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He smiled. A real smile that lit up his whole face.

“Good,” he said.

He pulled me against him. Then he bent down, breath warming my lips. My pulse was racing so fast I could barely breathe. I was sure he’d stop again and I tensed, waiting for that hesitation, stomach twisting. His lips touched mine, and still I kept waiting for him to pull back.

His lips pressed against mine, then parted. And he kissed me. Really kissed me-arms tightening around me, mouth moving against mine, firm, like he’d made up his mind that this was what he wanted and he wasn’t backing down again.

I slid my arms around his neck. His tightened around me and he scooped me up, lifting me off my feet, kissing me like he was never going to stop, and I kissed him back the same way, like I didn’t want him to ever stop.

It was a perfect moment, one where nothing else mattered. All I could feel was him. All I could taste was his kiss. All I could hear was the pounding of his heart. All I could think about was him, and how much I wanted this, and how incredibly lucky I was to get it, and how tight I was going to hold onto it.

This was what I wanted. This guy. This life. This me. I was never getting my old life back, and I didn’t care. I was happy. I was safe. I was right where I wanted to be.

About the Author

KELLEY ARMSTRONG is the bestselling author of the Women of the Otherworld series and the first two books in the Darkest Powers trilogy, THE SUMMONING and THE AWAKENING, which debuted at number one on the New York Times bestseller list. About THE AWAKENING, Kirkus Reviews said in a starred review: “Dark alleys, undead bodies, and bountiful blood will cause shivers, while Chloe’s chemistry with both boys will raise readers’ pulses.”

To find out more about the Darkest Powers trilogy, visit www.chloesaunders.com.

Kelley Armstrong

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