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“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Riley Jenson,” he added, his voice so soft it seemed to echo inside my head rather than through my ears

I pulled my hand from his, but clenched my fingers to retain the warmth of his touch. That one reaction made me realize I had better be careful. Until I knew more about him, about what he was really up to, I’d better keep some distance. No matter how much my hormones were suggesting otherwise

Yet curiosity was still stronger than caution

“And can you remember what you do for a living?”

He nodded. “I own Evensong Air.”

I almost choked. Evensong was the biggest of the three transpacific airlines, and had recently taken over the shuttle service to the space stations. Which made the naked vampire sitting opposite me a multibillionaire

His face closed over. “Does that alter your opinion of me?”

“Like I’ve had time to form an opinion?” I gri

His laugh sent warm shivers down my spine. “One thing I love about werewolves—they’re always forthright when it comes to sex.”

“Had a werewolf or two in your time, have you?” Which wouldn’t be entirely surprising. He was rich, he was gorgeous, and he was a vampire. They were one of the few races that could actually keep up with a werewolf in moon heat

“One or two.”

He didn’t look as if he wanted to elaborate, and I wondered why. I watched him sip his meal for a second, then said, “I thought Evensong was owned by a Frank Harris?”

“He’s the director and current face.” Qui

I was betting Frank Harris was kept on a very tight leash, all the same. “So what is a successful businessman doing getting staked out by humans? I would have thought you’d be surrounded by the latest in security gadgets.”

He frowned. “I wish I knew. It’s most a

“I’m guessing it’s even more a

“Most definitely.”

Amusement flirted with his mouth again, and my heart did the old flip-flop. Time to retreat, before I did something daft—like take this vampire’s bait

“Listen, I have to get ready for work. Would you like a coat or something? The weathermen reckon it’s going to rain later.”

A sensual smile flirted with his lips. “I appreciate the offer, but vampires do not feel the cold.”

“Maybe not, but you’re making me cold just looking at you.” Which was actually the opposite of what was happening, but he didn’t need to know that

He shrugged. “If it makes you feel better, then I shall accept the coat.”

I rose and grabbed one of Rhoan’s coats from the back of the door. At least Mrs. Russel’s heart wouldn’t go into overload if she did happen to see him. And as much as I liked pushing the old cow, I doubted whether we’d get another apartment this large or this cheap so close to the city

After closing the door, I dug through the baskets of clean clothes until I found a suitable skirt and shirt to wear. Once I’d ironed them, I got ready for work. Qui

The train was packed, and, as usual, I spent the entire journey with my nose pi

I squeezed out at Spencer Street Station and walked the block to the green glass building that housed the Directorate. After going through the security sca

There were only one hundred of us down there, and seventy of those were guardians. The other thirty were officially known as guardian liaisons. We worked mostly on rotating eight-hour shifts, and our duties were basic but far from simple—nothing could ever be considered simple when dealing with vampires. We checked and processed information about the more serious crimes, gave the guardians their assignments once the sun had set, made their reports legible once the night was over, and kept the guardians who were in residence during the daylight hours supplied with food and drink

Of course, most humans still thought vampires were forced to sleep during the sunlit hours, but that was a fallacy—and one most vampires were more than happy to perpetuate. Sure, most vamps couldn’t go out into direct sunlight for fear of being fried, but that didn’t mean they were comatose, either. Vamps didn’t need to sleep any more than they needed to breathe. If vampires did sleep, then it was done either as a leftover habit from their human years, or out of boredom

I was one of only three females doing the job, and the other two were vamps. Guardians weren’t the easiest of folk to deal with, and only those capable of protecting themselves were assigned duty there

Jack looked up from his computer screen as I walked into the room and gave me another of his toothy grins. “Morning, darlin’.”

“Morning, Jack.” I stripped off my jacket, plopped down on my seat, and looked into the security sca

“What else would an ugly sod like me do?”

I gri

“I have a life. It’s called the Directorate.”

“That’s sad. You know that, don’t you?”

“I prefer to call it committed.”

“As in, should be committed.”

He smiled. “Got your report. Nice job.”

“Thanks. Any word from Rhoan yet?”

“Not yet.” He glanced at his watch. “But it isn’t nine, and your flatmate is never on time anyway.”

I knew that well enough, and normally it didn’t worry me. “Are you going to start a search if he doesn’t report in?”

“Not immediately, no.”

“Dammit, there’s something wrong.”

“We only have your gut instinct telling us that. And even then, you say it isn’t serious. Forgive me, Riley, but if it isn’t serious, it isn’t enough to blow his mission.”

Frustration surged through me. I blew out a breath, lifting the hair from my forehead. “Then I’ll just have to do a little looking of my own.”

Jack studied me for a minute, amusement touching the corners of his green eyes. “If you find something, you will let me know.”

I raised an eyebrow. “That an order?”


“And will you share if you find anything?”

“Riley, Rhoan’s a guardian, and the mission he’s on is top secret. I can’t share information.” He paused. “Unless, of course, I was sharing it with someone who was willing to take a second guardian test.”

“That’s blackmail.”


I shook my head. “And here I was thinking you were a nice vampire.”

“There is no such thing as a nice vampire,” he said. “Just different shades of the same color. You’d be wise to remember that, especially here.”

Wasn’t that the truth. “I’m not going to take another test.” I wasn’t that concerned for Rhoan’s safety. Not yet