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“So we are safe?”

Lemuel pursed his lips. “I think we are slowly wi

Judy couldn’t reply. She could only think about the baby.

She pushed that thought from her mind. “So what now?”

Lemuel pointed to the front of the room.

The performer was coming to his final piece. Slowly, with much deliberation, he do

Veni! Veni Creator Spiritus!”

Fumbling trumpets sounded.

Lemuel looked at Judy.

“What?” she said. “I don’t understand. It’s not as if he’s even that good.”

Lemuel arched an eyebrow. “Many of us consider him to be the greatest artist humankind has yet produced,” he said. Judy looked at him in disbelief.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes, five centuries of music delivered by one man, daringly arranged, delivered to the very limits of his skill.”

“You can’t be serious. There are many human performers far better than him. Listen to his mistakes!”

“I can hear them. But I also hear the mistakes made by even the best human performer. Every human performance is imperfect, Judy, and still we observe them all. We nurture you all and help you to grow. That is why I am here. That is why the Watcher is here.”

“You don’t know that for certain!”

“I don’t, but still that is what we choose to believe. All you can really do is trust me when I say the Watcher’s motives are for the best. Tell me, do you trust the Watcher?”

Judy gazed at Lemuel for a long time. Did she trust the Watcher? She thought of Chris. He didn’t trust the Watcher. Why did he believe that Judy could be brought to think the same? Was it because the Watcher had programmed her to be a virgin? No. She couldn’t believe that was true.

But maybe she was programmed not to believe that.

She thought of her dead sisters.

Did she trust the Watcher?

She had spent her life working for Social Care, working to make people’s lives better and fairer. But who decided? The Watcher. Was it right? She didn’t know. And if her personality had been written by others, she could never know. Did she still believe it was right?

She looked inside herself. Yes, she realized with some surprise. Yes, she did.

She looked at Lemuel.

“Yes,” she said, “I suppose I do. Yes, I do trust the Watcher.”

Lemuel smiled. “That’s the spirit.”

Three days before…

…and not that far away from the church, just a little further along the coastline, the ca

The crowd picked themselves up and looked towards the impact point, thanking the Watcher for their lucky escape. Now that the immediate threat was over, the ca

Someone was calmly walking away from there. Someone, possibly dressed in dark grey, but too far away to make out clearly. Their attention gradually returned to the show taking place above them.

Chris looked up into the sky, at the great firework display that was the end of the World Tree.

And then he began to walk towards the apartment block.

About the Author

Tony Ballantyne grew up in County Durham in the northeast of England, studied mathematics at Manchester University, and then worked as a teacher, first of math, then IT, in London and later in the northwest of England.

Nowadays he enjoys playing boogie piano, cycling, and walking. In the past he has taught sword fencing at an American children’s camp, been a ballroom dancer, and worked voluntarily on conservation projects and with adults with low literacy and numeracy.

Visit Tony Ballantyne at www.tonyballantyne.com.

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