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"I think you may be," Small Kae replied. "Maati-kvo said that binding an

andat involves all kinds of inclusions. I don't see why this one would

be any different."

There was a pause, a sound that might have been the ghost of a sigh.

"Add it to the list," Eiah said as Maati turned through a well-lit

doorway and into the room.

"What list?" he asked.

There was a moment's silence, and then uproar. The circle of chairs was

abandoned, and Maati found himself the subject of a half-dozen embraces.

The dread and anger and despair that had dogged his steps lightened if

it didn't vanish. He let Vanjit lead him to an empty chair, and the

others gathered around him, their eyes bright, their smiles genuine. It

was like coming home. When Eiah returned to his question, he had

forgotten it. It took a moment to understand what she was saying.

"It's a list of questions for you," she said. "After we came and put the

place more or less to rights, we started ... well, we started holding

class without you."

"It wasn't really the same," Small Kae said with an apologetic pose. "We

only didn't want to forget what we'd learned. We were only talking about


"After a few nights it became clear we were going to need some way to

keep track of the parts that needed clarifying. It's become rather a

long list. And some of the questions ..."

Maati took a pose that dismissed her concerns, somewhat hampered by the

bowl of curried rice in his hand.

"It's a good thought," he said. "I would have recommended it myself, if

I'd been thinking clearly. Bring me the list tonight, and perhaps we can

start going over it in the morning. If you are all prepared to begin

working in earnest?"

The roar of agreement drowned out his laughter. Only Eiah didn't join

in. Her smile was soft, almost sad, and she took no pose to explain it.

Instead, she poured a bowl of water for him.

"Is Cehmai-kvo here?" Large Kae asked.

Maati took a bite of the rice, chewing slowly, letting the spices burn

his tongue a little before answering.

"I didn't find him," Maati said. "There was a message, but it was

outof-date. I searched as long as there seemed some chance of finding

him, but there was no sign. I left word where I could, and it may very

well reach him. He might join us at any time. My job is to have you all

prepared in case he does."

It was kinder than the truth. If Maati's failure had been only that he

hadn't found help, it left them the hope that help might still arrive.

It was no great lie to give them an image of the future in which

something good might come. And it was easier for him if he didn't have

to say he'd been refused. Only Eiah knew; he could hear it in her

silence. She would follow his lead.

Maati's mule was seen to, his things hauled into the room they had

prepared for him, and a bath drawn in a wide copper tub set before a

fire grate. It reminded him of nothing so much as his days living in

court, servants available at any moment to cater to his needs. It was

strange to recall that he had lived that way once. It seemed both very

recent and very long ago. And also, the slaves and servants that had

driven the life in the palaces of Machi hadn't been women he knew and

cared for. Slipping into the warm water, feeling his travel-abused

joints ache just a degree less, letting his eyes rest, Maati wondered

what it would have been like to receive so much female attention when

he'd been younger. There would have been a time when the simple sensual

pleasures of food and a warm bath might have suggested something more

sexual. It might still, if bone-deep weariness hadn't held him.

But no, that wasn't true. He wasn't dead to lust, but it had been years

since it had carried the urgency that he remembered from his youth. He

wondered if that wasn't part of why women had been barred from the

school and the village of the Dai-kvo. Would any poet have been able to

focus on a binding if half his mind was on a woman his body was aching

for? Or perhaps there was something in that mind-set itself that would

affect the binding. So much of the andat was a reflection of the poet

who bound it, it would be easy to imagine andat fashioned by younger

poets in the forms of wantons and whores. Apart from the profoundly

undignified nature of such a binding, it might actually make holding the

andat more difficult as decades passed and a man's fires burned less

brightly. He wondered if there was an analogy with women.

The scratch at the door brought him back. He'd half fallen asleep there

in the water. He rose awkwardly, reaching for his robe and trying not to

spill so much water that it flowed into the fire grate and killed the


"Yes, yes," he called as he fastened the robe's ties. "I'm not drowned

yet. Come in."

Eiah stepped through the doorway. There was something in her arms, held

close to her. Between the unsteady light of the fire and his own

age-blunted sight, he couldn't tell more than it looked like a book.

Maati took a pose of welcome, his sleeves water-stuck to his arms.

"Should I come back later?" she asked.

"No, of course not," Maati said, pulling a chair toward the fire for

her. "I was only washing the road off of me. Is this the famed list?"

"Part of it is," she said as she sat. She was wearing a physician's robe

of deep green and gold. "Part of it's something else."

Maati settled himself on the tub's wide lip and took a pose that

expressed curiosity and surprise. Eiah handed him a scroll, and he

unfurled it. The questions were all written in a large hand, clearly,

and each with a small passage to give some context. He read three of

them. Two were simple enough, but the third was more interesting. It

touched on the difficulties of generating new directionals, and the

possibility of encasing absolute structures within relative ones. It

gave the grammar an odd feeling, as if it were suggesting that fire was

hot rather than asserting it.

It was interesting.

"Are they all like this?" he asked.

"The questions? Some of them, yes," Eiah said. "Vanjit's especially were

beyond anything we could find a plausible answer for."

Maati pursed his lips and nodded. An absolute made relative. What would

that do? He found himself smiling without knowing at first what he was

smiling about.

"I think," he said, "leaving you to your own company may have been the

best thing I've done."

The firelight caught Eiah's answering smile.