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Just that. Nothing more.

But I didn't need anything more, because I knew exactly who it was from.

Kye was a dead man.


With Rhoan safe and Liander advising me to meet them at home rather than the hospital, it was an easy decision to go after Kye. I already had an appointment set up with the man, and the attempt on Rhoan's life made me eager to keep it.

Which was probably the reason he'd shot Rhoan in the first place.

Proximity Drive in Brooklyn turned out to be a road filled with hulking great warehouses. Number five was caged by wire, but unlike the others in the street, it wasn't surrounded by tower lights. It sat in the shadows—a long, slender building that seemed out of place amongst its beefier peers.

I drove up to the gates, but before I could wind down the window and press the intercom button, the gates began to open. I leaned forward and spotted the camera perched atop the posts. Kye must have been watching for me. No surprise there.

I sucked in a breath that did little to control anger still roiling inside, then lifted my foot off the brake and drove forward. A solitary light gleamed about half way down the long white building, illuminating a heavy steel door.

I parked in a bay near the door, then transferred Cole's report from the computer to my phone and climbed out. There was another camera perched above the doorway, and the door clicked open as I approached it.

"Follow the hallway," came Kye's instructions, seemingly out of nowhere because I couldn't see a speaker. "I'm in the second room on the right."

The door swung shut behind me. The only light on in the place seemed to be coming from a semi-shut doorway down the far end of the hall. The air was crisp and cold, and my nipples puckered in response. I crossed my arms—though it didn't do a lot to alleviate the chill—and walked forward.

It took all my control not to run.

Unsurprisingly, the second doorway on the right was the one emitting the light into the hall. I pressed my fingertips against the cool metal and slowly opened it. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it sure as hell wasn't a rifle range.

Kye was shooting at a target set far down at the other end of the room, but the minute I walked in, he swung around. The gun was long and mean-looking, and it was aimed squarely at my heart.

I stopped. I might want to kill him, but I didn't want to die in the process. "You shot my brother."

The gun didn't waiver. Neither did the waves of cool amusement that were coming off him. He was dressed in jeans and a tight fitting black t-shirt, and part of me couldn't help admiring the way it defined his back and clung to the top of his biceps.

Obviously, my wolf was as insane as the man she was admiring.

"I thought," he said, his voice flat and oh-so controlled, "you might need a little reminder about our meeting tonight."

"He's a guardian, Kye. You just committed an arrestable offence."

"Arrest me, and both your brother and that mate of his will be dead within the hour."

Fury boiled through me, but it was accompanied by bitter confusion. "Why do this? He's my twin—anything you do to him might just rebound back through me to you."

He raised an eyebrow. "And you think I care?"

I didn't know what to think. "I was coming here anyway. You didn't have to shoot him to make your point."

"You and I both know you'd forgotten about our meeting."

He was right—I had. But how the hell had he known that? He could sometimes read my thoughts, but up until now, I hadn't realized it was a long distance occurrence. "I'll damn well kill you if you try anything like that again."

He finally looked up from the rifle's sights and gave me a cold, hard smile. "No you won't. The difference between me and you, Riley, is that you have people you care about. I don't."

Not even me, the woman who was his soul mate.

And while that should have made me happy, it only increased the anger. At him, at me, and at this whole, twisted situation.

I flexed my fingers, trying to ease the tension in my body. It didn't help. Nothing would. Not when it came to dealing with this man and his perverse games.

The worst of it was, there was nothing I could do about any of it. He was right about one thing—I had people I cared about and I would not risk their lives. Even if that meant having to accept this man into mine.

"Care for a little shooting practice?" he said, and the intensity of his gaze had my stomach doing flip flops. "I've always wondered which one of us was better. And faster."

"Giving me a gun might not be the wisest of moves right now," I said, desperately trying to hold on to the anger. To not give into the urge to walk to this man and claim what my body craved. Damn it, he shot my brother.

But right now, my wolf didn't seem to care.

"Why were you at Dante's the night Grant Haven was killed?"

He raised an eyebrow, then proceeded to break the rifle apart, quickly cleaning the various parts before putting them away in a luxuriously padded case. Only when everything was safe did he answer.

"Why do you smell like you've been covered in blood?"

"I asked my question first." Which sounded decidedly childish, but this man made it extremely easy to act that way.

Although there was nothing childish about the way he was looking at me. Nothing childish about the affect it had on me.

His lush lips twisted into a half smile as he walked forward. On any other man, that smile would have been seriously sexy. On Kye, it was simply dangerous.

"I was there following a lead. Nothing more, nothing less."

He stopped an arms length from me. Close enough that his heat and scent surrounded me. Close enough to reach out and touch if I wanted to.

I didn't touch, but that didn't mean I didn't want to.

I licked my lips, saw his gaze drop to follow the movement. Smelled the sweet surge of his desire. Clenched my fists against the urge to claim the kiss we both hungered for.

"What did you talk to Mandy Jones about?" Surprisingly, my voice sounded near to normal. Given the desire rolling through me, I'd expected husky.

"We talked about several of the men she'd been with. She didn't provide any useful information."

"So you didn't talk to her about the vampire beheaded outside the club?"

"No, I did not."

"I will check, you know."

"Check all you want. I'm not lying." His gaze swept down me then rose, pi

I shrugged. "Four vamps felt the need to attempt a little retribution."

"You obviously beat them."

"Not without a little help. It happened outside Dante's, and the owner came to my rescue."

"Did he now?" There was an edge in his voice that surprised me. It almost seemed as if he were angry. Furious, even. "Did he kiss you?"

I frowned. "Why?"

"Because I've heard him boast that once he kisses a woman, she is his unto death."

And I could hardly be Dante's when I was his. I snorted. This wolf was a control freak. "He tried to, but I threatened to knock his balls through his ass and that seemed to do the trick."

Although if he had really tried, would I have been so resistant? Somehow, I didn't think so.

He seemed to relax a little. "How badly were you hurt?"

"One of them had something of a flesh fetish. He took a chunk out of my shoulder before he started feeding." I shrugged again. "It's just another scar to add to the list."

"Show me."

"Kye, it's fine. I shifted shape—"

He moved, his right arm slashing downwards, something sharp and silver glittering in his hand. A heartbeat later, the front of my t-shirt fell open, the knife slicing through it like butter but never touching my skin.

"If you don't want the rest of the shirt sliced up, you'll show me the wound."