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Footsteps approached. The softness of the tread and the scent in the air said it was Qui

“How did you find me?”

“I saw Talon snatch you, but the creatures stopped me from coming to your aid.” He stopped in front of me, a warmth I could feel rather than see. “When I could, I called Liander, and he did a search for all of Talon’s known addresses.”

So Liander was the other voice I’d heard. “This place was only recently purchased by a subsidiary company, so how did you find it?”

“The subsidiary is one of the ones Jack had uncovered. Given this was a recent purchase, we took a chance.”

And Talon had thought he was being so clever. But any amusement I might have felt was smothered under the apprehension of what had happened there. What I’d done

What he’d done

“I don’t want to become a vampire on my death.” It came out little more than a cracked whisper, and I swallowed to ease the dryness. But that only succeeded in pushing the bitter taste down my throat again, and my stomach stirred in warning. “I hate the taste of blood.” Not that I’d ever tasted human blood before the moon madness, but I’d hunted enough rabbit over the years, and every time I’d sunk teeth into flesh, the rush of warm blood into my mouth had made me want to vomit. Rhoan reckoned I was a vegetarian who just wasn’t willing to admit it yet

“Many vampires hate the taste in the begi

I looked up, surprised. “I never knew that.”

He raised an eyebrow. “If it were not so, don’t you think the world would be overrun with vampires by now?”

“I never really thought about it.”

He moved my hand, pressing the cup to my lips. “Rinse your mouth out. You’ll feel a little better, believe me.”

It wasn’t water in the cup, but something that was both sweet and spicy. Whatever it was, it worked, and I did feel better once the bitter, metallic taste had fled my mouth. He took the cup, rinsing it quickly under the tap

His arm was bandaged from wrist to elbow, and the fact that it wasn’t in a sling at least meant I hadn’t bitten through bone. But he used his left hand rather than his right to wash the cup and turn off the tap

“How much damage did I do?”

He shrugged. “It’s nothing my body can’t heal.”

“That doesn’t answer the question.”

“No.” He held out his left hand, and I placed my fingers in his. He pulled me up and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, his lips lingering, breath warm against my skin. Then he stepped back. “I shall have scars from wrist to elbow.”

If he was going to end up with scars, I’d done everything but break bone. I briefly closed my eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“You were only obeying the needs of your body. The fault lies with another.”

Though it was evenly said, something in his expression made me realize our time together was coming to an end. He might still want me, but he was ready to move on

I took a deep breath, but it did little to ease the sudden rush of anger. The wolf might be sated, but, by Christ, I still wanted to smash Talon’s face in. Not only for what he’d done to me, but for his utter destruction of whatever chance there’d been for me and Qui

“Is he dead?”

Cold fury flashed in his eyes. “No.”

“Good, because I owe him a punch or three.”

“When we find him again, I’ll make sure you get your chance.”

Disbelief ran through me, and my gaze searched his. “You let him escape?”

“Not intentionally. Some of his men arrived while I was tending to you. By the time I realized what was happening and went to Liander’s aid, Talon had fled.”


That has already led to more than a few problems.”

Again anger surged. “Don’t be blaming me. The bloodlust was not something I could have controlled.”

“Wasn’t it? If you’d taken my offer of relief in the parking lot rather than playing games, none of this would have happened.”

“Maybe the bloodlust wouldn’t have happened so quickly, but he still would have snatched and chained me. From there, it was only a matter of time.”

“We would have found you before that time was up.”

Maybe. And maybe not. Talon would have smelled the thickness of my need and known how close to the edge I was. Maybe the only reason he’d come to this house was because he knew he didn’t have much time to restrain me

Which pointed me to another point. “Why didn’t you make sure he couldn’t escape? Touch his mind and force him to do what you want?”

“He had a shield on.”

“So? You could have removed it.”

“Could have, only I had more pressing problems.”

Meaning me. “I was chained. You could have done whatever you wanted.”

“Not when I could feel your agony.”

My anger partially evaporated at his soft words. He cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing my lips. My gaze rose to the heat of his, and my pulse accelerated. The moon might be lost to the brightness of the day, but simply being close to Qui

It was just a damn shame he lived in Sydney. That after this case was solved and forgotten, he’d walk away without a second’s thought, because I was a wolf and we were okay to fuck but not get involved with

Not that I actually wanted involvement—but I definitely wanted to explore the breadth of the attraction between us

“Do you think Talon was behind those things that attacked us?” I asked


“Why not?”

“Because I doubt he’d set his creatures on us, then kill them to save you. And because there was someone else there, someone who came to watch.”

There was an edge in his voice, and I raised an eyebrow. “You caught them?”

“No. But I saw the van and I was able to catch a glimpse of the number plate as they drove off. Jack’s ru

No real surprise there, as we were only going on what we’d found—and we’d found very little. “The truck was from them?”

“Yes. Only it’s not a military or research concern, but rather a confectionary company.”

I blinked. Confectionary? “How does that co

“God only knows. Maybe they nicked the van and were using it simply because it wouldn’t normally come under suspicion.”

“Too much of a coincidence that my kidnappers were also taking me to a place named Genoveve.” I frowned, absently chewing my lip. “You know, I have a bad feeling I’ve seen that name before.”

“Most likely on the supermarket shelf.”

“No, somewhere else.”

He frowned. “Like where?”

I opened my mouth to say I’d tell him if I knew when the memory finally hit me

It had been almost a year ago that I’d seen the name, and, given the circumstances, it was a wonder I’d remembered it at all

I’d been on a date with a new mate, and we’d gone back to his office for reasons that now escaped me. Genoveve had been one of the files we’d swept off the desk in our haste to clear enough space to make love

I closed my eyes, part of me unwilling to believe that I might have been betrayed yet again

Because my date that night had been the director and owner of Rollins Enterprises
