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"God, gag me with a spoon if I ever did that!"

She laughed—a throaty, warm sound. "Of course. How foolish of me."

"Riley," Jack said into my ear. "Get over to Vi

Jack was obviously using a party line to talk to us all, because Sal immediately said, "I am quite capable of bringing myself in."

"Yes, I know, but I refuse to lose any more councilors—or part time councilors—especially when that person is one of my own. So you will do as you're told."

"Boss," I said, "have you managed to get Kye's tracer signal yet?"

"We're only just now picking it up. He's not in the area." Which was no guarantee that he hadn't been. "Get moving, Riley."

"As soon as I finish my coffee." Which was a stupid thing to say, really.

"Now, Riley," he said, in that voice that suggested I'd better or there'd be hell to pay.

I blew out a breath, gulped down as much hot liquid as I could, once again burning my insides in the process, then did as ordered and got the hell out of there.

Of course, I might have been ordered to drag the information we needed out of Vi

Once I'd gotten back to my car—which had been surprisingly ignored by vandals or looters in what was traditionally a high crime area—I grabbed my phone, hit the vid button, and dialed Qui

"Well, hello there," he said, in that softly lilting tone that always made my toes want to curl. "I was wondering when I was going to hear from you."

"Sorry, it's been a horrible night." If you could call great sex with a decidedly unwanted man who also happened to be your soul mate horrible, that was. "Have you got anything important on right now?"


The way he said it told me it wouldn't have mattered if he did. He'd be there for me, no matter what I needed. God, I really did love this man—even if it had taken me forever to realize that fact.

"I have to go question Vi

"And you'd like my presence as a motivational tool," he finished for me.

I gri

"That's because whatever else she is, she possesses a sensible respect for beings that are far older and far more powerful than she is." He paused, and a deliciously sensual smile touched his lips. "Unlike some werewolves who shall remain nameless."

I laughed. "As you've noted repeatedly, werewolves have no sense."

"A truer point has never been made." He glanced at his watch. "I'll be there in twenty minutes."

"I'll be here waiting."

"Let's hope it always remains that way," he said, and hung up before I could say anything.

Making me feel even more horrible than I already did.

I rubbed the heels of my palms against my eyes and wished it would all become simple. Wished that the problem that was Kye would just disappear and that it could go back to being just me and Qui

But that was never going to happen, and I had to learn to deal—no matter how much pain that caused to both me and to those I loved.

Of course, Qui

Or condone.

Not that he'd ever learn of it. Not if I could help it. I might love the man, but I also knew what he was capable of, and the one thing that worried me was him taking out Kye in a fit of anger. Or—worse—a fit of jealously.

He might know about the soul mate bond of werewolves, but I doubted he understood the true depth of it. Doubted he believed it could really lead to the death of the surviving partner, even though he'd witnessed the devastation Rhoan had gone through when Liander had almost died.

I leaned back against the head rest and turned on the music. But it didn't stop the thoughts from going around and around in my head, like cats chasing their tails. Nor did it help ease the worry that, sooner or later, this was all going to blow up in my face.

Fifteen minutes later, Jack buzzed me. I picked up the phone from the seat and hit the receive button. "If you're wondering why I haven't moved, I'm waiting for Qui

"Good idea," he said, "but that's not what I'm calling about."

The edge in his voice had my heart just about leaping into my throat. "Nothing has happened to Rhoan or Sal, has it?"

"No, they're safely on their way into the Directorate. But we did a full trace on Carlos Martez, and have discovered that he died some five and half years ago in a traffic accident."

"Well, he looks pretty good for a dead man."

"Obviously, we are dealing with someone who has usurped his identity."

So had Kye known that the real Carlos was dead when he'd given me his name? And if he had, why not tell me? Or was it simply another of his games? Another way of maintaining some form of control over me? "Was Carlos listed as human or vampire?"


"Then how could he die in a car accident?"

"Easily. He ran into the back of a truck, which subsequently lost its load and decapitated him."

"And it was definitely an accident?"

"Yes. There was a witness." He paused. "Interestingly enough, that witness is a young woman currently residing in Vi

"How convenient."

"Yes." His voice was heavy with sarcasm. "We've also done a preliminary search for Ammon Nasser. We have no records of him entering the country, but that's not unusual, given we only list those who come here legally. I've applied to the greater council for details, but it may take some time."

"You know, they're not exactly falling over themselves to help us, and that's damn strange, considering it's their people being chopped up."

"We're dealing with a very old, very formal organization here, Riley. And there are set processes in place for good reason, whether they chafe you or not."

I gri

He snorted softly. "Make sure the com-link is on so we can hear the conversation when you're in Vi

"It'll be my first priority." Which was a dead-set lie, because my first priority would be kissing the hell out of Qui

Which is precisely what I did when he arrived eight minutes later.

"You're late," I murmured, when we finally come up for air.

He smiled and lightly traced his finger around my well-kissed lips. "Unfortunately, the traffic was worse than usual. A four-car accident, according to the news."

I kissed his fingertip and barely resisted the temptation to draw the digit into my mouth and suck on it. That would only lead to activities we really didn't have time for.

"Shall we head inside?" he said, even as the scent of desire began emanating from him. I guess after all the time we'd been spending together he'd know exactly where my thoughts had been heading.

"Yeah." I swung around and led the way. He walked beside me, not touching me physically but close enough that the scent of him, the heat of him, swirled around me—a blanket of warm protection that I just wanted to roll up in. But that was a distant likelihood for the next several hours, at least. "Our dear Vi