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As we walked the short distance to the recreation learning area of triads three and four I wondered about the necessity of assigning older students to supply the caring relationship of a special brother and sister to each younger child.

Carol picked up my thoughts. "It probably isn't as important now since we would provide this relationship even if we weren't assigned it. But when the Macro society began there were not as many highly evolved souls who could telepathically tune in to the needs of others so, in order not to miss anyone, elder brothers and sisters were assigned to all students. Then, as our Personal Evolution tutoring system developed, elder brothers and sisters were assigned only to the first four triads."

"Speaking of tutoring," I said, "how does it work? What's the difference between that and teaching?"

"First of all," Carol replied, "we here in 2150 do not believe in the ancient concept of teaching where students passively absorbed or blocked out what a teacher was desperately trying to give them. We, therefore, have no teachers.

"We believe learning to be an active process where one person reaches out and takes knowledge stimulated by his interaction with a resource person."

"So you feel knowledge can only be taken, not given," I summarized.

"Yes. Now, to answer your question, resource persons are specialists in learning areas such as agriculture, ecology, or bio-physics, for example, while Personal Evolution tutors deal with all learning and all human problems."

"It sounds like you think resource people know all about something and your P.E. tutors know all about everything. Do you really believe that's possible?" I asked.

Carol was amused by my skepticism. "It depends on what you mean by, 'know all about everything.' To the extent that our tutors have attained moments of total Macro contact awareness, they do know everything. But knowing the answers to all questions and living these answers are two different things.

"Even a Macro person ca

"All right," I said, "what you're saying, then, is that you have tutors who can supply all the answers, but that the real problem is not finding the answers but putting these answers into practice in your daily life living them. The same age-old problem."

I went on, "If you only have 127 level tens and 3,306 level nines, and since they serve as your leaders, this must leave you with a real shortage of tutors."

"Oh, no," Carol assured me, "there's no shortage, because all persons in levels six and above function as P.E. tutors. This includes thirty million sixes and three million sevens as well as the thirty-nine hundred eights." (See C.I. Data Excerpts.)

I did some quick mental arithmetic. "That makes 33,003,900 tutors, so there are less than ten pupils per tutor. Still, if everyone saw a Personal Evolution tutor every day there would be no time at all for the level sixes, sevens, and eights to do anything but tutor. That doesn't sound like much of a life. Don't they get tired of all that?"

"I can see where that would be a tiresome existence," she answered. "Fortunately, it's not that bad at all. You see, only students see a tutor every day, and even that isn't required. The vast majority of our Macro society doesn't visit with a P.E. tutor more than once a week."

As she finished speaking we entered the thousand-square-yard recreation learning area of the 3rd and 4th triads. I was impressed by the tremendous activity going on for as far as I could see. There were at least thirty te

"That's because the 5th and 7th triads are assigned to the 3rd triad, and the 6th is assigned to the 4th," she explained.

"Oh, that's right, the older brother and sister system," I replied. "But why are two triads assigned to the 3rd? Do they need extra attention for some reason?"

"Actually," Carol answered, "It's the first two triads that get the most attention. We use the 3rd and 4th triads for the 5th and 6th and 7th triads to practice developing their skill at maintaining a helping relationship with someone younger."

"It seems that helping someone is the most highly honored achievement in the Macro society," I observed.

Carol nodded, saying, "That's why our P.E. tutors occupy our most respected social positions and provide our top leadership."

"In the 20th century," I said, "we valued the entertainment profession more than any other, I guess, for we gave our most valuable rewards-money and fame-to entertainers like movie or TV celebrities or sports stars."

"That's because micro man's life is so miserable that he uses any sort of entertainment to escape," Carol explained, "so, naturally, entertainers would be paid more than anyone else."

"You know," I reflected, "that doesn't say much for the value we placed on education, does it? Teaching was one of our lowest-paid professions."

"That's true, Jon," Carol ' responded. "Micro man placed very little importance on education. Your schools, therefore, were often filled with inadequately prepared teachers who were expected to teach their students how to memorize facts and detail instead of how to think creatively. Much time was spent on subjects which were of little use to the average person, such as foreign languages, algebra, and higher mathematics, while most learning programs gave little or no attention to the most important subject of all-human behavior and life philosophy. I group these two together because man's behavior is always the result of his beliefs, that is, his philosophy of life."

As she completed this observation a boy and girl ran up to her and wrapped their arms around her. They looked strong and healthy and, like all other Macro society children, they possessed great physical beauty. I was thinking that they must have had about 10 years when I received Carol's telepathic message that they were both just 7. She telepathically teased me about having already begun to think in 2150 terms, then introduced me as her new Alpha mate and, therefore, their new brother.

As their eyes reached out to me, I realized another reason why members of the Macro society greet each other silently. They are using this silence to concentrate on the delightful nuances of telepathic contact, which removes all possibility of fear or distrust. I learned that the boy's name was Neal and the girl was Jean, but most importantly I learned that I felt joyously happy at our meeting, almost as if they were my long-lost friends. I wasn't surprised when Carol explained this, saying that I knew them in other lifetimes in which we were very close.

Jean demonstrated her awareness when she picked up the fact that te

This sounded like a fine idea except that I had never played te

As we began playing I avoided using my power shots, but.after the first five minutes of some of the hardest and best-played te