mean to make you feel foolish, my lord, indeed I did not. I came to you only because I wanted you and needed you. And when you said good-bye, Richard, it was as painful for me as it was for you. I thought I would never know you in that way again." She buried her face against his shoulder.

"Meg, will you forgive me?" he whispered into her hair.

One arm crept around his neck and he had his answer.

"Is it true about the baby, little one?"

She nodded against his shoulder.

Suddenly Brampton leapt out of the bed and reached down to lift her into his arms.

"What are you doing?" she asked against his neck.

"I am taking my wife to my bed," he said decisively. "And that is where she belongs every night and all night for the rest of our lives."

He carried her through to his bedchamber and set her down on his bed, where she had never been before. He looked down at her, a smile in his eyes as he got in beside her.

"I thought I knew you, Meg," he said. "And I thought I loved my sweet, quiet little wife. I think I am going to love the little fireball just as well."

"Do you truly love me, Richard?" she asked wistfully.

"What words will convince you?" he asked, propping himself on one elbow and cupping her face with his other hand. "I love you, my darling, my love, my sweetheart, my angel."

She smiled her rare smile. "That's nice," she said.

"I think I am ready to show you my feelings again," he said, and gri

"I would never disagree with my husband," she said demurely.

He chuckled. "I shall remind you of that, ma'am, next time you are yelling at me and looking as if you are ready to throw things."

"Ah, but we must make sure there is no next time, monsieur, n'est-ce pas?" she said huskily before his mouth silenced her again and his hands went to work on her.

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