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“So why has he been so chatty?”

“Their erasing was not as good as it could have been.”

“It also means they were willing to sacrifice Talon and this section of their work.”


That made sense. “What about Misha? Where does he fit in, do you think?”

“I think he’s definitely involved, but the force behind it? I don’t think so, especially given his apparent willingness to let us investigate him.” He looked at me. “If Talon is right, and the person is someone who knows you, then they may also know what you are.”

“No one else knows what we are.”

“I knew. Qui

“You want me as a guardian, Liander loves Rhoan and wouldn’t harm a hair on my head because of it, and Qui

A smile tugged Jack’s lips. “All true. But if Talon was telling the truth, and the person behind all this is someone you know well, then guessing the truth might not be as hard as you think.”

I frowned. “But that doesn’t make sense. I mean, if they’ve known all along what I was, why wait until the last week to send a shooter to test me or two things to kidnap me? And why suspect what I am, and yet apparently not Rhoan?”

He shrugged. “I really don’t know.”

“And here I was thinking the Directorate knew it all.”

“We will. Eventually.”

Great. In the meantime, I was stuck in the middle of it all, with no option but to remain involved no matter how much I might wish otherwise. I closed my eyes again, and asked the one question I didn’t really want an answer to. “So where do we go from here?”

“Misha is the only lead we currently have.”

“You can’t say that until you’ve had time to go through all the files in the lab.”


“I don’t want anything more to do with Misha.”

“I know.”

“Then don’t ask.”

“I won’t. But you have to ask yourself how are you ever going to know which mate you can trust and which mate might be another plant.”

I knew all that. Knew I was really doing nothing more than blowing smoke, because truth was, I was going to see this through. I just didn’t want Jack to think I was going to let it go further. Didn’t want him to think he was getting me easily. “I will not become a guardian.”

But it might already be too late, and both he and I knew it

“Riley, if I had any other choice, I would not be asking this of you.”

I snorted softly. “Don’t try co

He gave me a lopsided smile. “This time, it’s the truth. Whoever’s behind this has obviously infiltrated the Directorate. I have no idea who else there might be besides Alan Brown and Gautier. All the people on that list you found in Brown’s office are dead, and while we are following up everything they worked on, it’s going to take time. Which means that Misha is currently our only viable source of information. If we try to put anyone else on his trail or in his bed right now, they’ll know we’re on to him.”

“Misha knows we’re on to him. Raiding his office gave that away.”

“But I suspect Misha is playing both sides of the fence, and that could certainly work to our advantage.”

“Meaning I should just do my duty and spread my legs like the good little doggy that I am?”


Tears squeezed past my closed eyelids. I’d hoped against hope that her fate would be different from that of the other missing guardians. Had hoped that she was still undercover and merely overdue. But fate seemed set on turning my world upside down just then, and I really should have known that hope wasn’t on the agenda

“That’s playing dirty, Jack.”

They’re playing dirty. I have no choice but to do the same.”

I didn’t say anything. Just grieved for the loss of a rare friend

“It’s not over, and deep down you know it.”

I swiped the tears from my cheeks and gave him what he wanted. “You’re wasting breath on the already converted.”

He chuckled softly and patted my arm. “You are going to be one of my best.”

“No, I’m not. Nor will I approach Misha. I think it best if we just sit back and let him make the first move.”

“With that, I can agree.” He rose, and stretched, his bones cracking lightly. “Why don’t you go find your brother and both of you go home?”

I looked at him. “I think we both deserve a week off for R and R.”

His gaze narrowed slightly, but the glimmer was back in his eyes. “Two days.”



“Let’s split the difference, then.”

He gri

“Okay.” But he wouldn’t. I was sure of that, if nothing else

Jack walked down the hill and disappeared inside the building. I lay in the sunshine a bit longer, then decided I’d better move before the weeds started to claim me

I pushed upright and headed back down to Genoveve. Rhoan appeared out of the main doors as I neared the road, looking as weary and disheveled as I felt

He didn’t say anything, just pulled me into the hug I’d been wanting all night. The dam broke, and the tears started falling—grief for Kelly, grief for myself, and grief for a relationship that had never been given a chance

“Don’t let him pressure you into anything you don’t want to do,” Rhoan said, after a while

I pulled back, hiccuping and wiping borrowed sleeves across my face. “I won’t.”

“And don’t give up on Qui

My gaze searched his. “You’re the one who told me not to expect anything from him.”

He grimaced. “That was before I read his note.”

My heart leapt. “He left a note?”

“Yeah, in the cryogenic chamber they must have been keeping Henri in. Here.”

He dug a white piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me. My fingers shook as I unfolded it

Thank you for helping me find my friend. Sorry I ca

My heart sunk, and I met my brother’s gaze. “It’s hardly a declaration of intent.”

He gri

I glanced down at the note again. “If I do what Jack wants me to do, I can take this”—I raised the note, scrunched it into a ball, and tossed it away—“and do that.”

“Give him time, Riley. You haven’t known each other very long, and he’s had a rough time with wolves.”

“I know.” I forced a smile. “But I am a wolf, and he’s a vampire with some very human hangups. I don’t think there’s a whole lot of common ground between us.”

“But a wolf never gives up once the scent of a chase is on.”

I gave him a wry smile. “Especially when the scent leads to great sex.”

“Precisely. Great sex is something one can never give up on.”

“Is that why you’re still with Davern?”

“Hell, yeah.” He gave me a cheeky grin, then twined his fingers through mine and squeezed them lightly. “Why don’t we go home, get cleaned up, then go out and get blindly, stinkingly, drunk?”

I smiled. “That’s seems like the perfect ending to a perfectly wretched week.”

And it was