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“The Directorate’s a government department. It’s regularly swept.”

His smile made my hormones do their jig again. “My labs are developing this one, and so far, it’s gone undetected in a number of government buildings.”

I raised my eyebrows. “And why would you be bugging government offices?”

“Not all offices. Just those trying to place sanctions on my businesses.”

“And, handily, you just happened to be carrying one of these little bugs around in your pocket?”

“No. The labs developing them are in Melbourne. I went there yesterday and picked one up.” He smiled at me. “Of course, I’ve now warned your boss what I’m up to, so I daresay I’ll have to develop new spying methods.”

He placed the dot on the base unit, then walked around the table and held out a hand. “Shall we go?”

I glanced at the wall clock as I wove my fingers in his. “Jack didn’t want us to meet back at the farmhouse until five. That gives us three hours to fill in before we have to leave for Seymour.” I met his gaze and tried to restrain my grin. “What do you think we should do to fill in the time?”

“Feel like a coffee?”


He unlocked the door and wrapped a hand around the handle. “How about a midnight snack?”

“It’s well after midnight and the only thing I’m interested in sampling right now”—I swept my gaze down the front of him—“is something I’ve already tasted.”

“Do you always talk this dirty to mates?”

I laughed. “My dear vampire, I haven’t even begun to get dirty yet.”

Amusement and desire vied for prominence in his eyes. “That almost sounds like a threat.”

“Take it any way you want. As long as you take me, I don’t care.”

“Oh, you can be sure that I intend to take you.” His sexy grin teased my hormones as he opened the door. “Just not here. Out you go.”

I went, and ran nose first into someone who was little more than shadow. I yelped, and jumped back, my pulse going a mile a minute. But even before the shadows found form, I knew it was Gautier. His smell wrapped around me, a noxious scent that made me want to scratch at my skin. Qui

“Director Brown,” Gautier said, oily tones soft and somewhat respectful. “I thought you’d gone home sick.”

“I had. Now I’m back. What do you want?”

“Nothing. Just doing my nightly check.”

He was lying. I knew for a fact Radford was supposed to be doing the rounds that week, not Gautier. So why was he there, nosing around the executive floor? Did he suspect something was wrong, or was he up to business of his own? Business that meant ill for the Directorate?

“Then why were you standing at my door?” Qui

“Thought I heard voices. And, as I said, I didn’t know you were here, sir.”

He was still lying. And was that a bead of sweat on his forehead? What on earth had Gautier been about to do?

“Well, now you know the source of the voices, I suggest you continue your rounds.”

Gautier hesitated, took a glance at the cameras, then wrapped the shadows around himself and disappeared. I switched to infrared, watching him retreat until he disappeared into the stairwell

“Let’s go,” Qui

I waited until we were in the lift, then pulled my arm free of his grip. “Gautier suspects us.”

He raised an eyebrow. “How do you know that? You can’t read his thoughts any more than he can read yours.”

“No. But I could read his expression—”

“A vampire like Gautier doesn’t have expressions.”

“It was there—just a brief flicker. Something you said made him suspect us.”

“Then we’re getting out of here as fast as we can. We can’t risk him getting help and maybe cornering us.”

No, we couldn’t, because I’d seen Gautier in action. And while I had no doubt that Qui

We exited the building and made our way down the street. Though I heard no sound, the hairs on the back of my neck rose

“We’re being followed,” I said softly

“I know. But the closest one is not a vampire—the heartbeat is too regular.” His fingers tightened on mine. “Let’s head for the car and see what happens.”

We didn’t alter our pace, just kept walking. The tall buildings around us blocked out most of the wind’s fury, but though it was after midnight, the night was far from quiet. The moon was riding high and wolves were celebrating all over the city. Even the traffic was heavier than normal

Yet through all the noise came a whisper of movement. It was more a sigh of air than anything else, and it was coming at us fast. I caught the sharp tang of musk and man, and anger surged through me. It wasn’t Gautier

I pulled free from Qui

Surprise ran through his eyes. I squeezed his fingers a little harder, and the surprise became pain. “And what do you think you’re doing?”

“I gather you know this gentleman.” Qui

“I’d use the term ‘gentleman’ loosely. But yeah, I know him.” I released Talon’s hand, throwing it back against his chest. “What the hell are you doing here? And how did you find me?”

He gri

This is your mate?” Qui

“Mate as in sex partner, not mate as in permanent relationship. This jerk has just decided he needs a kid from me and has laid claims without my consent.”

“There are laws against that, you know,” Qui

“Now, there’s a thought.” I pushed Talon hard in the chest, knocking him back several steps. Surprise flickered in his golden eyes

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I continued sharply. “What right have you got to come here after me?”

The false smile slipped away, and what remained was cold and hard. God, what had I ever seen in this man? “You’re mine, little wolf, and I don’t intend to share. Even with a dead man.”

“I belong to no one but myself. And how do you know he’s a vampire?”

Talon snorted, his expression impatient as his gaze briefly swept past me. “It’s Alan Brown, isn’t it? Seen him on the recruiting ads.”

If it had been Alan Brown, Talon would have been dead meat. Brown was another of those vampires who didn’t treat fools—or those who didn’t respect his so called “superiority”—lightly. “So how did you find me?”

“Easy. I checked out what shifts you were supposed to be on this week and came here to wait for you.”

He was lying. Why I was so certain, I didn’t know. Certainly there was nothing in his eyes or his expression that gave him away

“You broke into my apartment?” And how could he have found my schedule in all that mess when half the time I had trouble?

He shrugged, his gaze sliding down my body, becoming heated when he saw what I was wearing. Or almost wearing. “I like, little wolf.”

For the first time, the fierce burn of his aura had little effect. It was as if some sort of veil had been raised between us. I felt the caress of his desire but it no longer stirred the fever. Maybe because I’d finally glimpsed the real Talon and hadn’t liked what I’d seen

He reached out to touch me, but I slapped his hand away. “Have you given up on that crazy idea of yours?”