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“How did they know where I was going to be?”

He glanced down at the arm that held the tracker, giving me the answer in an instant. I swore softly. “Then how did you know about the attack?”

He gave me that smile again and didn’t answer

I tapped my fingers against the table. “So are you going to tell me who owns Konane?”

His gaze swept down my body, and the fever that had lain in wait ignited. His silver eyes met mine, echoing the hunger that burned through me. I didn’t want to want him, but at that moment, I had no choice. And I needed the answer he’d yet to give

“I want another two hours out there,” he said, nodding toward the heaving crowd on the dance floor


His smile was sweet, and yet there was something cold about it. Something very calculating. And in that moment, I saw the similarity between him and Talon. “It doesn’t matter why.”

I guess in the end it didn’t. He got his two hours. Then I got the name


Chapter 14

I headed for the toilets and had a long, hot shower. It didn’t do much to ease the aches of my body, but at least I felt cleaner. And the moon’s heat no longer flicked through my veins. Misha had finally seen to that, if nothing else. Maybe he thought it would ensure I’d see him again

But if that had been his thinking, then he didn’t know me very well at all. Though what did I really know of him? Or Talon?

At least my questions had been answered—whether truthfully or not still remained to be seen

But the night had achieved something else—it had solidified my determination never to become a guardian. Because guardians, whether male or female, often used sex to gather information, and being with Misha had given me a small taste of what that was like. I had no problems with having sex with someone I didn’t know. I’d done that most of my life, in many different werewolf clubs, and enjoyed myself immensely. But having sex with a stranger for the sole purpose of gathering information almost smacked of prostitution, and that sat uncomfortably

Yet wasn’t that exactly what I’d just done? Sure, I knew Misha, but did that really make a difference? The fact that I’d gone into the situation ready and willing to do what was necessary proved I was more like my brother—and more capable of undercover work—than I’d thought

And that was the most uncomfortable thought of all

I rubbed a hand across gritty-feeling eyes then glanced at the clock on the wall. It was just past two, and I really had to get moving. I stood under the hot water for a few more minutes, then toweled myself dry and got dressed. Stan and Jimmy gave me cheerful good-byes as I made my way back to the shadows of the lane


I shrugged. “I got the answers to everyone’s questions.”

“The answers can wait. You look like hell.”

“Strange. That’s exactly what I feel like.” I stopped several feet away, wishing he’d take me in his arms and hold me. Just hold me. Nothing more—not right away, anyway. I simply needed the comfort of a touch that wasn’t hard or rough or calculating

But he didn’t move, and I didn’t ask

“Misha knew Jack and Rhoan were breaking in to his office.”

“That explains the unhappy vibes I’ve been getting from you.”

Was it any wonder he was getting unhappy vibes? Both of my mates were apparently using me for their own ends and never once had I suspected them. So much for trusting my damn instincts

“Talon made an appearance at the club tonight,” he continued

Alarm shot through me. “What?”

He nodded. “Went in about forty-five minutes ago and left about ten minutes later.”

“Wonder why?” It made no sense, especially considering he’d seemed determined to kill me after he’d learned of my mixed heritage

“Maybe he’s reconsidered.”

“No.” Talon rarely changed his mind about anything. If he’d come to the club, it would be for some reason other than wanting to conceive a child with me. “Did you try and stop him?”

“No, but I followed him in.”

I hadn’t sensed either of them. “What did he do?”

“Watched you and Misha.”

“Misha implied that he and Talon had been partners in the past. Maybe they still are. Maybe Talon came into the club for that reason.”

“And maybe realized that while he might not personally like your mixed heritage, you’re still too good a morsel to pass up for research.”

A chill ran through me. I had a feeling he’d hit the nail right on the head


“We’d better keep an eye on Talon. I fear he may be more involved than we currently think.”

“He is. He owns Konane, and he owns Genoveve.”

He kissed the top of my head, his lips a feather-light brush of heat. Then he held me away from him, and the night seemed suddenly colder

“If that’s the case, we’d better get moving.”

I nodded, though I really didn’t want to go anywhere but back into his arms

“Here, put this on, then get into the car.” His voice was even, yet I had a sense of controlled excitement. Perhaps he, like me, sensed that the resolution of this whole mess was drawing close

I took the thin strap of metal he held out. “What is it?”

“It’ll disrupt the chip’s tracking signal and ensure we’re not followed.”

I strapped it onto my forearm as I climbed into the car. “Any word from Rhoan or Jack?”

“They’re finished and waiting at Liander’s.”

We drove in silence to the workshop. Rhoan, Jack, and Liander were seated in the small dining-cum-living room behind the main workshop. Rhoan rose from the sofa he and Liander were sharing and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back, glad to have someone in my life who was stable. Constant. Someone who loved me for what I was, not what I could do for him or produce for him. Someone who would always accept me as I was, vampire bloodline, wolf heritage, and all

“You okay?” he whispered

I nodded, not daring to answer in fear that the tears stinging my eyes would choose that moment to break free

“Sex for information is never pleasant the first time.”

“That’s the trouble—in the end, the sex was more than pleasant.” I shivered. “I don’t want to become a guardian.”

But it could happen, and I very much suspected that Jack was right. That I’d not only be good at it, but I’d enjoy it. Even the information-gathering, sex-with-strangers bit

“Then fight it for as long as is practical.” He stepped back, his face stern but eyes smoky with understanding. “You need a hot drink?”

“Coffee, with a chaser of bourbon.”

He squeezed my hand, then walked across to the minibar. I sat down on a hard wooden chair next to Qui

“So,” I said, voice edgy, “what happened to cutting all the alarm systems?”

Liander looked more than a little affronted. “I may be rusty, but I’m not that rusty.”

“Then how come Misha knew you were in his office going through his files when I walked into the Blue Moon tonight?”

“He couldn’t have,” Jack said. “Believe me, we were very careful.”

“Electronically, perhaps, but Misha implied he had more than electronic security systems present.”

“He did, and they never saw us.”

“Someone—or something—did.”

Rhoan handed me the alcohol and I drank it in one gulp. It burned all the way down, but at least it took the edge off the cold knot sitting deep in the pit of my stomach

“Then he didn’t answer any questions?”

“No, he was quite happy to talk. He reckons he has nothing to hide.”

“And you believe him?” Qui