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“This call from his mother must be truly urgent if you’re going to such extremes to find him.”

My “yes” became lost in the sweet fever that flew through me as he began to trail kisses down my neck. When he caught a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard, I gasped and almost collapsed in pleasure. Somehow, through the haze of desire clouding my thoughts, I found the strength to add, “Death in the family.”

“Ah.” His fingers slid down past my belly, past my pubic hair, and deep into slickness

For too many minutes, all I could do was groan in pleasure

When I finally managed to gather enough brain cells together, I said, “You walk in the same circles as Qui

His teeth were grazing me, teasing me, and all the while his aura washed me with heat and desire. Any other time I would have given in and gone with the flow, but I needed whatever help he could give

He worked his way up to my mouth. “Promise to concentrate on the business at hand,” he said, and nipped my lip hard enough to hurt. But it was a sweet pain, especially when his tongue immediately caressed the sting away. “And I’ll promise to find out what I can about Evensong Air and its owner.”

“This is urgent.” But my fingers were straying down his back, my actions belying my words as I spread my legs and pulled him closer

“So is this.”

He pressed himself between my legs, sliding his cock back and forth, teasing, but not entering

“If it was urgent, you wouldn’t be teasing but doing.”

He made a growling sound in the back of his throat, then, with one hard thrust, sheathed himself in me. I groaned in pleasure. Talon filled me, stretched me, in a way no other wolf did—and right then, I wanted to feel every single hard inch of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his hips, and pushed him deeper still. He cupped my butt, supporting me as he thrust and thrust and thrust, until it felt as if the rigid heat of him was trying to claim my entire body

There was nothing gentle about this mating. Couldn’t be, with the heat of the moon burning us both so fiercely. I rode him hard, needing it fast and furious, and Talon was more than happy to comply. Pleasure spiraled quickly and my climax hit, the convulsions stealing my breath and tearing a strangled sound from my throat. He came a heartbeat later, his body slamming into mine, the force of it echoing through every fiber of my being and shuddering through the wall behind me

Once the tremors had subsided, I gri

His grin was ferocious. “That was little more than taking the edge off our need. I made a promise, little wolf, and I intend to keep it.”

If there was one thing I admired about Talon more than his physique, it was his ability to keep his promises

But as good as it was between us, he didn’t make me scream his name to the moon. That was the one pleasure I would keep reserved for the man who was my soul mate—wherever he might be

After two hours of wild and sweaty sex, Talon took off to find another mate and I had a long, hot shower. Once dressed, I grabbed my bag out of the locker and made my way up the steps

“Now, here’s a wolf looking mighty pleased with herself,” Jimmy commented as he opened the door

I gri

He nodded. “There was a gent in here looking for you earlier.”

“Really?” I said, surprised. “Who?”

“Vamp. He had a look around and came back out, asking if I’d seen you.”

Shit. It had to be Qui

Whatever Qui

“About an hour.”

Relief swept me. The security system would still have been in place then. He wouldn’t have sensed me. “And you told him?”

“That you had been in earlier, but you’d moved on to the Harbor Bar.”

The Harbor Bar was a good hour across town, giving me time yet to escape should he be on the way back. I rose up on tippy-toes and kissed Jimmy’s leathery cheek. “You’re a doll. Mind if I use the side entrance?”

“Go for it.”

I swung on my coat and headed around the back. A blast of wintry air greeted me as I pushed open the back door and I shivered, half-wishing I had something warmer than a skirt to wear. Still, in the week of the moon heat, jeans generally weren’t practical

I slung my bag over my shoulder and loped toward the Rocker. I heard the club long before I saw it. There weren’t many places in town still playing Presley’s classic “Blue Suede Shoes,” and absolutely none who’d follow it up with Chris Isaak’s “Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing.” I often wondered where the club managed to dig up some of the songs they played, as many of them had been released only on vinyl or CD, and those technologies had long since gone by the wayside

Unlike the Blue Moon, the Rocker was bright, neon bright. Windows lined the main entrance, allowing curious passersby to peer inside. Nothing more than eating, drinking, and human-style dancing happened in the main room—those who wanted to mate did so in the privacy of the upstairs dance hall, far away from the public’s prying eyes

I went through the door and checked my bag and coat, then headed to the bar, ordering a cocktail and ending up with something pink and fluffy. With that in hand, I began my search for Liander. I found Misha first—he was coming down the stairs as I was about to go up them

“Hey, pretty lady,” he said, appearing out of the shadows as silently as a ghost. “Like that shirt you’re almost wearing.”

I smiled and kissed his pale cheeks. “Talon did another of his caveman tricks.”

“I’m jealous.” He gri

“Play your cards right, and I might just let you tear off the skirt.” Though after two hours of hard and furious sex, it wasn’t going to be anytime in the immediate future. “You seen Liander about? I need to talk to him about Rhoan.”

“Why? Is he in trouble?”

I gave him the same reason I’d given Talon, and he turned, offering me his arm. “Then I shall escort you to where he’s currently demolishing a burger.”

I smiled and hooked my arm through his. Talon might be a fantastic lover, but it was Misha I was comfortable with beyond the realms of sex. I liked Misha. I was never entirely sure that I could say the same about Talon

Misha escorted me up the stairs and through the barnlike space that was the private dance room. Only half the benches and bean bags were occupied, which was odd, considering that the Blue Moon was packed and the full moon was drawing close. Liander was sitting on a sofa down at the far end, and he was alone—something else that was surprising

I sat on the sofa opposite him and Misha slid in beside me. His thigh pressed against mine, and desire tingled across my flesh—a reaction that told me that no matter what I’d thought, the moon wasn’t entirely finished with me yet

“Nice drink,” Liander said, by way of greeting

I looked down at the fluffy thing. “I have no idea what it is. I asked for something sweet and got this.”

“A warning never to ask for something sweet at an old rock and roll bar.”

He leaned back, and sunlight danced across his sculptured cheekbones, making them shine a deep, rich gold. Which matched the highlights in his silver hair. I couldn’t help smiling. Last week, he’d been blue. It was just as well he was one of the top special effects artists in the country, because he’d never be able to afford his ever-changing looks otherwise