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"Hey, big boy," I said, for the benefit of the stable hand cleaning the stall opposite. "Want to go for a ride?"

He stomped a foot and snorted, his velvet brown eyes seeming to gleam with anticipation. I gri

"Someone's pleased to see me," I murmured, and had my rump nipped for my trouble. I chuckled, and hauled myself onto his back.

Kade was moving before I was fully settled, trotting back down the aisle and breaking into a canter once we'd reached the paddock. I moved in rhythm with his stride, enjoying the whip of wind across my skin and through my hair as much as the sensation of being a part of so much contained power. The bouncing boobs weren't so enjoyable—actually, they were downright painful—but I doubted the wolf whistlers hanging off the fences would care either way.

We did our allotted half hour, then cantered around the lake's shoreline before into the trees, not stopping until we'd reached a small stream deep within the shadowed, green darkness.

I slid off his back and stepped back as the golden shimmer of shapeshifting appeared on his nose and quickly spread across the rest of his body. He was just as magnificent in human form as he was in horse, his mahogany skin, black hair, and velvet brown eyes a truly striking combination. And it wasn't only his coloring that was magnificent. He was built like a thoroughbred—broad shoulders, powerful chest, slim hips, and long, strong legs. I knew the power of those legs. Knew how hard and strong they could hold a person as he drove himself deep.

I wanted to reel that again.


He stepped free of the blanket and girth, his gaze holding mine as he pulled the halter away from his neck.

"Do you know," he said, his voice deep and somewhat husky, "how long it has been since I've had a woman?"

I let my gaze slide down to the tent pole he had happening. "A while by the look of that."

"Three weeks," he murmured, as he moved toward me. "Three horrible, torturous weeks in which heaven was so close, and yet so far."

I gri

There was only inches between us. The heat of him burned across my skin, and the air was deliciously filled with his musky odor and the rich scent of desire. It had me melting in an instant, and wanting him more than I'd wanted anyone for a while. Well, for at least the last twenty-four hours, and for wolf, that was a long time.

He raised a hand and brushed wispy strands of hair from my cheek. "I missed you."

His fingers trailed heat where they touched, and the longing already trembling inside became a symphony. I touched his chest and let my fingers explore the well-defined ridge of muscles that ran down his stomach. This man was hot in so many ways. "And I you."

The smile that tugged his lips went beyond sexy, and my hormones did an excited little jig. Of course, my hormones never needed much prompting.

His touch moved gently down my neck, and sent my pulse tripping. Between his caress, the way his breath teased my lips, and the desire that singed my senses, I was pretty much in danger of internally combusting. But he didn't get on with it, just said, "You realize this first time will be fast. I need you too badly for it to be anything else."

"Fast is good." Right now, even I didn't want slow.

He smiled, then wrapped his arms around my body and crushed me close. His lips claimed mine and for several minutes, it felt like I was tasting heaven. And yet, despite the urgency that burned between us, our kiss was slow, and tender, and so very, very thorough.

But I could feel the tension in his broad shoulders. The hardness of his erection pressing against my stomach. The quivering in his muscles as he restrained desire. It was too much. I didn't want his restraint. I wanted him. Wanted to feel the heat of him deep inside. Not in five minutes, not in two minutes. Now. And if he wasn't going to take any action, then I damn well would.

I slipped a hand between us and wrapped my fingers around his cock. His body reacted to my touch, seeming to jump with eagerness.

"Someone's anxious," he murmured, as I guided him to where it was warm and wet and ready.

"Very," I whispered. "So stop mucking around and get down to the serious stuff."

The words were barely out of my mouth and he was in me, driving hard and deep. Horse-shifters took after their animal counterparts when it came to the shape and size of their cock, and having him fill me so completely was an incredibly satisfying sensation.

His thick groan was a sound I echoed, especially when he began to move. His strokes were fierce, like he couldn't drive himself hard enough or deep enough. Or simply couldn't get enough—a feeling I understood completely. Sex with Kade was entirely different to sex with either Qui

I wrapped my legs around his hips and urged him deeper still, using the tree to support my back as he thrust and thrust, until it felt as if the rigid heat of him was trying to spear right through my spine.

My breathing sharpened as pleasure spiraled, and all too quickly my climax hit, the convulsions stealing my breath and tearing a strangled sound from my throat. He came a heartbeat later, his body slamming into mine, the force of it driving slivers of bark into my back.

At that moment in time, the slivers could have been daggers and I wouldn't have given a damn.

When the tremors eased, he leaned his sweaty forehead against mine, his breathing harsh, velvet eyes alive with amusement and desire.

"Well, that took a little of the edge off."

I gri

"Hell, yeah." He kissed me fiercely, then added, "Did I mention I haven't had sex for three weeks?"

"It's a wonder the sperm factories didn't explode under the stress of all that production and no outlet."

He snorted. "Isn't that the truth."

I lowered my feet to the ground, and he stepped back. "How much time have you got?"

I glanced at my watch. "About three-quarters of an hour."

"Good." He took my hand, walked across to grab the saddle blanket, then led me to the water's edge. "Sit," he ordered, after spreading the blanket. "And I'll remove the bark you undoubtedly have in your back while I update you."

"Update being a new term for sex?" I said hopefully.

He gri

"And here I was thinking sex came first, second, and third in line for horse-shifters."

"When I'm not working, it does. You turning Jack on?"

"God, what a revolting thought."

He chuckled. "You know what I mean."

I did, and flicked the com-link into action. "Jack? I'm with Kade."

"About time you reported in. I was getting worried."

"I had to pass a few more tests, and that house is shored up tighter than a straight boy's ass at a gay bar."

He snorted. "You have such a lovely way with words."

"Blame my pack-mate for that one." Kade still wasn't aware that Rhoan was my brother—it was a secret we kept from all but a few. I folded my legs and sat cross-legged on the mat. Kade squatted behind me, filling my senses with his warm, musky scent.